Columbus, OH
age: 42
Eat crap and bark at the moon...
Then start the search again for one true love..

Harrisonburg, VA
age: 37
All i can say is if you can forget about em in 24 hours it sure as hell wasnt a serious relationship

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 38
I never said forget about them or the relationship but allow yourself 24 hours (or some other limited amount of time) to truly feel the pain and loss and then after that do everything you can to stop feeling bad and look at the truth. You are now free to find the right one rather spending important time with the wrong one. You should never forget the good or what you learned from the experience. But if you don't set a time period you might find yourself wasting wonderful days feeling bad over something that wasn't meant to be.

Villas, NJ
age: 32
i agree with hot sauce keep ur mind off that shit and do u until u meet someone else  

Monroe, MI
age: 39
After the initial kick in the stomach feeling and when the numbness
wear's off of course the feeling of regection is sometime's overwhelming
but we all have been there and have to remember that it too will pass.

Angus, Scotland
United Kingdom
age: 28
Sometimes I cry; Sometimes I don't ! It all depends on what the Lord has revealed to me in regard's to that particular person!!! Therefore, I have had experiences in my life, that had me saying "thank you God"; instead of getting upset /and going crazy ; because YET AGAIN, I GOT HURT , FELT ALONE , and DISAPPOINTED ,etc!!!
I've actually had many funny moments; that have taken place in/or during a brake up!!! I've danced , smiled and wavied good bye all at the same time ,etc!!!
So I guess, .....the conclusion is,......afther a break up;.......I Praise the Lord !!! Why? Because he truly knows the hearts: of MAN. And sometimes what you see is not always what you get !!! Yet God, being God ; knows these things!!!
And thats why I praise him afther a brake up; and thank him for his protection and watchful eye; over me !!!
[Edited 3/7/2008 1:32:21 PM]

Uniondale, NY
age: 31
love the responses...

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 39
well, you can use that time as an experience, a stepping stone to a better path. If you sit and cry, then your the loser! Have some confidence in yourself. I read some of these blogs about this subject, and I read, I cried and slept alot. GET A GRIP! If that's all you know how to do, or handle a situation like this, then you deserve to be alone. What has happened to society, a bunch a god damn cry babies! You let someone bring you down, letting you think you weren't good enough, then go cry. Maybe that person wasn't good enough for you and that person found that out. Rather than admitting the truth to themselves, they make you feel worthless. Want advice, don't curse the time, use it to your advantage. Learn from it, and the next son of a b*tch that comes along and tries to make you feel like crap, kick him in the ass! Then go and get drunk, not out of sadness, but a celebration for you aren't a fool again.