3/14/2008 9:59:00 AM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
All I know is that my lifetime has been in a interesting period of time for many reasons. Before I move on I expect to see even more of what the greatness of life has to offer. Life is such a wonderful thing it makes me so sad to see so many not being aware of what a wonderful experience it is.
This person believes that the human race is improving, as a whole, even though we are more aware of the negatives. I do not think that people are getting worse as a whole. I see nothing but light ahead and hope for my descendants to enjoy every moment that they have.
3/14/2008 11:33:51 AM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Sacramento, CA
age: 39
Sehkhmet - that VanInpe guy then made of himself a false prophet his own bible warns Xtains against.

3/14/2008 3:54:01 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Dark: I know! The irony of what he says amuses me.
He was on again last night. I wish I could remember what he said that made me laugh - but I was perfectly roflmao.
3/14/2008 5:21:07 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Sacramento, CA
age: 39
There are two aspects of religion that made me laugh, I mean to the point where I almost got booted out of Barnes & Nobles.
Well first is most of these televangelists and their hypocrisy. It's enough to piss of the pope, so the saying goes Makes me want to chew on a wire. Their inaccuracies just boggle my mind and I honestly can't blame any single atheist that ever existed when all they know about God they learned from this kind of bullshit.
The other thing was the Satanic Bible. Oh god -I never so laughed so hard.
Why didn't he just call it The Nihilist's Guide To Cheeky Humor
The only "religion" I jive with and whose people have minimul attitude -and I mean so minimul I can't even cite an example as to anything wrong - are Wiccans. I really can't think of one that ever chapped my hide and the only thing I didn't get on with in Wicca is the Goddess concept. I know the meaning of it, I just don't dig offering prayers to a female. I'm kind of twisted misogynist. (I know how that sounds, but really most of the time I just hate women - unless they're like me )
3/14/2008 11:27:47 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
There was a program on the history channel again tonight on 2012. I refuse to worry about something I can do nothing about. Don't get me wrong I do not mind discussing any subject. I am sort of talking to myself here cause this could be scary if a person let it get to them.      
3/15/2008 2:27:13 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Sacramento, CA
age: 39
didn't the same sort of thing start happening in 1999 Especially when it came to everyone's computers and the internet?
It reminds me of that ol' British sitcom Up Pompeii -- Towards the end of every episode, one of the character elads would do a sort of stand up routine or monologye for the crowd, and this old guy would walk behind him with a picket "The time has come, the end is near!" and he'd berate the old guy for it.
The humor in it was that everyone in the storyline lived in the shadow of Mt. Visuvius.
3/15/2008 3:11:31 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

age: 62
Actually the December date in 2012 is very interesting, as not only is it a significant scientific and astronomical event, but one foretold by the Mayans in their calendar. It's the last day of he Mayan calendar, which to date is the most astronomically accurate one we know of. On the 21st of December our solar system enters the dark rift, which is found in all galaxies and runs from the outside to the center, where galaxies massive black holes sit.
The most interesting aspects of this place is no light seems to emanate from within it and we have no idea of what planetary systems go through whilst in this galactic area, nor what effect this has on life. I once read an ancient text from India which told of a time in the past where the lights of the night sky went out and the world was thrown into turmoil as the planet rocked and shuddered. There are also references to a time like this in Australian aboriginal cultures dream time. As we have no knowledge of this place we are entering, it may have massive magnetic effects upon us, which would bend light and force it away from us, just like a black hole stops light from leaving it. When you consider science can now get particles to travel at 99.99999% of the speed of light and can also bend it, catch it then let it go again, it's reasonable to assume a galactic rift from which no light emanates, may have those qualities and because we are mostly liquid, are subject to magnetic forces so will be effected in some way.
Considering we are now very close to this rift, then it's reasonable to assume it is already having an effect upon us and you could say we are seeing this in the growing collapse of all social aspects of humanity and the reason why those who are addicted to delusional religion, and so very susceptible to being easily controlled, are behaving in a more psychotic way. Just look at the world and all you see is nut cases killing, invading, preaching and acting in insane a hypocritical ways. All signs of mental collapse caused by their confusion between the illusions they cling to is being whittled away by the growing reality that confronts humanity and life on this planet. Its interesting times we live in and the next 4-5 years should be an amazing ride, I have my seat belt on, popcorn at the ready and looking forward to an enlightening and challenging experience.
3/15/2008 3:50:10 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Stormbay: I think one of the links I posted had something about the Mayans. There is a wonderful book called Mayan Cosmogensis 2012 written by John Major Jenkins. You may enjoy it.
Thank you for your post.
BTW- There are some scientists who believe the dark rift IS a black hole. I have theories about how it correlates to our behavior along with magnetics.
[Edited 3/15/2008 3:51:28 PM]
3/15/2008 5:06:20 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
2008 - a year to watch. Not just for the politics, but for the weather as well.
3/15/2008 5:20:24 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

age: 62
Sekh I've read the theory the rift may be a black hole, but since then they have studied a few and it that were so, then on the other side of the rift there would be no stars. However it could be a tail of the black hole which may not have the attraction power of a full black hole. It will be interesting, if it is a channel to the center of a black hole, then we should not worry about it as the journey down it would take us many thousands of years. But it may also be a transition point in the evolution of star systems and we may come out the other side a very different world. Both the Egyptians and Veda refer to the earth's precessional movements, so they were aware way back then of the transitionary paths and astrological and numerological configuration they could make which would stand up over time.
The most interesting thing moving into the rift may be we will be subject to dimensional confusion as the massive magnetic forces within it may open doors between dimensional realities and we may see things we can't understand, leading to mass hysteria amongst the superstitious and unevolved. This may result in the sane on the planet having to hide away from societies until the masses wipe themselves out or evolve their understanding beyond primitive superstition and beliefs, as in god.
I've read a bit of Jenkins and he has some interesting and good things to say, sadly there is very little difference between his earlier works and his latest book. Which to me shows he has reached the end of his theories and can't evolve them further.
3/15/2008 5:30:27 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Actually - our theories on magnetics are somewhat the same. I have also felt that the magnetic (and gravitational) forces are going to have a physiological affect on many: insanity and whatnot. There have been oodles of studies showing that certain impulses transmitted to the brain will cause a person to feel and experience certain events similar to religious revelations and ufo abductions.
I also tend to think that this is happening already. As we get closer to this space (Schumann's Resonance would also come into play here), people are going to feel these changes. But, because I also understand M-theory...and do believe in parallel realities (or Universes) I am also of the opinion that "doors" will be opened.
How will society handle it? My opinion is the same as yours. Some will go mad - and those who don't will hide a while.
3/15/2008 5:58:27 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

age: 62
The concepts of string and M-theory are just that concepts, derived to guide our minds in different directions and excellent transitionary works. I doubt we can understand the reality of dimensional shift and interaction and will have to learn on the job as they say, in other words we will have to grasp and cope as it unfolds. So having preconceived concepts will be a hindrances to being able to cope and work with the changes. From what I've read and understand, I see less than 10% of the worlds population surviving the changes, as about that number are firmly locked into past failed ideologies. Your psychological control, will be the major factor in future survival, no matter what happens.
Organic alchemists believe in dimensional evolution and I've read where they theorise that doors between dimensions can be opened with certain combinations, which include refracted light, magnetism and vibrational representation as in music. They say as it is a 3 dimensional world currently, it requires combinations of 3's to open up dimensional realities. If you study numerology, you will find 3 is the number of creativity, and the combination of 3x3 gives 9, which is the completion of the cycle and consists of all the combinations of 3's.
All we can do is prepare our minds, be observant, free of fear superstition or the need to cling, then await the future with enthusiasm.
3/15/2008 6:01:30 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Yep, I have studied numerology.
I think it best to look at the coming times (to paraphrase The Twilight Zone) with "Fresh Young Minds..."

3/16/2008 1:32:11 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
The Mayan calender cycle is 5,200 years in length. 2012, The Zero Year. This year anchors a spiritual certainty and the understanding of cycles of time. The Great Platonic Cycle. The Sun is crossing galactic center at the 2012 junction. In the great cycle of the zodiac it takes the sun 25,920 years to go through the platonic cycle.
It is a photonic action, where the whole of our solar system passes through the Photon Belt 2 times in the 26,000 year cycle which happens every 11,000 years and lasts for a 2,000 year period. There is a period of 2,000 years of light. We are coming out of an 11,000 year period of darkness. That is why the vibrational resonsance frequency rate of the planet, the solar system and us is increasing. We ourselves are made up of light. Photons are the highest form of light that we know of and they cannot be pinned down in time or space.
2012 is about breaking down the conditioning that is keeping you from seeing your greater reality. It is not about any messianic return or second coming. 2012 is largely dependent upon 'energy focus' and how we choose to go into it. This is not about individual personalities as much as it is about YOURSELF. It is a consciousness awaking that is happening within each person. This is a future that we create. 2012 is an energy field that we create which is largely dependent on our focus in terms of how we choose to go into it.
There is a government time travel project called Project Looking Glass. The person looking throught the looking glass, determines the future that you see, by what they EXPECT they are going to see in the future. This is an actual government Atlantian reverse engineered time viewing technology, where we are dealing with a situation where how you look at it, does determine the outcome. There is no catalclysmic reality.
Some of us will be able to have ascended abilities, full on ascended abilities prior to the actual shift happening. What is expected after 2012, is a 100 more times hormonious utopian world, where things like time travel, levitation, instant telepathy, instant healing, telekenisis are as common everyday as breathing.
That is of course if anyone is willing to do their practice which involves the acceptance and the forgiveness of the self. If you can find that place within yourself, then you will be the most compatable for this change. The only reason that someone upsets you is because you have that issue within yourself.
Your consciousness creates and outmanifests what you hold in thought. That is why it is very critical to pay attention to what you think about and what you are holding in your consciousness at this moment. What you think about and hold in your consciousness and what you put out, comes back to you and shows up in your life in your outerworld as matter.
It is a time to get right with yourself. It is not about anyone else. A time of seperation of a psychological nature, which is in the process of a breaking down of the old to make room for the new. A seperation from the men from the boys, so to speak. You must do your own spiritual homework and come to terms with yourself. It is not about anyone else.
Man's task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man. Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life. The attainment of wholeness requires one to stake one’s whole being. Nothing less will do; there can be no easier conditions, no substitutes, no compromises.
A great change will come to pass, though not the doom and gloom that your rulers are trying to get you to believe in order to bring about the end times scenerio for their benefit. They are trying to prepare the dish to get you to do your own demise, because they don't like it here. They are using religion to scare you in order to bring in the end of the ages. Though they will fail miserably because their religions are a lie and in place to control humankind for enslavement, the enslavement of your mind.
3/16/2008 3:22:21 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
"2012 is about breaking down the conditioning that is keeping you from seeing your greater reality. It is not about any messianic return or second coming. 2012 is largely dependent upon 'energy focus' and how we choose to go into it. This is not about individual personalities as much as it is about YOURSELF. It is a consciousness awaking that is happening within each person. This is a future that we create. 2012 is an energy field that we create which is largely dependent on our focus in terms of how we choose to go into it."
While I agree with you completely, I do also believe that certain religions view this as a Messianic return. How else would they describe it? Think about Revelations - John of Patmos would *not* have said, "This will be a time of consciousness awakening!" - absolutely not. He would describe it as the return of Christ and of the Kingdom, would he not? He would describe it in the way he knew how.
Again...blind men and the elephant.
Frankly, it will not surprise me in the least bit if - at that time - there are people from all major religions stating that their God has returned, or is returning, etc.
I do not think I could rightly describe what I think will happen. But...there is a strong part of me that feels it will be nothing like we have ever seen or experienced before.
I still plan on being in Chichen Itza on that day, though. Unfettered by technology and standing nude in the sun.