6/11/2007 8:43:03 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
the word for hell is haides queen
6/11/2007 9:19:54 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
It is hadies in the new testament sheol was the word used in the old testament. Like I said get a few bible that translate word for word. There are thousands of dictionaries and bible encyclopedias go to the library. If you are going to know something you have to make a study like I did spend a few years on it.
6/20/2007 8:33:22 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Kissimmee, FL
age: 43
you have to understand that it is stated in the bible...that people will be lovers of self..have no natrual effections,self haulty,strif,puffed up with pride..ect. so by satan drawing us out by our desires,some will not want to believe in the bible..., i am glad that i prayed to know the truth and it wasnt easy,but then again, that is what the fight is about right or wrong your free will choice...i choose GOD!
6/20/2007 11:51:00 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
i believe everything the bible says, i believe jesus died on the cross for my sins. i believe in him and that he is my savior and that he is the son of god! he is god he is the way the truth and the life anyone who follows him, shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life
6/20/2007 11:55:05 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
Yes he did, so why are we living in all this hell on earth then...
because we are all sinners, And thats all I have to say on this subject...
6/20/2007 1:56:31 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
sumbeach-because we are all sinners, And thats all I have to say on this subject...
hwh-thank you beach love ya girl, you said it right what ive said in other threads. were all sinners and we have a chance to make our choice while we are here. we have two ways we can chose the path which is accepting jesus........as our lord savior father and we can spend eternity with him...... or the second road is death which means non believers will go cast into hell for all eternity! its up to us all which way we wanna go
6/21/2007 12:06:25 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Because they have been and some have been taken away. You claim to know the bible so well HWH how do you explain your behavior in the forums nobody gets nastier than you where does the bible say it is alright to behave the way you do and drink to drunkenness, lust and anger are all condemned in the book you claim is the work of god?
6/21/2007 12:50:39 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
QOH-HWH how do you explain your behavior in the forums nobody gets nastier than you
hwh-queen whats wrong tonight you been after hwh in everythread, now i am not the only christian here now that gets nasty in the forums now queen.
QOH-where does the bible say it is alright to behave the way you do and drink to drunkenness,
hwh-queen i never once said that period, how can you tell me about my sins but your sinning right now buy getting after me about mine. the bible did say a christians sins should be confronted in private you could of did this by email..... the bible also said its a sin to judge others about what they do when you sin like the other person.
QOH-lust and anger are all condemned in the book you claim is the work of god
hwh-where did i say that at queen? if i did please point it out to me
6/21/2007 1:08:25 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
i think it was very bold of you, to throw that alcohol mess in my face. as i said im not perfect never said i was perfect regardless if i am a drunk at times..... jesus still loves me no matter how nasty i get in the forums wether its flirting or agueng. jesus still loves me i mean i think it was bold to throw that at me queen i really think it was for the simple reason is alcoholism is a illness. that ive been dealing with for three years now and ive confessed it to god i was nice enough to share it..... in the forums that i was dealing with this issue so for you to throw the word drunkeness at me was just flat out bold cold and wrong. your the only person that i will not get mouthy with because my mother is around your age but a little older, i look at you like a mother figure here
but im just letting you know this time, i think you did kind of go a little to far. and i read your other thread too about how i talk nasty. i mean i do it for fun but either way jesus still loves me but ive seen other christians here get kinda overboard.... like jondalar in threads like boob schmoobs and how to use a d*ck? i dont see any criticism throwed at him so why at me im having fun too like he is? whats the difference
6/21/2007 4:56:04 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
Jesus will always love you,and by the way,Jesus drank wine.
6/21/2007 4:59:15 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
actually proffesor it was basically grape juice u see it wea unfermented wine
6/21/2007 10:46:49 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
he turned water into wine
6/21/2007 11:35:16 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
it was unfermented wine which is what i was trying to say
6/21/2007 12:29:45 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I am not saying it is only you HWH I am just saying if you have so much faith how do you do the things the bible condemns. I do not believe as you believe so I am not judging you I am just saying you take what you want from the bible and leave what you don't want just like all the people I have ever seen who claim to believe every word of it.
I think the bible and Jesus have great wisdom in what is said but Jesus' "words' say much different things than what the apostles interpret him as meaning. So do a lot of other people who claim Jesus' name.
I am only debating I am not judging but if something is wrong it is wrong and I do not know anyone that thinks being drunk and verbally abusive is right.
[Edited 6/21/2007 12:31:42 PM]
6/21/2007 12:45:29 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
QOH- I do not know anyone that thinks being drunk and verbally abusive is right.
hwh-and i never once said it was right, have you ever herd me say it?