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3/2/2008 9:52:28 AM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Ingersoll, ON
age: 58

Lasttimeforme, the only place you will find a wife like that is in the graveyard.

Thank goodness we are no longer doormats.

3/2/2008 10:49:39 AM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Glasgow, MT
age: 61


You describe something that is not in the ad! Believe me, I know. I had that kind of marriage the first time in the early 1960's and it is NOT fun. There were no spas and if there were,HA! ---the man would have gone.

I stayed home allright---with only one car in a family, that's where you saw my butt.

I took my time cleaning and all the other 'wifey' things allright----but if it wasn't done 'correctly' there was a miserable evening ahead....

I could go on and I am sure there are manywomen here who had the same type of thing going on.....

Not all fun and games. Now that is not to say that there weren't some ladies who had it great...

3/2/2008 11:12:03 AM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Creighton, NE
age: 59

Awesome post, What a "GREAT" Eliminator!!!!.....LOL.

3/2/2008 11:27:30 AM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Marshall, MO
age: 59

Ok ladies bonfire time rip off those bras and lets go!!!!!!!!!

3/2/2008 12:17:37 PM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Metuchen, NJ
age: 64

If I ripped of my bra, I'd trip over my boobs!

[Edited 3/2/2008 12:21:25 PM]

3/2/2008 1:23:20 PM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Denton, TX
age: 54

I don't know, Charmie. While you were doing that, I was busting down glass ceilings and wearing high heels (ouch!) and being competitive and being harassed and helping to set the standards for all the young women of today. It was no picnic either, believe me.

Now it seems like a dream come true to be a housewife with a husband who come home at night and all I had to do was cook and clean and be at his beckoned call, all pretty and relaxed like in that Good Housekeeping Ad.

Maybe I'm just having a bad day today.....I'll get over it.

3/2/2008 1:29:50 PM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Marshall, MO
age: 59

ya settee now they expect us to go out and work help bring home the bacon and still do the same things we used to what did we gain huh? lol joke is on us ......

3/2/2008 2:24:39 PM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Denton, TX
age: 54

Shalah, more like a trick....

3/2/2008 10:34:32 PM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Metuchen, NJ
age: 64

Maybe our generation of men expected us to bring home the bacon and then fry it up in a pan, but this generation of women does not feel one wit obligated to fulfill any man's expectations --- not even her husband's.

My daughter is a doctor. Her hubby is a house husband. The house is a perennial mess and there is never a hot meal waiting for her when she gets home. There still are men who don't feel obligated to do ''women's work'' even when a woman is supporting them. My daughter seems basically happy. She promised to wrap her love around him like a blanket and so she has all these years. Her way of evening things out is to do nothing much around the house either, just like he does. Hey, whatever works.

My son is married to the quintessential New York Woman who takes no shit whatsoever. My son adores her. They have the ideal relationship because they have worked out the table rules upon which their marriage thrives. They share and share alike all things related to their household. The money, the cooking, the housework.

Some would say my daughter is a lousy housekeeper and neglecting her family. Some would say my son is p*ssy-whipped.

Who's to say what's right and wrong about how other couples organize their married lives? Certainly not a magazine article. How audacious and ignorant and downright rude they were back in the good old days when they treated women as only one scale above children.

I've never been happier than I am these days! I live alone with no one to meddle in how I spend my totally discretionary time, how I keep my house, if I cook at all, even if I brush my teeth or take a bath! Blissfully, it's nobody's business but my own and I am loving it. You couldn't pay me enough to give that up, get married again and be obligated to take care of someone else in sickness or in health 'til death catches up with the hindmost!

For the first time in my life this is MY life! MINE! Nobody else gets a say in it! I'm queen for all time, not just queen for a day...

I should start up a magazine called: ''DON'T F*CK WITH ME HOUSEKEEPING!'' Wait 'til you see the articles I'D write! The pages would be so hot, you'd need to wear oven mitts to read it!

3/3/2008 9:43:41 AM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Glasgow, MT
age: 61

Whew!!! Hoboken...what a post.

I was the organizer of the first chapter of NOW in my county back in the 60's. I wonder now if I was being led down the path to my (our) own destruction?

As you say, we have it all and must do it all. I, like you, live on my own, am self supporting , own my own home, cars, etc and do exactly as I please. Wile I am sure I will never marry again, I am open to a relationship, even living together.

I wrote for MS. in the 70's. Some of the assigned articles were on the agressive side.

So I quit and frelanced, along with other gigs.

Who knows, as you say, what is 'right'? Whatever works and floats your boat.

3/3/2008 1:42:51 PM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Erie, PA
age: 56

good one SXy........ought to say good stepford wife guide.

3/5/2008 5:45:58 PM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Metuchen, NJ
age: 64

Now I might just consider getting me a Stepford husband. That's about the only hubby I'd consider anymore...!

This guy has found the perfect wife!

[Edited 3/5/2008 9:05:43 PM]

3/5/2008 9:21:05 PM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

New Brunswick, NJ
age: 60

Well that was then and this is now. Remember the average family on TV ???---all the moms wore dresses and pearls and frilly aprons to cook and clean. All problems were discussed and solved in 30 minutes. Have to admit it--todays microwave meals at home after 2 hours of traffic and 8 hours of a jerked off boss---combined with some kids listening to RAP music and discussing tattoos on one of 3 cell phones....really a better world today. Honey--Where's my Prozac---I have a headache !! OOOPS--she is at Pilates and then having a Latte with her boyfriend that she doesn't know I know about. Wait till he finds out she has genital herpes---and she wonders why I won't touch her !! What a world !!

3/7/2008 7:44:46 PM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Metuchen, NJ
age: 64

That was THEN, and heaven help us THIS is now!

I agree... What a world...

3/7/2008 7:48:10 PM Actual Good Housekeeping Ad, May 13, 1955.  

Cicero, IN
age: 61

I actually really tried to practice that with my 3 husbands. All I got was beat up and unappreciated and taken for granted.

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