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3/12/2008 4:06:23 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
With the normal Caveat: Flamers will be banned.
We are 4 1/2 years away from 12/21/2012. Here is a date predicted by many cultures as the end/beginning of mankind. (I am in the camp that says it is the end of one evolutionary cycle and the beginning of another.)
Recently I was watching the wonderfully insane Jack Van Impe who says that that is the day of Christ's return. I am not opposed to this line of thinking - especially if one considers Christ as a Bodhisattva (an enlightened being), and his return as a coming of enlightenment.
Thoughts, arguments, ideas... Post them here.
3/12/2008 4:14:30 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Do not have one bit of evidence to back it up but, I think the future is nothing but bright for those who see the light.
[Edited 3/12/2008 4:14:46 PM]
3/12/2008 4:28:17 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Here is a link for more information.
Aside from the supernatural, the Cosmic significance of the date is not to be ignored. Here is a date that only occurs once every 26,000 years. I am honored to be alive during the two seconds of the Earth's life to witness this: the end of the precessional period; the rising sun's conjunction with the dark rift in the Milky Way; the alignment of the rising sun with the Great Pyramid...among other things.
I am paying close attention to the earth's Magnetic field.
3/12/2008 4:45:02 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Other information:
I take about 99.99% of this information with a grain of salt. But - it is all an interesting read.
3/12/2008 10:50:23 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Marietta, GA
age: 27
we all will see the light if a meteor hits the earth    
3/12/2008 10:53:55 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Marietta, GA
age: 27
other then that i have ben studying a lot on the subject of 2012 ital be bad but i
think there also those that are meant to survive it, if not, then I'm ready for the next stage of the journey
3/12/2008 11:55:51 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
On the coming Singularity.
3/13/2008 11:19:35 AM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
When I was younger I studied religions and philosophy with great gusto. After a point however I learned that inside of me is all the information that I will ever need. My point of focus changed at that point from what I knew to what I was aware of. Thinking is one of the most overrated things I have ever come across. Since we are all linked to everything that the human race has ever learned, and the brain is the best data bank in all of existence, I have worked hard to build pathways to my sub and super conscious minds. As a result I have come to understand things at a young age that people spend entire lifetimes trying to grasp. It has also allowed me to stop living life in second person and make the big jump to a first person existence. My knowledge is my own, and I haven't had to stand on the shoulders of those who came before me in order to reach it.
3/13/2008 2:14:23 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Yes, Shaman. And I am the same way - but for the benefit for those who do not have the same knowledge and ability I have started this discussion.
3/13/2008 5:34:58 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Shaman once again I have come to the same point in spirituality as you, awareness. I have been watching what is being said about 2012, but again choose to look on the bright side. I am ready for whatever comes in my future and am not afraid. I pay attention to these things only because it is interesting.
Sek, I agree on living in a fascinating time and as I have suddenly become, for some unknown reason to me, interested in human history; I think maybe living at anytime has been a fascinating time to be a living, aware human.
The Roman and Greek histories are particularly interesting as they were far ahead of anything I would have thought possible in the ancients.
[Edited 3/13/2008 5:35:29 PM]
3/13/2008 9:34:49 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |

Lakewood, OH
age: 40
Jesus, what do you have against flame wars?
Their fun, that's some of my best stuff, lol.
OK, 2012, sorry to disappoint you if you are looking for nifty space aliens to come down from heaven and drop off Jim Morrison and Jesus, who were busy with Elvis rewriting the bible to say "Party Naked, in Jello".
I suppose my view is that it will be the end or the beginning of the end and not a moment too soon, if you ask me, what a freakin horror this world is.
But as I remember, granted it is all a bit vague with all the mind control, shifting time lines, alternate earths, 15 years of abusing my brain cells and about a dozen or so other things but here we go......
I suppose it is the idea of a future past life, retro-incarnation, that you live your life in some future time, died and then were reincarnated in the past.
Which only makes sense, if there is an afterlife it would be beyond worldly effect such as time and every point in time would just be another dot on a map you could then go to next.
But, the idea that these freakin dumb a** retarded evil bastards that control this world and wish to enslave mankind will eventually succeed. If anything the last 8 years of this idiot puppet head president has proven that nobody is going to fight back against the NWO, and why bother when you can watch Surviver Island and American Idol?
Sure the ancient might have thought of it as a great time but they also thought getting spliced open and having your heart ripped out to sacrifice to some strange god was a good idea too. So they probably didn't think that the world wide enslavement and extermination of mankind was a bad thing either, as long as it made the gods happy.
So that is pretty much where we are headed, you can see it now.
Of course these invisible previously none existent global terrorist groups that just popped into existence will continue to present a threat to mankind and low corporate profit margins. So we will all be needed to be branded like cattle, just so our evil overlords will know who is a real person and who is an imaginary terrorist.
It will start out small, National ID cards, then National ID implants.
Sure that will tell you that it will make you safer, somehow to put this in your body, so that "they" will know you are not a terrorist but it is all done on purpose, believe me.
But the whole point is to get you to accept the implants.
Hey and it will be so much more convenient and safer too.
You can have your medical history on your chip, you bank account, you resumee, divers license, credit cards, what a freakin great idear, huh?!?!?!!
But all and all it is just another means to control you because not only is your number on your chip it will also be in some computer somewhere.
Then they will know who you are, demographically and personally and can weed out those that they don't want around anymore.
Those people who are educated but not gay must die,
those who are smart but not evil will also have to go,
those who have good jobs but are not weak willed can't stay either,
basically anybody they consider a threat to their absolute rule over mankind.
Leaving only the bottom layers of humanity alive to be their sniveling spineless coward slaves.
And it will work, it will work wonderfully.
Mankind will prosper beyond belief, the end of hunger, the end of poverty, the end of crime, then end of freedom.
Dozens of new technological innovations, mostly about how to jam more and more computer hardware into your bodies.
Imagine you could have an internet connection in your brain, then you don't have to waste all that time using your hand typing all those little letters. you can just think of a question and your neural implant will answer it for you.
Need directions?
No worries your onstar guidance system will guide your straight to the bestiality porn store.
Don't worry about going blind thought, cause we can give you new eyes as well.
Wondering if that place you just drove by is a good restaurant to eat at?
Just get a review before you even pull in the parking lot.
but then we will all become so productive and have lots of time thinking of solutions to problems that they will suck out of your brains and market for themselves that they just won't need any more slaves any more.
There will be so many implants in your body that you will not be able to live with out them, then one day somebody will go to a computer and shut us all down.
Millions if not billions of people all dropping dead in a single moment, leaving only this self appointed hierarchy to live on in our place.
Granted this will not be the only mass extermination event to take place in the future, just the most tasteless.
But of course seeing how we can no longer reincarnate into the future, since there will be little if anybody being born anymore, much to dangerous having new people around you know.
So the only choice for all these souls is to try and drift to a new planet or reincarnate into the past, which is what happened to many.
Of course when you are a victim of such a huge and horrible global conspiracy the first thing you want to do when arriving in the past is try and prevent this holocaust from ever taking place. That worked as well.
It is sort of a built in accidental protection mechanism that most planets have to prevent species from exterminating themselves.
If some horrible event takes place then everybody will have to reincarnate in the past, displacing weaker souls or merging with them to from a composite soul.
The memory of such events will resonate somewhere within them during life, like an itch that scratches from inside your brain and hopefully, if all goes well then can fix whatever problem that cause such events.
The problem being that we are/were/will be the problem that cause this to happen.
Either directly or threw our own complacency.
But it was fixed, not by me, not that I know of anyway, but somebody fixed the problem.
Somebody else, I did see somebody posting about it on a Pentagon message board long ago and there have been tons of fictional Hollywood movies about coming doom of this nature.
So somebody did fix it, steered us away from the edge so this unimaginable horror would never take place.
But then the whole thing just reset somehow and started all over again.
Putting the time line back on track to world wide global depopulation, which only proves to me that this is not a locally inspired event.
The Carlyle Group, the wonderful people that brought you the WTC attacks have also been heavily investing in biometrics companies, the National ID card was back on the table again and child and pet implants have now been commercial made available.
Somebody wants us off this little rock and we are doing nothing but helping them do it.
So sayith Doth D.B. Suma
3/13/2008 10:55:19 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
"The problem being that we are/were/will be the problem that cause this to happen.
Either directly or threw our own complacency."
I felt the need to quote this and ponder...
3/13/2008 10:59:03 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Sacramento, CA
age: 39
I'll go with the cosmic significance,its cooler and more magical . I remember one time someone sent me an email, it was this mathematical thing where the month, date, year etc - lined up to 123456 or something like that.
I'm sure you recall what I am talking about. They said it wouldn't happen again for another bookoo gazillions of years if ever.
Religious "leaders" need to shut the f**k up and reread their bibles.
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only" (Matthew 24:36).
(that's as far as quotes from bible's as I'll get)
3/13/2008 11:05:42 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
I am also more interested in the Cosmic event. As I said before - to be alive during this phase in the Earth's history - during a time when an event will occur that only happens once every 26,000 years...well, shit man, I'm honored. Totally honored.
However, that being said, based on my own observations of the times, I do think we are in for one hell of a ride over the next few years before this date. Climatology, physics, math -- all these areas are coming to an interesting point: Global warming, CERN, Technological Certainty.
One hell of a ride. And then one hell of a Cosmic Show. I'm stoked!
3/13/2008 11:07:13 PM |
2012 - An interfaith discussion. |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Oh...and Jack Van Impe (Such a damned fruitcake!) came up with a weird argument for why he (why he was blessed with the knowledge, he did not explain...) knew the day and the hour. I was laughing hysterically.
He would have made the apologetics proud.