3/12/2008 10:48:15 AM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Reno, NV
age: 53 online now!
I believe relationships are based on our view of ourselves and our place in the family, work, world and the universe. There are so many people willing to tell others what they should be and shun those who do not conform. Why is it so hard for us to accept that a woman can have a robust sexual appetite. We would more easily accept someone bleeding to death in the street than making love on a park bench. Who made the rules? Who decided what we think is right or wrong? To see a free spirit seems to strike fear in the hearts of many, Why?
Why do we hold these beliefs and act this way?
I was asked if I believe and I wanted to reply but what is believing?
I believe in love.
It seems that in the area of relationships, sex in particular we are bombarded by beliefs we may not even share but are judged by them constantly.
I follow the teachings of Jesus but I shun the dogma of the church created in his name. I believe in a loving universe and am appalled by the way the Some spiritual leaders use fear and guilt to control the people that God loves. I wear a fish (the symbol of a Jesus freak)around my neck and leave the symbol of the dogma in a drawer. I lead Christian ministries in my home and in Prison and find it a fine line of Sharing Gods love and not offending people who are ingrained in the dogma. I would not want to offend your beliefs, they are an important part of your journey and your connection to source energy.
It is my belief that today we find ourselves lead by many people who do not know how to develop healthy. intimate relationships and have opted for power and control instead. It is easier to control people than to love them. The churches steeped in dogma and ritual are declining all around this country. Not because we are turning our backs on God but because people are relinquishing their stale religious facades and are worshiping God secret and in truth. Finding His love flowing through people in our everyday lives. Whatever you want to call the force that gives us life in every corner of the earth it is love and it is revealed through relationships far more than in the hallowed halls.
We are building relationships with every post here on DH some lift us up and other are just a pain in the ass but it is all about relationships. When someone asks you if you are a believer maybe you can tell them "Yes, I believe in LOVE and I found it on DH."
Do I believe? Yes I believe in freedom to express ourselves and I believe in CRAZY LOVE and I am looking for it on DH.
3/12/2008 11:06:04 AM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
I again - have to say...I do NOT impress easily. But you have impressed me now twice in under 24 hours.
I have no doubt you'll find what it is you believe in...not certain it can be done on this site...
But you certainly have things in the proper perspective so best wishes!

3/14/2008 8:49:27 AM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Abingdon, VA
age: 56 online now!
Jon, you are a man with fantastic words. The thought of a publication should be in your future. You're amazing. I would love to have a man speak to me with the kind words that flow from your mouth.
Again, I don't know why some woman hasn't wrapped her loving arms into yours'.
3/14/2008 8:58:48 AM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Bend, OR
age: 60
*I believe in love*, and all that goes with making a relationship flourish.
A relationship should involve the beautiful interaction, and meeting the needs of the other person you are with.
Give more than you expect to receive...
if both people communicate a desire and use that concept,
it will be a warm, exciting meeting of the hearts, minds, and souls.
We strive to have this on a daily basis, week in and week out.This is the MAGIC!
Good luck...I do hope you find the woman that brings you a *magnificent obsession*.
I know I am deserving of this experience again...
I have walked the walk and talked the talk.
Love of this magnitude, is truly the most sensual, and spirit lifting feeling in the world.
3/14/2008 9:20:14 AM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Richardson, TX
age: 42
Excellent way to word it J - my beliefs about Love, Christ and the Church too.
3/14/2008 10:40:25 AM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Reno, NV
age: 53 online now!
Thank you ladies for your kind words and posting here.
Somewhere in all of my words is a desire to be in relationship with people. I think that is what we are on the planet for. No where else in our lives do we have such highs and lows of emotions. No other event impacts our lives more than relationships and the emotions created in those relationships. I love reading those post that are expressive of emotion and I do look forward to having someone special to share this wonderful journey with.
Love and light be yours
[Edited 3/14/2008 10:40:52 AM]
3/15/2008 2:55:18 AM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Holden, MO
age: 44 online now!
love holds no boundries
love holds no jealousy
love holds no shame
love holds ne regrets
love holds no one that don't love themselves
love holds the heart
love holds the trust
love holds the faithfulness
love holds the key
3/15/2008 4:14:51 AM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Red Springs, NC
age: 44
Jon, maybe its the way we were raised....I myself was raised to think sex was wrong, dirty, an a sin.... Many other stupid thing as well....
Why ? I have no Idea.....I've tried all my life up to now ,to live as I WANT TO LIVE< but back in my mind , I guess is the scared little child, that listen to the parent ...
Its taken me so many yrs to realize, there so much , in loving, and being love, giving to others and havening them do un to you...
And making love and wanting to make love to the person your in love with, theres nothing wrong with that at all....
I want to walk buy his side not behind him, not in front.... BUT BESIDE !!!
I'm finally doing this and its the best thing I've ever gotten, HIS LOVE.....Hugs Beach
3/15/2008 2:21:25 PM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Reno, NV
age: 53 online now!
Hi Beach
Good to see you. I think we spend our lives trying to outgrow the things of our childhood. Love is the most misunderstood thing in our lives. The greeks had there words for the emotions we lump into one word and I forgot what they were but I do remember Agape is the love for all, the highest and best.
3/15/2008 2:34:29 PM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Brampton, ON
age: 54
Love is a choice, it outlasts the feelings of love. There comes a time when loving feelings will not carry you across the finish line, only the determination that you are my beloved & I will stay with you regardless that I am disappointed with you. Feelings do come & go. Choosing to love another is strength. Ask the happily married
3/15/2008 4:31:38 PM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Reno, NV
age: 53 online now!
I know all of those thing about love but where is it?
I want it 
I once heard it said that it is not love that is the problem it is our barriors to it that is our problem.
3/15/2008 4:46:08 PM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Martinsville, VA
age: 57
Yes we all have barriers to that love. I have experienced some in the past. One was
recently pointed out to me. One I didn't even know I had. Wow. I was shocked
and then after I thought about it. Once I acknowledged it and understood where it was coming from, I let it go. Then I found that I was free of it. Interesting and wonderful experience.
I always learn something new from you Jondular. Thanks. Liz
3/15/2008 4:59:29 PM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Reno, NV
age: 53 online now!
Hi Liz
Nice to see you. I checked out your new pics "Waiting for the chipendale dancers" hope you had lots of fun!!
I notice as I learn things about me I often think "I wish I had known that a little sooner". I am glad you still find good things in my writings thank you for reading.
Love and Light be yours
3/16/2008 5:45:46 AM |
I believe in LOVE , (My rant for today) |

Holden, MO
age: 44 online now!
Jon, your so right. love is not the problem. i would love to be in love again. the problem now a daysis divorce. its to easy to say the hell with it and bail out. no one wants to work at anything now a days. theres to much temptation and not enough faithful people when it comes to their partner. i have learn to put a tallllll wall around my heart.i am not out to get my heart broke again, but just because it has been broke before doesn't mean the next guy will break it. trust who you love and love who you trust. best of luck to ya.