3/16/2008 4:11:31 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
I do also believe that certain religions view this as a Messianic return. How else would they describe it?
Well that is the problem with what is being intentionally presented to the masses of sheeple. That is exactly what your rulers and religions would have you believe. That a return of a savior is coming to save the good obedient christian believers to bring in a disasterous end time senerio using your very own consciousness to do it with.
They put that in everyones head on purpose so they would create that very reality where the sheeple would bring it about by their very own thinking. That is what all the religious zelot freak rulers have everyone believing. There is no second coming, because there never was a first. It is all a made up fairytale from hell because your demonic reptilian blood thirsty freak rulers do not like it here and they don't like anyone else. They need to get the sheeple to do their own demise by using their very own thinking to bring it about in order to outmanifest the end time senerio they hope for to get rid of them.
[Edited 3/16/2008 4:35:38 PM]
3/16/2008 4:52:01 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Oh...I am not one of those sheeple. Believe me. Definitely not.
However, I do wonder what will happen when the Rapture DOES NOT come. It is a shame, though, how many people there are that really need to be *told* how to think or feel. I don't know whether to feel pity or disdain.
[Edited 3/16/2008 4:53:15 PM]
3/16/2008 4:55:18 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
I have this f*cking hilarious picture I wanted to add...and it is not showing up. Poop!
You'll have to go this link to see it:
[Edited 3/16/2008 4:56:09 PM]
3/16/2008 5:14:26 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
sekhmet, hey what is your image of?...it did not materialize on the screen.
I think the sheeple will be terribly dissapointed and feel very betrayed by their lord god and savior Geezus H Khrist when they see that he left them in the dust and did not return to bring them to the pearly gates of heaven for a nice buffet dinner and dancing.
The sheeple are pretty busy now with the pre-end time celebration getting ready for it all the while they are avoiding their own responsibility of owning up to the dirt in the closet of their own consciousness that they are afraid of dealing with. Thats why they need Geezus H Khrist to come and save them from themselves.
They have been trained to give their power and authority away to something outside of themselves so big daddy and company can tell them what to do and what to think because they are incompetent and incapable of doing so themselves.
That is why they have all these singles sites and no one can seem to actually connect with anyone of any substance because nobody is home. They have lost touch with themselves in their own vanity and materialism and lead shallow empty lives while they are waiting for their alien lord to come and rescue them from their sad lonely little lives.
lol ...ok I saw it...hiliarious...thanks
[Edited 3/16/2008 5:19:03 PM]
3/16/2008 5:27:06 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Glad you liked it.
It is one of my favorites.
As a matter of fact, you strike me as a guy who would enjoy Dischordia. Go check out the Flying Spaghetti monster thread and Turok's. (There is a link in the thread.) Lots of humour - largely religious based.
3/16/2008 5:33:55 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Jewelz - Be sure to check out Kissing Hank's Ass and Bible Fight.
You'll love Kissing Hank's Ass on the FSM thread.
3/16/2008 5:44:52 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
hahaha...thanks...ok I checked them both out...it's not me though some goofy shit for sure
3/16/2008 10:43:01 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Lakewood, OH
age: 40 online now!
You are correct sire, at least I think you are.
It is the last day of the Mayan calendar, or of that era, then a new one starts, from my understanding that will be rather short, as described.
But short compared to what? I don't know.
and Yes, indeed, not only is the sun going around the center of the galaxy it is also moving up and down, now we are heading twards the galactic equator, if you will.
Yes, there is ejecti at the top of the galaxy just don't know too much about the sides, but I doubt it.
If anything this is where the bulk of the mass is located and we are likely to smash into a few things on our way.
But from my understanding that the sun only dips into the galactic equator briefly then goes back up again. Or down again, depending on your perspective.
and yes there are black holes at the center of most galaxies, but don't know about any such effect you are talking about.
but rest assured that this course will not cause the earths destruction.
it has past threw this before so if it can suck light away it will also suck matter away and we came out of it last time, so that is obviously not going to happen.
Oh, OK, then you completely fall off the edge of the earth and blame this alleged effect on every modern problem that society has.
Spoken like a true conspiracy theorist, in that everything only has one cause and one cause only.
3/19/2008 7:42:08 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Twentynine Palms, CA
age: 42
Stormbay nailed it! http://www.levity.com/eschaton/Why2012.html
Were they bored and just stopped, or was there a reason? Well ladies and gentlemen; we can discuss it till the cows come home, or the calender ends. LOL
The fact is we have today. Live it and love it as you would a child. Prepare for tomorrow, and if it comes.... do the same. One day at a time. To live is to love!
3/22/2008 5:49:43 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

age: 62
but rest assured that this course will not cause the earths destruction.
it has past threw this before so if it can suck light away it will also suck matter away and we came out of it last time, so that is obviously not going to happen.
There is a difference between light and matter, so it's logical to assume the galactic equator or dark rift may have the properties to reflect or absorb light, but not matter. We have no understanding as to what black holes are, they are only theoretical guesses to ft with their theology. I see them as one way dimensional doors, just the same I see stars as one way dimensional doors. Black holes are out doors from this dimension and stars are indoors, its really simple and if you think about it logically, rational.
I also don't see it as the end of the planet, but as a transition and as it is probably filled with magnetic energy, then we will be effected. If this is the case, then it will boil down to how much control you have over your mind and whether you can accept what occurs and not freak when your ideological hopes and restraints are disintegrated in front of your eyes. No matter what happens, even if it's nothing that actually effects us, it will be an experience. After all if the theory of it being dust filled, comes to the fore, then the planet may be bombarded by particles which will tear things apart and only a cave may save you. Hence the Mayans and others believed the door to salvation and the dark world, were within caves. This could be because they had evidence that those who survived the last dark rift passage, were able to seek refuge below the earth's surface. We could also see spectacular and dangerous happenings as our sun is bombarded with dust and it may send out charged particles, protons and huge solar winds. To go even further into a scenario fantasy, the dust could subdue the suns output, plunging us into a solar winter until the sun clears the rift.
Which reminds me, I have to go dig a deep hole in the side of our hill and fill it full of food water and 75 virgins, all over 50.  
[Edited 3/22/2008 5:58:04 PM]
3/23/2008 12:48:44 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Navarre, FL
age: 50
Oh yes the next eon draweth nigh. 
3/24/2008 11:32:15 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Will born again virgins due Storm??????????
3/25/2008 12:41:02 AM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

age: 62
Will born again virgins due Storm??????????
Yep, as long as they've not been re-born too too too many times.  
3/25/2008 8:59:33 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
They say it takes seven years without to be a reborn virgin, I have had 19 years.  
5/15/2008 8:49:34 AM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Chicago, IL
age: 48
"Then the furious Dragon set out to attack the rest of her children-all who were keeping God's commandments and confessing that they belong to Jesus. He stood waiting on an ocean beach."

If Hillary takes office in June of 09,(she would be fulfilling the prophecy of Rev 13:11-14)and this country should meet it's demise 42 months later in Dec. 2012,
If we stay here with the sinners we will be "punished" along with them. I think this verse of prophecy is trying to direct God's children to a place of safety.(Rio?)I'm just not sure how uncorrupted and reliable this source actually is.
Brazil doesn't have any nuclear bombs, so that's a plus. If Yellowstone super erupts (like a mile high wall of fire that extends beyond the land mass of North America and into the ocean) Rio would be far enough south that you wouldn't be crisped. I'm sure the aftermath won't be pretty but it may be survivable below the equator. Plus at that point we'll only need to wait 31/2 more years for the return of Christ.
[Edited 5/15/2008 8:55:29 AM]