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3/2/2008 7:47:42 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Townsend, MT
age: 63

Please don't get carlito blocked, I would like to here what the dumb ass has to say, let him talk his shit. He will talk his shit to the wrong person in Ny and he will need more than that black belt to defend his ass.

3/2/2008 7:53:25 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Chattanooga, TN
age: 65

lasttime, I hope you are right about Obama's past being looked at, seems no matter what, he is getting the support. has nothing to do with his abilities.

3/2/2008 7:56:29 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Bend, OR
age: 60

I think the post by Carlito,
should be flagged as inappropriate.
If you want to hear rants, there is no shortage.


3/2/2008 8:01:11 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Hebron, IN
age: 53

Tntxlady, you are so right, I believe they didn't just fall back asleep, they all went into a coma!! My exes, anscestors can to Ellis Island, and back then these people really did come here for a better future. They even had to have their last names changed to English names. I know a Greek family who when they came here they changed there name to Douglas, it's a shorter version of their Greek name. It was easier for them . But these people did come here for a better life, NOT to inflict harm on anyone, not like today. I don't know if the USA will wake up or not, but they better before it's to late!! It makes you wonder why GOD makes the the good ones suffer, while the bad ones inflict misery and pain on others???

3/2/2008 8:11:11 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 50 online now!

Well Wine, I find a line like shitheads to be pretty inappropriate too. Funny you had no problem with that. Is it just ideas that differ with yours that are inappropriate?
People, visas into the U.S. require U.S. checks and approval. You can bank that we are being more careful with who enters this country now, but our borders are wide open. People good and bad can all come in the same way.
You and I feel alot alike about this subject. May I counsel this...... Do not let anger overcome you. Your argument makes sense, but loses alot in it's presentation. Name calling is not effective in any forum. Debate if you want, I enjoy a good debate, but please cut out the personal attacks about where people live and such. Ever been to Wisconsin? I thought it was a pretty cool state. One of my favorites.

[Edited 3/2/2008 8:18:13 AM]

3/2/2008 8:16:00 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Bend, OR
age: 60

it was the way the second comment, was stated...
menacing, or mean spirited, calling...*PUNK ASS*
those hostile comments are not appropriate in conversation, and always lead to more hostile comments. Look at how you called me out.

One was said in humor.....which rarely leads to hostile comments.

Are we about being civil to each other?
Check your thoughts...
are you part of the solution, or part of the problem.

Nuff said in this hostile manner on a Sunday morning...
Racial comments, by ANYONE, and name calling,
need to to be nipped in the bud immediately!


[Edited 3/2/2008 8:21:13 AM]

3/2/2008 8:19:56 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 50 online now!

Agreed Wine. While you were writing this I did edit my post to include Carlitos anger. Sorry I forgot that the first time.
I would have added Lasttime, but he just likes to rile people and his behavior is exactly what we have come to expect of him. Ut oh, here comes his weekly attack on me. Gonna threaten to beat me up again Last?

[Edited 3/2/2008 8:23:23 AM]

3/2/2008 8:24:58 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Bend, OR
age: 60

Defensive, thanks for our words together...
We may not agree on everything, however we do agree on *respect to each other*...
that is how adults should regard conversation.
*no name calling*.... that only throws oil on a burning fire...

Happy Sunday morning...


3/2/2008 8:25:14 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Brunswick, GA
age: 55

I agree,Winesong! Racism is never appropriate now matter what side it is coming from. I have already marked his comments as inappropriate and hope others do to. I was surprised others did not feel the need to let him know his comments were uncalled for. You can make your opinion known in an appropriate manner and it will be respected.

3/2/2008 8:34:02 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 50 online now!

Just to be stated once,,, I lived through the horrors of 911 like everyone else. I just don't think it is right to label an entire culture because of it. I, personally, have known many people of the Muslim faith. I have read several books about their holy book, the Qur'an. The fact is they do not all hate America and Americans. My whole point is here,, why hate them all for the acts of a few?

[Edited 3/2/2008 8:37:25 AM]

3/2/2008 8:49:14 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Boise, ID
age: 68

Well said Defence. Lumping all Muslims in with the radical terrorist element is about as unfair as lumping all people of color in with the radical elements in their race. It would be like saying all Hispanic or Mexican young people are gang bangers. Unfortunately our media focuses on the minority at the expense of the rest who are honest hard working people.

3/2/2008 9:48:55 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Venice, FL
age: 55

Fact...Muslims have a very loving relationship with their God..Allah. The Koran, the five pillars of Islam and the Sunnah are the same over the entire world. What is often referred to as the "unofficial sixth pillar" of Islam is what we as Americans, should truly pay attention to...and it is the one we have the hardest time understanding..therefore we underestimate it's importance. It is the responcibility of each and every Muslim to fight those attacking his faith, his fellow Muslims and Muslim territory. Bin Laden has used the sixth rally Muslims worldwide. Now here is the catch..a Jihad, comes directly from Allah..Muslims will rally because of Allah..Bin Laden is a hero to them..most admire him as an intelligent, peaceful, very holy Muslim....however the zeal with wich they will fight is the stregnth they recieve in the knowledge they are doing what Allah wants them to do. The Koran has many beautiful and inspiring priciples and guidlines for a peaceful happy life...however..this sixth what we are engulfed with now. Imagine every Christian believing in a 11th commandment...Thow Shalt fight to the death, every non believer who attacks your faith, harms your fellow Christian brother...steps foot on any Christian land?

3/2/2008 10:00:39 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Metuchen, NJ
age: 64

Is it enough to be honest and hardworking?

Shouldn't Muslims also stand up and speak out against the militant extremists who are hijacking their faith?

It's too quiet in the Muslim religion ...

I think it was sad that those of the Catholic faith did not rise up as one against the child molesters and child rapists among their priesthood. Not even the Pope addressed the issue and he is supposed to be Christ's vicar on earth. Christ himself should have come down to save those children. Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven... And yet they were left to cope and to fend for themselves.

And THAT'S what I have against organized religions. They seem organized to assign sin and to collect money. I don't see them actually changing the world for the better.

Perhaps the evil in the world is so thick and strong that any religion doing the right thing has the total effect of being the proverbial drop in the bucket.

It is a sorry world we live in...

Who was it that said: ''Evil thrives when good men do nothing...''

[Edited 3/2/2008 10:02:15 AM]

3/2/2008 11:31:07 AM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51

Maybe it only seems like nothing is being done, hobokengirl1. I see progress being done, although I admit there is so much bad news it is hard to tell. But believe me, it is out there. I'm proud of my Catholic faith. But I also respect other views.

3/2/2008 2:31:59 PM Islamic Terror Cells in U.S.~~~~~~SCARY~~KEEP OUT  

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51

If everyone is so tired of the illegal immigration problem, I suggest you all go to the numbersusa website and do something about it! They provide updates on recent happenings.

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