3/13/2008 7:55:10 AM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

South Africa
age: 32
I am puzzled. Nice guys often are rejected by nice ladies but jerks are a yes yes. On the other hands the female jerks prefer nice guys sothat they can use them? why why why??????
3/13/2008 8:00:35 AM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Carlock, IL
age: 36
Because female jerks view nice guys as being push overs. They think that just because you know how to treat them in a dignified manner and (if you truly are a nice person) never raise your voice to them
So they look for something that will cause you to raise your voice then claim "Your not the man I thought you were."
3/13/2008 8:24:48 AM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Carlock, IL
age: 36
Grn, its not so. I'm just cranky remember?
3/13/2008 8:26:33 AM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 30 online now!
I prefer a decent sweetie of a man....
A jerk gets booted really quick with me!
3/13/2008 10:08:05 AM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Belle, WV
age: 52
I don't think we prefer jerks. I think the jerks just know how to come on like a real sweety, turn on the charm. Kinda like fishing, they know which lure to use or what bait, to grab the fish. An the real sweethearts don't wanna hurt our feelings or make us think they are vultures, so they sit back and don't take action. Therefore leaving the field wide open for the jerks to use us and make us too bitter to see the good guys. JMO.
3/13/2008 11:55:53 AM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Lake Charles, LA
age: 30
Same reason men prefer tramps over good girls- we all have the tendency to go for the eye candy first not realizing it is all a front so alot of people stay miserable. Not me anymore if you are willing to get naked too quick with me you can go home- I WILL NEVER RESPECT OR TRUST YOU!!!! make sense?  
3/13/2008 12:30:47 PM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Manassas, VA
age: 48
Ya know this one really baffels me. If I pay attention a womem I'm viewed as needy/clingy but if I ignore them they get interested all of a sudden.

This is so true! I've seen some of the biggest jerks get wommen and just treat them like crap, and they just keep going back for more.
I've gotten to the point where it really dosen't matter if I'm with someone or not. As long as I'm happy with who I am. Who cares? Don't get me wrong, I'd like to have a partner but not at my expense. Live free and be happy.

3/13/2008 3:32:20 PM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Napa, CA
age: 41 online now!
Jerks don't last 30 seconds around me.
The kindest man I've ever known was married to a woman who was (for lack of a better term) The AntiChrist! He remained married to her until the day he died; he wasn't a happy man.
I have learned that logic doesn't seem to apply in most relationships/ matters of the heart.
3/13/2008 3:53:28 PM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Hedgesville, WV
age: 39
3/13/2008 4:04:15 PM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Nashville, TN
age: 50
This, my friend, is an age old problem that appears to go completely against how Mother Nature intended us to pair up and mate for the propagation of the species; in some respects. If a woman is attracted to the "jerk" (guilty- but I have learned)it could be because she is choosing someone "like her father." Yes, it is true. Or they are still emotionally immature enough to look for that adolescent adventure. Emotional problems that tell them they deserve nothing better than the jerk. Self Esteem. OUr world has grown to be so complex and filled with trouble and conflict....we're lost. The man who hooks up with a woman who turns out to be a user? Bitter. Control freaks. Looking to punish someone. Looking for someone to take care of them because they are lazy- maybe just like their mothers. Decent guys- do not lose hope. But in the meantime, be proud of who you are and how you choose to relate to women. My son said to me once, "momma, I saw how men treated you when I was growing up. I'll never treat a woman that way." And he doesn't. He's a loyal family man who has maybe once in his life had a one night stand. I did good as a single mom, but I was always there for him and he knew it.
3/13/2008 4:55:19 PM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Council Bluffs, IA
age: 24
i don't like jerks.
3/13/2008 4:57:49 PM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
Women don't.
What happens is we are led to believe a man is descent, adn so we trust him, and meet him for drinks or dinner and then we get shit canned alongside the head in one way or another - with a "how do you like me now?" sort of flare....
and we whimper and go back to not trusting any men at all.
There's your real truthful answer.
3/13/2008 7:08:14 PM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Selah, WA
age: 47
I'm wondering why someone thinks I like to be treated like shit??? I don't go looking for an asshole nor would I want one. Assholes give the illusion that they are decent. They are great actors and once they got you hooked then they show their true colors. I end up scratching my head and wonder what happened to the wonderful man I had met had changed when I thought he loved me. It wasn't love, it was all about control. Once I've had enough of the nightmare, I leave and I am quickly replaced by another walking victim falling under the same illusion that I fell for. So it's not that I am looking for assholes, they are working on their Oscar performance ... I think it's a high for them.
[Edited 3/13/2008 7:09:17 PM]
3/13/2008 11:39:33 PM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

Holden, MO
age: 44
i prefer nice guys any day over jerks. thats why i am not tied to a man now. because the have been big jack offs and i won't and don't waste my time. hit the door and don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out
3/14/2008 12:53:59 AM |
Why is it that women prefer jerks more than descent guys? |

South Africa
age: 32
Yes madam, you are right. There are men up there who can camouflage but when things go to the next level they change to their true colours. However, some men are really nice and too soft to hurt women, to even raise their voices but their partners are totally opposite.
It is almost impossible for a couple to be of the same character. Why is that? Same applies to men. Men can be jerks dating nice ladies.
Why not jerk to jerk and softie to softie? I am puzzled.