7/1/2007 5:31:12 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
now where does it say there were cavemen well there is a devil he was once a high ranking angel of God until he rebelled
[Edited 7/1/2007 5:32:14 PM]
7/1/2007 6:59:33 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Huntington, IN
age: 38
the bible is not based on fact, so how can we believe there is a satan?
7/1/2007 7:03:08 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Huntington, IN
age: 38
and yes bass i HAVE done my research, do you know bass that most of the holidays we all celebrate were taken from paganism rituals? put that in your pipe and smoke it
7/1/2007 7:11:18 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
yeah but i do not celebrate them myself actully the only pagan holidays are st. valentines day, st. patricks day,easter,halloween, all saints day and christmas oh the bible is based on fact it is like a history book it is like saying that pearl harbor was never bombed so ther is a satan God did not however create him as he currently is satan was once a highly exalted angel but thought he could overthrow God and convinced one third of the angels that he could but he was thrown out of heaven and now he is here to steal , kill , and destroy
[Edited 7/1/2007 7:15:52 PM]
7/2/2007 8:49:26 AM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
yeah but i do not celebrate them myself actully the only pagan holidays are st. valentines day, st. patricks day,easter,halloween, all saints day and christmas oh the bible is based on fact it is like a history book it is like saying that pearl harbor was never bombed so ther is a satan God did not however create him as he currently is satan was once a highly exalted angel but thought he could overthrow God and convinced one third of the angels that he could but he was thrown out of heaven and now he is here to steal , kill , and destroy.
First christmas is christs birthday. Or so we are told. Second the bible says that god created all things that would include satan. Or are you now saying the bible is lieing? And wicca is not witchcraft. It is like magic. Do some resurch before you put your foot in your mouth. I could go on and on. On this post of yours but it would be a wast of my time. Because you are so brainwashed that you would not get it.
As someone else said wicca was around long before most religions. So the people before christianity all went to hell by what your bible says.
7/2/2007 2:42:20 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Seven Mile Ford, VA
age: 27
If a person doesn't believe that Satan is real then that makes them of the devil within
that person because that's what Satan wants you to think that God is a liar!!!
7/2/2007 2:49:44 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Seven Mile Ford, VA
age: 27
Wicca is Witchcraft and I know because I used to pratice it myself. When one belives
in Wicca they can also believe in Jesus. It just depends on which master you
truly accept in your heart.
7/2/2007 3:28:52 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
actually all matter of wicca or witchcraft is evil it says so in the bible and if you can not trust the bible what can you trust
7/2/2007 4:25:30 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Lebanon, KY
age: 30
Bass13, with all due respect, I have a question for you. Not one that should be answered hastily, if at all, on this site, but one which is very pertinent to your particular beliefs, and should be considered very carefully. That is, how can one know empirically or rationally that the Bible is Divinely inspired? Now, I am aware of the temptation to answer: because the Bible says it is Divinely inspired, but that merely begs the question. On the one hand if someone were bold enough to claim that they had empirically experienced 'God,' and that It (I deplore the masculine pronoun)had conveyed that the Bible is It's sole message, then how could that individual be certain that their sensory perceptions were not deceiving them. On the other hand, countless individuals have attempted to prove rationally the Bible's divine inspiration, but their attempts all lead back to an individual who claimed to be privy to a personal message from 'God.' In other words, their attempts lead back to the sense-datum of one or many individuals, which may or may not have been deceptive. So without faith, that is to say blind acceptance, how can anyone assume that the Bible is Divine? And if faith is the only way, it is subjective and thereby can offer no objective proofs. So you may choose to rely on your faith without question and shun doubt (which in many respects is the enemy of faith), but I must remind you that your choice of faith is no more objectively valid than anyone elses.
7/2/2007 4:59:47 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
let me just say this God qualifies the called he does not call the qualified
7/16/2007 11:11:06 AM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
pagans and satanic worshippers are both basically evil just like all manner of wicca is evil
[Edited 7/16/2007 6:03:48 PM]
7/20/2007 11:41:48 AM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
hey i got a bone to pick with you bass
you come to my thread and start attacking my friends for what they believe. your as bad as a pharasee believing you have the right to judge others. petty name calling and oooo im evil have you studied anything at all about paganism honestly what do you know im normally a very peacful guy but people like you get under my skin. do some research. you wont find me condemning you for your beliefs. thats what freedom of religion is all about. all pagans i know in one way shape or form coexist with those around them. your as bad as a friggin klansman what are you gonna start spouting off next some kinda neo nazi kill the jews bull****? get off your high horse and be humble before your god and leave mine alone.
7/20/2007 11:46:25 AM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
just tellin it like it is is it a crime and anyway what ever happened to freedom of speech must be left at the door before coming to this site and i do humble to my God who is the God of heaven who created all things and hwh and myself are the ones getting bashed for what for tellin it like it is
7/20/2007 11:50:41 AM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
how come jewelz is never criticized for attacking christian beliefs?
7/20/2007 11:51:53 AM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i do not know probably he has more people backing him up then we do