2/23/2008 10:23:28 PM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Locust Valley, NY
age: 18
Part of what Paris is saying is my point.. not about what she thinks of me.. but about how men (knowingly or not) act before they think based of what they biologicaly are programed to react to.
2/23/2008 10:32:39 PM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Golden, CO
age: 43
Oh dear..... where is my therapist. I need lots of time for this one, for how do I ply my ways of severed damnation???
2/23/2008 10:33:28 PM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Bethany, OK
age: 38
*wishing my man was beneath me now*
2/23/2008 10:38:18 PM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Wappingers Falls, NY
age: 43
Hmmm. Do you mean like how you spoke . . . ready, fire, aim. Your statements are as hollow as your dress, and despite the conjecture about your supposed false character and elder being, your underlying presupposition reveals the naivete and prejudice of an under developed adult.
Fear not, the clock ticks on. The scales of balance between men and women act more like a pendulum than a teeter-totter, my dear.
Chill, be cool, spread love. Listen, think, and every once in a while speak.

2/23/2008 10:40:27 PM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Dartmouth, NS
age: 50 online now!
and you wonder why so many people are alone today?????? Go figure!
this is all basic phsycology...and genetics
2/23/2008 10:51:14 PM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Locust Valley, NY
age: 18
Um.. I have a question...
How can a solid object be hollow?
Isnt that defying laws of both nature and mathmatics?
2/23/2008 11:03:54 PM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Tullahoma, TN
age: 27
"Solid" and "hollow" are a bit misleading terms to describe the object. You can also make an object "hollow" with that same keyword, but it is not that simple.
2/23/2008 11:37:46 PM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Laguna Beach, CA
age: 53 online now!
in all matters, there is no such thing as solid matter. not with atomic particles.
Men walk upright? since when?
30% plastic? the figure is much higer in OC, CA.
i know a entire community of attractive women who are not only willing to date unattractive men, but dying to do so. and willing to marry them. it's called OC. i will give you one guess why.
At 18 somehow you blame men for the stratgies of women. when you grow up, you may someday take responsiblity for your own actions and thoughts. it's called growing up. you may want to try it eventually.
Please, don't end any more sentences with a prepostion or conjunction. not where you'rel headed.
good luck in finding solid ground.
2/23/2008 11:52:47 PM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Splendora, TX
age: 54
Yep if you got enough money, or looks you can be a big fish in a little pond, and sound like a scholar. Give me a woman with comon sense, and enough miles to know what the road of life is all about Psyco babble is great on paper, but life is just like being a biker.
$30,000 of daddy's money and 30 miles don't make you a biker, either. And if you can't figure that one out, you haven't been on the road long enough to tell people how to ride
2/24/2008 12:31:43 AM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Warsaw, IL
age: 19
I'm a Christian, I'm sorry but i'll have to call you on this. God created man and woman. Evolution is false, think about it, time and time again it is proven that when you take a chromosome or add one to a human, they don't change into something else, rather they lose some mental capabilities. Both man and woman have the ability to be whom they choose, not all are the same. Yes man and woman have sexual desires, are we controlled by them, only if we allow ourselves to be. Also if a man has thinking after man dies and becomes spiritual man it means that the brain is not the main "think center". I have a hypothesis that the brain may be the translator between the soul and that of the body but i cannot prove this. Life is really like that of a war within, to fall to the desires within when the desires will or to do as God wills. Cheating happens when man falls to those desires, or is not fully fulfilled on the desires that man currently seeks. Everyone has a heart and desires, they can choose which to choose from. When a group of men or women, race, or etc. resemble each other in certain actions that is how stereotypes are made. Also ones culture and society may dictate the way people may act. People don't have to follow this though, but when they don't they may be dubbed an outcast (can be good or bad) of that society and branded a stigma. People make standards on what they want also, they do this to filter out those they do not want, yet in doing so they may push ones they may like away, it depends. On the subject of age, its a generalization that older are wiser, this is true in a since that they have had more experiences that younger people have not yet found. This though can be turned if the younger experience things faster. Intelligence is to abstract, there are many different forms of intelligence and can differentiate between experience and knowledge. Examples: a factory worker is smarter than the harvard grad. at fixing machinery and operating his machine even though he has no degree. The network grad. is usually less smart than a networker who has had experience without the degree, for he has been through his job where the grad is booksmart. A historian cannot say he is smarter than the math major for they are on different fields. I just wanted to put this out, correct me on things and also provide your own insight on this if you want.
2/24/2008 4:10:35 AM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Lewiston, MI
age: 48
IMO the problem is in the OP opening statement. Not ALL men and not ALL women. Your 18, you may or may not be advanced for your age, but the fact of the matter is, at 18 YOUR world is so very small. You may THINK you have a grip on things, but in reality you really have no clue what lies ahead of you. Another facter that plays into this is location, each state brings different beliefs and challeges, why, I haven't a clue. But what men do in Mi. doesn't mean men in GA. do it the same way, or even think the same way.
Open your eyes and mind to ALL possibilites. Let life come and go with ease, don't be in such a rush to get thru it. Before you know it you'll be my age and stand there saying WTF, where did my life go. Not that I personally think that of myself, but I have seen it far to often.
Finished school at 16, ready to be married at 17, now at 18 your trying to figure out the ways of the world. SLOW DOWN and enjoy being 18, it happens only once. JMO
2/24/2008 4:34:30 AM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Longwood, FL
age: 53
In answer to the original question: I don't. But I'm sure there are women who do. Just as I've experienced men who think women are beneath them. It's not unique to one gender: some of both genders are of this thought. It's part of life: living and learning.
I finished school early too and often brought up thought provoking questions...of course not in on-line forums as there were none. But as one who has been in a similar situation as the OP I can understand the need for stimulating deep thought. It's part of the learning process of growing up. Like the poster above me stated: slow down a little and enjoy your young years. Answers will come as you age and attain more wisdom. It's the only way to understand completely. IMHO
2/24/2008 8:37:46 AM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Kansas City, MO
age: 57
"How can a solid object be hollow"
Well..Easter is approaching..and there are those chocolate bunnies that look cool, and taste great. But when you bite into one there is only air on the inside. But you thought it was solid when you bought it. Not trying to bash...just making a point. Not everything is what it seems to be, and noone is ever so learned that they know everything. I've met many people that think they do..but I just put them in the B.S. category. Personally, I don't care if a woman thinks I am beneath her or not. Their perspective won't change my life at all.
2/24/2008 5:53:02 PM |
Do women think men are beneath them? |

Texarkana, TX
age: 45 online now!
LOL one day yall will get it right
maybe to late but you will get it right .
the young lady is right in her own way i see it in both men and woman
i like datehookup cause just about everyone see at one time are another someonr beneath there feet . me well its life and everyone life goses up and down