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6/8/2008 2:18:16 AM Its Time For A Change (everyone please read)  

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 29

Whoa there, Mr. Stalker Beard, slow your roll;

whoa dude, dont diss facial hair until that dirt stain on your upper lip fills out.

6/8/2008 2:24:42 AM Its Time For A Change (everyone please read)  

Fort Bragg, NC
age: 24

Hey, I can't help it if I start getting a five o' clock shadow an hour after I shave.

That is a nice beard though, it reminds me of your mom's. I guess it runs in the family.

6/8/2008 2:30:31 AM Its Time For A Change (everyone please read)  

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 29

hey don;t get mad all im saying is, you look like you should be doing re-enactments for americans most wanted :child molesters edition

6/8/2008 2:36:57 AM Its Time For A Change (everyone please read)  

Fort Bragg, NC
age: 24

It would only be reenactments of the crazy shit you've already done. Seriously, was the donkey too embarrassed to pose with you on you profile picture?

6/8/2008 6:29:30 AM Its Time For A Change (everyone please read)  

Boca Raton, FL
age: 20

Okay first off, boys above me- stop arguing cause you are both sounding foolish at this point.

Now, I am only what, 1- 2 years older than the original poster, but I know, sorry buddy, that you are extremely wrong in half (or more) of your thread.

Judgement sucks, yes, correct. I hate when people hear my voice and automatically assume I am a 12 year old little girl. I hate when people look at me and refuse to let me into a rated R movie without my ID because I look 15. I hate when people think I am going to be a terrible person or don't want to be my friend because I weigh a bit more than they do.
I love knowing not to hang out with the guy down the street because all he does is bash other people and cause trouble (judgement)
I love being able to deny someone a date because they come off as creepy to me by the things they say (judgement)
I love knowing not to eat that meal over at the local diner because it's supposed to be chicken but it smells of fish and looks like cheese (judgement)
I love being able to continuously decline dates because the guy that is asking me out looks like a slob and doesnt know how to take a shower (judgement)

part 2- Virginity- I am not a virgin. I lost my virginity to a man wh*re. He was experienced, it felt good, now I can have sex like a bunny and enjoy it and not be nervous or embarassed. To each his own. You want to have sex with a virgin so you can look stupid together, it's okay, later you will laugh and enjoy the conversation and follow it by the most amazing sex you've ever had because you can laugh about old experiences. Just because I had sex with someone that wasn't a virgin who took my virginity away doesn't mean I am going to take away my future husband's ability to provide me with a family and have kids with me. It only means I am going to make it feel better for him when the time comes.

Part 3- Age is just a number, when you're 50 and your partner is 60, 70, or dead. I am 20. Dating a 10 year old? Can you say pedophile???? Dating a 30 year old? Um, I am not ready for a family, are you? True, I tend to date people that are 4 to 5 years older than me, it's not because I want to date an older person, it's because they are at my maturity level which I enjoy being at. I cannot have a deep conversation about the nothingness of the earth with the average fresh out of high school male. The fresh out of college male, however, will gladly sit down with me on the beach, stare up at the sky, and talk about how the universe is beautiful, what makes it beautiful, and what (people) make it ugly.

please excuse the incredibly long rant, I expect anybody who wants to read it, but most importantly sir poster because he is being massively uninformed.

6/8/2008 7:06:02 AM Its Time For A Change (everyone please read)  

Statesville, NC
age: 27

Quote from platinum_prince:
This whole thing about relationships gotta stop if u want a real... and i mean REAL man/woman....
1. Judgement- Why everyone judges people when they dont even know them? remember its not all about looks
2. Virginity- Most "girls" (only) say they want someone thats not a virgin cuz they more experince when u should give a man a chance to live his dream (having kids) and when ur done ull know that its all worth it
3. Age- Age is just a number, and a relationship should be atleast 10 yrs apart

tell me something I didn't already know

tell me how much the world changes in ten years and you expect to have anything in common with someone ten years younger than you sounds to me like you have to have control of the relationship. If you cannot find common ground your relationship will never get anywhere.

6/8/2008 8:41:57 AM Its Time For A Change (everyone please read)  

Wells, MN
age: 27

THANK YOU "odaydreamero". No more really needs to be said. Except on the age thing, he says 10 years older, age is just a number ect. ect., tell that to the judge and see what his answer is for you. And this one has me disgusted right now actually. Im gonna use my daughters mom. Shes 30, and she is now with a guy who've Ive knowen all my life. Im good friends with his boy, all his daughters. Use to go hunting with him, all of it. Hes 47. His grandkids are older than my daughter. Its just creepy. Who knows, maybe shes going for a early retirement pension.

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