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2/28/2008 4:40:38 PM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
The one thing I have never suffered from is emotional block. If anything I am manic at all times. Or a maniac. I am not sure which. I tell people all the time that no-one is capable of handling my emotions but me. (Well - there are like 4 people in this world who have had extensive practice, but even they have to tell me to get a grip.)
The Tarot will sometimes give clarity to my emotions. Sometimes. Sometimes I just get more manic because I had been denying a truth.
2/29/2008 9:04:27 AM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29 online now!
I have to agree with the never having had an emotional block. I think easier to navigate the Colorado River backwards with one hand than hang on through my emotions full bore. The problem the 'professionals' run into is when they get to talking to me they insist I am the sanest person they have ever met... and yet the at the same time. . The one difference being I don't even know if I can handle them, let alone someone else.
Have you ever thrown another reading cause you didn't like what the first one said? LMAO
2/29/2008 11:31:15 AM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
Uh, yeah. It ist SOOO frustrating when they don't give the answer that YOU want. Instead they tell how it is.
When I am looking for love, it is easy to get emotionally attatched to a person too soon.   The cards can help straighten me out.
I actually haven't used them in years. I don't feel that I need to, but they could be helpful I guess. Just a tool. 
3/9/2008 8:26:34 AM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
I have had emotional blocks, many of them and worked hard removing those fear and false programmed issues um, say for the past 30 years. Hammered away ruthlessly to self, but oh so fascinating and worthwhile a project.
3/9/2008 9:39:30 AM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29 online now!
Kelly, I am glad you made the comment that you did. It brought up a point about emotional blocks that typically goes overlooked. Emotional blocks usually stem from exactly that...fear. When fear has no power over you, then it is easy to allow emotions to flow freely. It has taken me a while to be able to say this, but I am not afraid of being wrong. I am not afraid of being hurt. I know my own worth and respect the way that I feel about things. I am also aware that it is up to me to question myself as to why I feel the way I do, so that I can more fully understand myself. And so I can do what I am able to, so that I may live my life as true to myself as possible.
3/9/2008 6:54:01 PM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
Akashaman, Sure sounds like you are doing wonderfully, balancewise. I still have a couple of boogies in my mind, such as a fear of heights and driving in large cities. Even though I have done breathing techniques, when the driving panic started, loosened my grip on the steering wheel, consciously, repeated positive phrases, it just seems to be what it is. Course I still get around, determined people do. And I used to have constant falling dreams when very little off a high building and dying. I let myself fall to the ground and die then and quit having dreams of that happening, but still have a very peculiar heights phobia. This will sound odd, but I have an almost irrestible urge to want to fly off of tall places for years now. Well, that beats the falling to the ground
3/9/2008 10:34:56 PM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Kelly - I, too, have a fear of heights. I plan on learning to skydive to overcome that fear. I do not like being afraid of anything. It pisses me off. I consider it a personal weakness. When I am afraid I face that fear and move on. I cannot let myself have fear in my life. I do not have the luxury of being afraid. I do not mean that anyone else *allows* themselves to be overcome by fear, I only speak for myself.
"Fear is the path to the dark side." ~~ Yoda the Great and Wise
3/10/2008 7:14:00 AM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
Sek, I know none of us is perfect and it is difficult to accept our weaknesses,and our our limitations. Especially when there does not seem to be any logical reason for having them, like with fears. I have noticed many people are afraid of heights and they do not know why either. I do think some are parts of past life traumas. My daughter is also afraid of heights and deliberately faced them. For some reason, it did not help and I hope you have better luck with skydiving and erasing your fear of heights from it. That takes guts, so you have my admiration!
I enjoyed the Yoda phrase about the dark side and I agree with it. I do think there is a difference relating to this phrase though. I think when we attempt to face our fears and do make an effort, that counts for something. It is different when we just feel sorry for ourselves and do not try for improvement, the, oh what's the use attitude. And of course the dark side, from my personal experiences, there are variations in the dark. Just as there are variations of evil, deliberate planned evil, with the knowledge and intentions to do harm. There is also ignorant evil, where one causes harm to oneself or others, through lack of understanding, like children, unaware of what they could do, can cause damage. I think the latter, though it is incorrect behavior, is tolerated more by the laws of the universe. I have strayed off topic here, sorry for that.
Let us practice having compassion for each other and our imperfections.
3/10/2008 3:33:17 PM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Kelly - Just to clarify something I had said. When I said I considered fear to be a personal weakness I had meant for me...I consider a personal weakness for myself. For others I do have compassion. I realized that statement may have come out wrong. If it did, I do apologize.

3/10/2008 3:34:48 PM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
On another note: I also have a fear of ants. This is a fear I have no intention of overcoming unless completely necessary. Ants give me the heebie jeebies.
3/10/2008 5:43:48 PM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
Dear Sek, You were clear from the get go, regarding your own fear as a personal weakness and not looking down on others for their insecurities. I don't mind ants, but keep those wasps and hornets away!!! 
3/13/2008 2:07:44 AM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Sacramento, CA
age: 39
Sehkmet - in lieu of tarot for clarity have you tried crystals? They've worked for me.
3/13/2008 11:09:27 AM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29 online now!
That is an excellent point Darkwriter. For myself I have turned to nature itself to bring clarity into my life. I have also worked very hard at going inside myself to find the answers to the questions that I have. If more people were to make it a goal of theirs to discover what they were about deep down, then there would be a lot less mistakes made across the board.
3/13/2008 11:33:52 AM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Sacramento, CA
age: 39
tarot just never was my thing, can't relate to it - I guess its because to me its just dead tree pressed down and all plast-icky - and ppl who have tried to read me on those doohickies might as well have been reading someone's else life and persona. (and not mine in the past, I am ambivalent on reincarnation to begin with)
Crystals are good. Washable, last way longer - and have stronger energy and its more difficult to have anything negative be absorbed into them as well, once you put your own mojo into them.
They don't cost too much -and sometimes I have found odd little rocks/pebbles at beaches or in the mountains, etc that worked just as good.
3/13/2008 2:06:59 PM |
Altered states of conciousness, dreams, astral travels, hypnosis, etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
I have been staying away from my Tarot of late and have been relying almost entirely on my third eye and Travel. I want to get away from relying on tools; I need to trust myself more.
It reminds me of when I took typing class when I was young. There were pieces of cardboard covering the keys so we couldn't look. Sometimes we'd lift the cardboard to see the keys we already knew were there. Trusting oneself was hard.
This is like that. For myself - I need to accelerate the gift so I do NOT need tools. So far, so good. Frankly - I am somewhat surprised how little those tools were needed. 