2/28/2008 11:38:25 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
1. Natural Disasters |
2. Religious Wars |
3. Political Wars |
4. Aliens |
5. God |
6. All of the Above. |
The devil on my shoulder thought this would be an amusing poll. Have at it! *Sekhmet tosses the golden apple. And there it goes!* 
2/29/2008 9:47:48 AM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
God is a democratic, muslim, alien, who has learned how to seed the clouds.
2/29/2008 2:32:09 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |
Marietta, GA
age: 27
the corporate office of wall- mart will declare them selves supreme deity and fuhrer
of the world and battle companies from other planets and the world will be destroyed

2/29/2008 3:08:10 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Shaman - I once dreamt that Jesus was an Alien Magician wearing a unitard that was colored silver, blue, green. He sent Unicorns to save us from these huge creatures that were a cross between a trilobyte and a scorpion.
Yes. I have wacky dreams.
2/29/2008 3:35:58 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |

Bend, OR
age: 88
I hope I am eating chocolate truffles
...and drinking champagne..a toast to
*this was a great ride!*
3/1/2008 9:37:01 AM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |
Santa Ana, CA
age: 29
the earth will shake,crack,split and vomit out its wrath up upon the human race. The ocean will hurl millions and billions of gallons of water on the all ready being swallowed up ground washing away all the crap.
that's just a guess
3/1/2008 2:15:03 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |
Glasgow, MT
age: 62
The land will be polluted, raped; all animals will be near extinction; man will be hunting man; water will be undrinkable, burning human throats with firey chemicals; children will be a memory until a recovery will begin...
Woman Shall Rule the Earth!!!
3/1/2008 3:39:18 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |

Winsted, CT
age: 49
I belive we will aphixiate ourselves with our Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Drown as Gaia kicks our anus's. Gaia is pretty pissed as we have poisoned her gift to us.
3/1/2008 3:48:09 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |

Torrington, CT
age: 40
I thought I was looked in as me. E_J_M is a friend of mine that uses my computer at times. He had not logged out and... I thoguht I was logged in 
3/1/2008 4:45:26 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Justtryinit: I think that maybe it is more than just a guess for you. The massive flooding... Yeah. I think we will definitely see that come to pass.
3/1/2008 6:49:25 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |

Rupert, ID
age: 42
Anything could happen. Honestly I don't expect the human race to be here another century. They will probably find another planet to rape and pillage. Note that I don't refer to myself as human. 
3/1/2008 6:57:00 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
So far the voting results are interesting. I'm disappointed no one has picked Aliens yet. Surely there must be a UFO buff out there somehwere...
*Sekhmet is eying someone in particular...* 
3/1/2008 8:58:20 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |

London, KY
age: 46
I'm not sure, but I think nakedindian66 and I are related. neither of us lay any claim to being human.
I know I'm more Wolf than anything else.
hey sekhmet, I just hope that the aliens that are in orbit right now, start in the north and eat their way through all those tasty canadians first!!!!!!
[Edited 3/1/2008 8:59:37 PM]
3/1/2008 10:59:56 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Well then, the three of us are related. I claim to be more Rabbit than anything else. The rabbit is my totem.
3/2/2008 2:46:11 PM |
End of the World Poll ~ How will the world end? |

Lakewood, OH
age: 40
AH, I happen to know the answer to that question.
Or at least for human involvement.
You see there are these people in this world called Jews, that think that their wacko god wants them to kill everyone on the planet who isn't a Jew. So having a religion that has no morality in it, that preaches you can do anything you want to, well has made some rather rich and powerful.
So the Jews of the world have united in solidarity to extinguish all other forms of human life on the planet.
It also seems that mankind, at some point in time have come across some equally nasty aliens from one lizzard planet or another. Galactic law now forbids taking over another planet militarily, but you can give your planet away to some other race that will kindly enough accept it. So these lizards poked around to ask if they could have our planet, if it is not too much trouble.
Of course everyone else said "NO" but the Jews told them about their prophesy about some blood crazed tyrant that would show up and murder everyone for them then rule the world for 1,000 years and they were done past tired of waiting for the guy to show up.
So they made a deal with the Lizard aliens, help then conquer the planet and rule it for 1,000 years and then they can have the earth when they are done with it and their great grand kids can worry about the problem then.
Ah but the lizards tricked the Jews and the papers were signed on a lizard planet.
The thing you gotta remember about Lizards is that they love the water, or at least these ones did. particularly swamps. On this particular planet they had changed the rotation of the planet and expelled their moons to reduce tidal activity, hoping to expand and preserve the swamps for people...errr I mean lizards to live in.
Of course that was a disaster, one side being dark all the time and one side being day all the time there were horrible storms because of the clash of such radical temperature differences. So to solve this problem they just increased the rate at which their planet revolved around their sun, so that it would go all the way around the sun in one day, giving light and heat to both sides of the planet.
So you could say that one year was the same as one day.
So instead of getting a 1,000 year reign the Jews only got 1,000 days, give or take, which ended sometime in the mid 30's, I believe.
Well then it was argued that the earth was a place of many different people's races and countries and it was not fair for one race to sign over the planet, leaving everyone else homeless or rather planetless.
So the only way that the lizards could legally take over the planet was to help the Jews fulfill the second part of their prophesy by murdering everyone on the planet that is not a Jew, there by uniting the world in a one world government, culture and religion, making their occupation legal.
Well the worst possible thing happened, or will happen, they succeed in either murdering or interbreeding the rest of the population of the world out of existence.
Europe and Israel become the two new world superpowers and they both decide that that don't need all those American Jews around anymore, so kill them off as well.
Of course the European Jews realized that soon as they were done with all the American Jews that the Israelis would be coming after them next, being the more lizard like of the two groups. Which they did leaving only the State of Israel to rule over the earth.
But without anyone else to kill they soon turned on each other and started rounding up portions of their population that just wasn't "Jewish enough". Millions became thousands and thousands became hundreds till there were only 3 people left in the world.
As I remember a husband and wife living in Israel, claiming to be kind and Queen of the Earth and a rather gay man living somewhere in the north, presumably Russia or Lebanon.
Well the King had a plan to kill the other man, making himself the lone ruler of the planet. He used his wife as bait to lure the rather gay Jewish man to a secluded area so he could kill him. The rather gay Jewish man knew that this was a plot but thought that the King pimping out his wife to him was just a prelude to some strange homicidal homo-erotic encounter that would take place on their next date, so he took the offer and the Kings wife murdered the rather gay Jewish man for the King.
Running into her lovers arms on top of a high cliff telling him that she had succeeded in their plan the king kissed her then stabbed her in the back.
Then he started screaming "I AM KING OF THE WORLD, I CONQUERED ALL FOR YAHWEY, I AM THE CHOSEN ONE, HEAR ME OH LORD AND REWARD ME FOR MY GREATNESS", but this fabled "god" person just ignored the king, who got really pissed and started screaming and shouting, jumping up and down and eventually fell off the cliff to his death.
About a good half an hour later the first lizard ships started landing, taking up residence on their new home.
But their is a catch, when you take over possession of a planet you are also entitled to everything on that planet. What is in the air, under the sea, everything including the timeline of that planet. So once the Lizards took control of the planet they set out replacing all the people on earth with lizards. Of course this would take a long time and had to be done carefully least somebody in the past catches on.
But will eventually replace every man, woman and child on planet earth with a lizard wearing a hologram making themselves look like that person.
Once everybody in the timeline has been replaced with a lizard then they will all shut off their holograms and it will look as if lizards are and always were the dominate life form on planet earth. The history will be the same just not the people... who will then be lizards. There will be a Lizard Hitler and a Lizard George Washington crossing the Delaware. Lizard porn and Lizard TV game show hosts. Everyone will be a lizard which will only cement the lizard claim that THEY are the only civilized form on life in the Galaxy, as any passerby who views our planet will not see the history of mankind but the history of lizardkind.