8/16/2006 12:19:47 AM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

There is this guy that I like that works with my moms boyfriend.He is getting over a girl that he has liked for along time that he was with off and on for like 3 weeks. He's came over to my house before, but now he is so focused on getting over this girl, that I can't get him to come over, and he tells my moms boyfriend that he likes me. How do I get him to recognize me more without betraying who I am? Should I wait to offer him to come over to my house again? Thanx in adnave. -Amanda
8/16/2006 6:22:39 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

Sounds, like you have already put out there you are interested...IMO let him come to you!
8/16/2006 6:43:38 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

Back off he is on the rebound and if you get together now your setting yourself up for alot of pain and hurt. When he is ready he will come.
8/16/2006 7:30:30 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

I agree with Lynn and Nancy. Wait until he's not on the rebound.
8/29/2006 10:57:10 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

You don't, He has to figure out what makes him happy. I am of the belief that if your a friend adn it grows then fine, if not then fine too. don't push or you wont know if you are the rebound girl or something more.
9/24/2006 10:09:23 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

I agree with the ladies if you like him he has to blow off a couple of dates that mean nothing before you may have a chance at a relationship without dealing with all his baggage mentally from the other girl.
Plus you really want to make sure its not just another off in the on and off cycle
9/24/2006 10:10:15 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

Wow only male input and I agree with the women oops I must have violated some club code I just know it
9/24/2006 10:15:54 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

Hard, you must be in touch with your feminine side tonight..LOL
9/25/2006 6:22:58 AM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

He touched WHAT SIDE?
9/25/2006 6:44:03 AM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

I know it was scarry Krazz whats going on they need to put up warning surgeon general signs or something date hook up hazardous to those well adjusted males displaying healthy chauvanistic foundations.
9/25/2006 8:13:51 AM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

If he only been with this other girl for three weeks and it was on again off again, what does he have to get over, tell him you like him, and leave it at that, if he is interested he will be over to see you. Don't make yourself to available for this person, or you will end up getting hurt.
10/18/2006 5:02:32 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

cut the rope and move on.
10/19/2006 7:56:07 AM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

Keep this in mind. Men are easy. It shouldn't take work on your part to attract them. Ever. If it feels like work, that should tell you something right there.
10/21/2006 2:22:08 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

JUST men are easy???
Excuse me? But, I believe we have lost an "easy one" here, and it wasn't a man!!!
I can say I have known some very (VERY) easy women too!
Stop the stereotype crap, it is unbecoming of you.
We speak for ourselves, not others... which is what makes the forums what they are.
10/21/2006 9:59:41 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

Only easy in your mind, did you ever find out?
Wait, we forgot you was the ass.
Your opinion counts why?
10/23/2006 8:59:03 AM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

Sorry, Krazz, I guess my lifetime has been more littered with the stereotype of easy men, versus easy women. Christ, women are NOT easy. They can be cheap to get, maybe, but not easy. And, expensive as hell to leave.
And, I think I might stick with sterotypical comments, for a bit, rather than devolve into ad hominem attacks. After all, stereotypes got that way, in the first place, somehow. I'm not ready to set myself up as judge and jury on anyone specific here. Unless of course, it's only to reply to the punch in the nose, I get, lol.
So, I stand by my comment, ladies: if you think you're trying that hard, then you probably are, and there's something else up in his life, bigger than you, at the moment. And that may be for the best, at that moment, too.
10/23/2006 11:52:13 AM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

Never thought of it that way.
10/24/2006 10:39:34 PM |
How Do I Get HIM? |

You don't get him. Tell him to get you!.