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3/13/2008 7:18:38 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Lake Jackson, TX
age: 47

Okay. I haven't done the dating thing in years (almost 7 to be exact), but I remember doing the on line dating thing: emailing, the im's and then finally the phone calls. I remember on a few occasions giving my number out and then the phone would ring. And there were a couple of guys - who seemed to be nice - but I couldn't STAND the sound of their voice! Has anyone else had this happen? You find someone you can 'talk to' on line - but when you hear their voice (accent, dialect, hideous/insane laughter), you just turn cold? Was it just me?

3/13/2008 7:23:45 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Fort Collins, CO
age: 55

It's not just you, a lady I met several years ago was wonderful in many ways, just couldn't be romantic with a voice that was nearly masculine.

3/13/2008 7:25:30 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Selah, WA
age: 47

Ummm no, not alone. I've been kind of surprised by someone's voice but I try to get pass that. I have a soft, dull voice so I'm sure I don't sound that great either. Hmmmmmm maybe that could be why after a few phone calls back and forth I don't hear from them anymore.

3/13/2008 7:28:45 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Lake Jackson, TX
age: 47

Okay, well maybe it's not just me! There was one guy who lived not too far away. He even showed up at my house for my 40th birthday party. Nice, down to earth guy, but when he spoke, I would just look at him and wonder, "how does that voice come out of that mouth?" I know, shame on me, but I guess there are a few things that ARE Immediate Road Blocks to Romance .........

3/13/2008 7:33:06 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Rocky Hill, CT
age: 43

yep - been there done that - i dated a guy w/ lets say a weird voice and i tried to get past it - i kind of did get past that - but the relationship didn't last because of other things... and now when i think think back that voice still bugs

3/13/2008 7:42:33 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Cleveland, TN
age: 51

yeah it happened to me too...heard the voice and went had that nasal thing going on and everything he said, sounded like he was whining... i have a somewhat 'southern' accent but most people like it...

3/13/2008 7:50:06 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Milwaukee, WI
age: 50

Ahhh I hear you (forget the pun) I went from an online convo to telephone... and the "voice" totally turned me OFF! I apologize for such a shallow thing, but the voice creeped me out! So much so, that I would not take it to the next level.

3/13/2008 7:54:02 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Lake Jackson, TX
age: 47

So I assume this is mostly a thing that turns women off? There is a woman that works in my office building that literally sends people running away when she is outside on her cell phone in the smoke area - and it's the men that are running at the fastest pace!

3/13/2008 7:55:23 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Woodstock, GA
age: 26

No, but I can understand what your saying. I know gals who I find very pleasant to look at who I just wished had better voices. It is irritating! and also, not too far off subject, It also sucks when everything else is great but you can't stand their name. That's sounds horrible I know.

3/13/2008 7:58:22 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Lake Jackson, TX
age: 47

what kind of name would be that terrible?

3/13/2008 7:58:49 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Huntington Beach, CA
age: 43


When Oldeschool and I first spoke on the phone he said that I have a "child like" voice.

I wasn't offended because I hear that all the time.

I guess he got past it! He would be a good canidate to answer this one!

3/13/2008 7:59:50 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Lake Jackson, TX
age: 47

Oldeschool? Any opinion here? Would love to hear from you!

3/13/2008 8:00:41 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Woodstock, GA
age: 26

I hate to say in case I offend anyone with the same name. But using an exageration to illustrate my point: I would hate to introduce my girlfriend to people if her name were Big Bertha!

3/13/2008 8:02:59 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Lake Jackson, TX
age: 47

well, I can see where Big Bertha would be a little tough ...... and you know, I would have a problem introducing a guy named "Bubba" to my friends ........ god, I am feeling more shallow by the minute, but it's the truth!

3/13/2008 8:04:53 PM Voices, I Hear Voices ......  

Woodstock, GA
age: 26

LOL! I know, I do feel bad but I can't how I feel! By the way my name is Bubba!

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