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2/17/2008 2:50:07 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Bloomington, IL
age: 42

In a relationship sometimes someone can get under yur skin...what makes you WANT to say "shut the hell up" or "get off me" .....I am talkin things that will make you just cant deal with......yes the comedy channel is on in the other room,lol can ya tell

mine is i dont like b*tching!!..... .Shut the hell up! drama

neediness ALL THE TIME...ugh ........get off me....I got to breathe

(see the humor this could be fun)

[Edited 2/17/2008 3:51:00 PM]

2/17/2008 3:07:11 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34

I don't liked to be nagged.

If I said NO once, I mean it. I'm not going to change my mind - so stop asking me

I don't like repeating myself about something that has already been discussed.

[Edited 2/17/2008 3:07:24 PM]

2/17/2008 3:35:56 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Selah, WA
age: 47

I usually say it twice then the third time it's like ... I know I spoke english when I said it the first time so what part did you not understand??? The N or the O???

2/17/2008 3:39:31 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Riverside, CA
age: 29

cant stand the lies.. the pretending to be something your not, the fakeness &
just saying things to impress people & not being real.

2/17/2008 3:42:06 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Ashford, WA
age: 58

when you ask someone whats bothering them and they say nothing and you know DAM well there is something wrong but not what it is now that gets to me

2/17/2008 3:54:43 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Bloomington, IL
age: 42

my ex use to ask me "whats wrong"...ugh...nothing...i just l;ike my sanctuary.....i am a thinker...I love when there a COMFORTABLE silences ina relationship...i think it shows comforta, compatibility, security ect...Sometimes we just like to be quiet,

2/17/2008 4:01:37 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Payne, OH
age: 40

Fishing expeditions get to me.

These are when your partner wants to accuse you of something to offset whatever guilt he/she is currently feeling so they attempt to blame shift by tossing out accusations for 'bait' til they think they 'catch' something.

2/17/2008 4:22:53 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Sitka, AK
age: 47

This one for starters drives me right up the wall

What are you thinking about??

When you tell them nothing.. They don't believe you..
You must be thinking about something??
No I am not I am giving my brain a rest...

Or if I dont' have an opinion on something...
What do you think about .................

I don't actually. OH come on you must have a thought on it..

No I don't..
Yes you do..
I want to tell them so badly To shut the Hell up..
No I don't have to have an opinion on everything in life..

Oh Yes. OP this thread could be fun

2/17/2008 4:25:42 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Bloomington, IL
age: 42

I hear you sooooooooooo true...i think sometimes guys can be worse, i onl;y was with one guy who never asked, which is way cool by me.

2/17/2008 4:27:05 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Chicago, IL
age: 56

Well, I wish I could contribute to this, but it's been so long that I've been in a 'relationship' that I truly can't ex & I rarely talked, let alone argued (that may have been better).

2/17/2008 4:28:09 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 47

When I'm asked if I want anything, second helping, beer, more coffee, etc. and I say "No thank you"

Then I get the question "Are you sure you don't want any ____?" sometimes repeatedly

Sometimes I just want to say "Yes I really do but I was f***ing lying the first 3 times you asked!"

2/17/2008 4:39:11 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

United Kingdom
age: 56

When it was a factor I had to think of everyway to say the same thing... it was painful because the other half either didn't understand or didn't WANT to understand. Now, living alone and not seeing much of people, life would be better to at least have someone to say "Hey, shut up!" to… ironic isn't it?

2/17/2008 5:53:30 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Binghamton, NY
age: 37

For both sides, man or woman, i only repeat myself once when asked a question. I hate to repeat myelf more than once. I know you heard me. Maybe twice is okay, but if you are going on the 3rd time of asking me, you better duck, because im gonna hit you with a flying object, and your face, isn't gonna look pretty, and if the object doesn't hit ya, you bet your ass, i'm coming after you.

[Edited 2/17/2008 5:54:20 PM]

2/17/2008 6:00:47 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Splendora, TX
age: 54

MY gosh you people are so violent, I Think I'll go back to Vietnam for some peace and quiet. If someone starts nagging just give them a big kiss, and let them have time to explain who that is hiding in the bedroom closet, when they say they don't know who's in the closet, simply say Oh yes I forgot that the last person who nagged me!
Works every time.

2/17/2008 6:11:31 PM "Shut the hell up" HEY....  

Fredericksburg, VA
age: 40

For me it`s when Hollywood is news.When TV is the subject of conversation.

I just don`t care what the spoiled millionaire idiots on the tube do,think,feel or say.

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