6/21/2007 9:55:22 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
our heavenly father frowns on those who practice wicca or paganism and they both have one thing in common they r both dangerous well i know what ur thinking but what about when saul went to that woman and he saw samuel and he had died well i can explain that was not reall samuel it was a demon or one of satan's angels pretendeng to be him and not only do i dee a difference but neither does god
6/22/2007 4:44:12 AM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I heard all this 40 years ago. Why is it worshiping the devil to think that god lives in all his creation. How can anyone worship the devil when they do not even accept that the devil exists?
Again the bible speaks in metaphors many times how do you not know that the devil is a metaphor for the hurtful desires of our hearts?
6/22/2007 9:18:36 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
because it says he is real who do u think the dragon and or the serpent is in revelation who do u think it is that will be in the bottomless pit during the millinium huh
6/22/2007 9:22:17 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I am not worried about it don't you understand I have been threatened with this stuff before you mother was even born why do you think you are going to say something to change my mind. I am disfellowshiped and have been for over 33 years. You should not even be talking to me.
6/22/2007 9:27:08 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
yeah well Jesus still loves u anyway
6/26/2007 3:39:52 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Tulsa, OK
age: 38
Not wanting to get involved, Both of you are very passionate about your beliefs. And i honor that. But just food for thought; Faith is what matters, right? The how is insignificant, unless it brings harm to another, of course. Oh and No paganism, wicca, new age witchcraft, satanism Are not the same. That would be like classifying Buddism and Hinduism.
6/26/2007 4:22:56 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
These threads crack me up. You guys are all into religions
but you constantly argue over how shits interpeted.
My opinion religions thought control
If you need a bible to tell you to whats right
then somthins not right with your brain
but thats my opinion
6/26/2007 4:36:13 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
when ignorance is giving a voice fear and superstition follow. that being said, some people should take the time to actually learn about the things they have the need to voice an opinion about
6/26/2007 4:46:27 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well they r the same too just read it in the bible
6/26/2007 4:58:08 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
I have found through my life's experience, that no one really believes what is in the bible, they believe in what they think is in the bible.
6/26/2007 5:00:01 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
I've read the bible and choose not to
believe in childrens stories.
6/26/2007 7:46:37 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Guys I am on your side I just want someone to prove what they believe to me and if they can't, except by the word of someone else who may or may not have lived, then forget trying to convert me. Been there done that when his momma was a babe.
Bluesilver if you asked him he would say those are pagan too.
[Edited 6/26/2007 7:47:51 PM]
6/26/2007 7:52:28 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
they is the same the bible speaks very strongly against those things
6/26/2007 11:18:52 PM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
I guess by those standards everything is pagan including the christian beliefs he is trying to promote
6/27/2007 5:37:16 AM |
pagans/satanic worshipers i see no difference |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
no not everything is pagan just wicca and or witchcraft