6/21/2007 1:02:12 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Then if you know it is bad and bad for you why would you do that to yourself? I am just talking here not doing anything to hurt you or anyone else and I have asked Jon about that and he has explained his views to me.
You see Todd I am saying that I have lived here on this earth for 61 years and lived a life that it would take a book to tell you all about it. I think some things that you all find fun to be well as the bible says all things are legal but all things are not beneficial. Some things are harmful even if they seem like fun. And I call out to all who will listen that we should be reaching up to be better all the time not sinking as low as we can go.
We owe this to our children and all those who come after us to teach them to be the best that they can be. If everyone did this we would have heaven on earth.
6/21/2007 1:16:35 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
QOH-Then if you know it is bad and bad for you why would you do that to yourself?
hwh-sometimes i drink out of utter frustration, and it is very addictive i will be staring my AA class next week to beat this ive dealt with it for three years and i want to put it behind me. i know its bad for me and thats why im going to these classes next week to get help on it so i can beat it
6/21/2007 1:51:55 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
That is good it has helped many whatever it takes life is better when you are aware of it. It is not to be wasted but embraced it is a gift from the supreme being.
6/21/2007 2:19:52 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
I would rather live a life striving for the truth of the scriptures, reaching towards the "oneness" and true "brotherhood" and the completeness of the quest. At my time of death I don't really know what lies beyond, but I'd rather have lived as gently as possible, hurting others as little as possible, believing all things are possible...than to have lived my life without beliefs, and asspirations, conquests and failures. If it (the Bible) is wrong...so be it, but I and many others, have enriched the lives of others by trying to live accordingly. Are any of us successful in this pursuit? I believe I've known a few. I don't count myself amoung them, but I will always keep trying.
HH I believe that Queen was merely pointing out the fact that too many men have handled the scriptures and errors in translations have been many. It does take years of study in the langages of the time in order to get a better understanding of what the intent of the words truely mean to us. And I believe that K was also pointing this out as a means of debating a topic, not being disrespectful to your own beliefs. But then again...this is just one woman's opinion.
6/21/2007 2:29:15 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
You are right KLS I am on a quest to learn as much as I can and I am a person that believes but I came to that belief a little differently. I think we are here to learn from each other and how can we do that if we shut our minds and mouths and do not debate and discuss all of our understanding. I think we are all given a wee bit of knowledge and we are to share our little piece to help others.
I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings I just think if people are so sure they have all the answers they should be able to tell them to everyone and be able to back it up with more than just quotes. I want to hear the mind working. I am not angry at all just curious.
6/21/2007 2:37:03 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
The Bible is purely a spiritual guide
I shall not go into too much detail with you as this would certainly take all day
But take "Noah's Arc" for exemple , it was nothing but a copy of a much older story
Don't take my word for it read abouth the Epic of Gilgamesh for yourself
This is the url
6/21/2007 2:37:22 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Queen...have got to tell you that you are a lady of great virtue and wisedom. And I am enjoying listening to you. Ah, but if we only had the wisedom in youth that we have attained in age!!! lol
6/21/2007 3:19:41 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Ain't that the truth could save ourselves a lot of heartache. I only have wisdom brought on by my foolish mistakes and watching others make theirs. Everything in life seems to be learned the hard way and when you have seen this all you want to do is help others not to hit those brick walls. They hurt.
6/21/2007 4:32:04 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Amen sister!!! You are definately preaching to the right choir! lol
6/21/2007 9:57:25 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Bloomfield, KY
age: 51
How can one defend a lie without lying?
So what's to debate?
6/21/2007 10:01:57 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
pickyeater-How can one defend a lie without lying?
So what's to debate?
hwh-the debate is prove that things in the bible are a lie
6/21/2007 10:04:46 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
bottom line is that the bible is the mos perfect book it does not lie it is all truth
6/21/2007 10:11:21 PM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
i know its not a lie either, but if you go to adam and eve. on page one you will see where silencedeangle was the first one to say the bible was a lie. im suprised she hasnt replied to this i wanted her to prove it was a lie
6/22/2007 4:35:34 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
What lie are you talking about.
6/22/2007 11:14:44 AM |
why do people insist that the bible is a lie and things were added |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
in her adam and eve thread, she insisted that names were added to the bible. like adam and eve and she said the holy bible was a lie so thats why i started this thread..... so i can prove her wrong that the bible isnt a lie