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3/24/2008 7:17:16 PM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Bloomington, IL
age: 42
How do you rebuild trust?
As for me....well time and passing with flying colors...once ya break the circle man thats a tough one to repair.
Sex cant fix it But i stillhave to have it soooooo....
No gruge f*cks, meaningless sex, up go the walls during sex until trust comes back...sorry but at least I dont use sex as a weapon...I figure I am not the one who broke the trust, so there for the reasponsibilty is owned by the one who broke the trust so I have to prove nothing buit I love sex and I wont go without either...its a celtic-viking thang...ya dont mess it up we take the loyalty sh*t real serious...if i break the trust, i am gonna do some serious ass kissin for as long a it takes, what that means is I do not deserve to carry pride if I were to be so selfish as to break trust. Rule of thumb...DONT be stupid enough to f*ck up a damn good honest wiht each other and for god sake be supportive in your communications skills when some spells the truth about how they feel....this is not rocket science...
a friend had a problem so it made me make a thread, I hope we get this rolling and hear from all of you, it could help, ya never know!
I am interested in your tactics
what important to you
what has worked successful
time frames
Does sex feel impersonal when trust is broken?
Do you say its ok and know deep down, its not?
I want to hear it all from your tactics to your grudge f*cks...
I want it all ....the whole shabang!!
3/24/2008 7:31:17 PM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Binghamton, NY
age: 37
My lovely mindy do you rebuild trust? You fu**kn don't......Once a cheater, always a cheater, once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic, once a wh*re, always a wh*re, once a drug addict always a drug addict. Once someone betrays me, he is done ,gone forever, just like that with the snap of my fingers. You dont think i would give the guy a second chance do you? You gotta be out of your damn mind. Honesty and trust are important to me, but communication is the number one key to a relationship. If you have that, then you have nothing. There is nothing to build trust on... As far as the sex goes, fkkkkkkk sex.....what good is it if a man is going to cheat on ya? Tell me??? So you pick up the pieces and you find a good man who is going to love you for you...What has worked for me is, I never have given a guy a second chance because he does not deserve it. He always fked up...SO NO SECOND a b*tch. I deserve nothing but the absolute best, and i will not come in second, i will always come in first. I dont kiss ass, people who i had experience with kiss my ass because they know im the dirtiest player in the game. I had to deal with too much shit in my day to fuk with these kinds of people. Never again will i deal with this happy horse shit. If a man likes you he will come to you, i dont chase them...Sex i can do without. That is the last thing on my mind. I want respect. And that is what i exactly will get. Life is too short to play games. Unless of course women like the chase. Don't play the game too long, or you just might get runned over...and as far as i am concerned, this game is now over!!!!
[Edited 3/24/2008 7:34:24 PM]
3/24/2008 7:32:21 PM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Haughton, LA
age: 31
3/24/2008 7:34:43 PM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Livonia, MI
age: 28
Geeez,bella sounds like you have been through allot?I think people can change?
3/24/2008 7:40:19 PM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Culpeper, VA
age: 51
how do you rebuild trust? REBUILD? what hit it a tornado? then it can be rebuilt. or did they screw you over? not in a million years will trust be able to be regained, once lost with me. Just who I am. In being loyal to someone, I believe in morals, and my beliefs are my very own. If you allow them to betray you, 8 times out of 10 it will occur again, simply because YOU are the weaker of the two, and they know they have you.
so to me no ass kissing would do, no mercy sex will satisfy, not all the money i China, or all the tea in Boston. No miday lay, or parlay in the hay, or breakfast in bed after a grudge macth of sex. It won't happen. NEVER! " and that's all I got to say about that"
yeah, yeah, I'm well aware we all make mistakes. but that kind of mistake has it's consequences, which you knew about prior to commiting the act of losing ones trust.
rebuild it? you rebuild a house, decks, and things that fall apart, but trust? NAAHHHHHH!
3/24/2008 7:43:46 PM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Bloomington, IL
age: 42
Bella Lunnnnnna!! Bravissimo!! well once a cheater always a cheater is not alwasy true, people actually do learn but it does not come with out self evaluations and dealing with the man in the mirror and OWNING it...admitting their addictions or disatisfactions which ever the case may be. As far as comes...the way i achieve it is no bullshit!!....this is the lone you crossed you f*cked up your problem deal with it.til then walls up and i am going to be fun and persoanble with my possy who i trust your welcome to tag along and see how people who are trusty worthy carry themselves....oh when they see you be your shinin funself they are drawn to it like a moth to a flame and then when you go home and your intimate and of course any operson can not help how they feel when trust is broken so there are going to be walls...One thing I do when my walls are up is I f*ck furiously hard fast deep, make his god damn head spin and then when he goes on and on about it...i go get water go watch tv....find something to keep me from caving in....mind games nope but if you give in to fast they will walk on you again...hold your ground until you see sicnerity and for god sake never fall for the ifrst set of tears, just hold them pet them when they are on their knees crying love on them wioth a tender kiss so they know you do care but say nothing and when they ask you to speak just tell them i can tod it yet....they come around, they always acome around...end result, and they will be the first to tell you, shes a damn good women she made me a better man....this kjust is not my story it matches up to MAN, many men i jhave talked to who have f*cked up and tough love fixes it. ...that is ...if they are real men of strength not someinsecure fool ....inscure men always cheat and always will same as insecure women.
By the way this thread is not just about cheating coul dbe f*cking up finances they treat the family whatever you need it to be i am examining trust issues
3/24/2008 7:48:31 PM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Sarasota, FL
age: 55
it takes a life time to build trust
but it is needed only one second of suspicion, no prouves needed to destroy it
you dont build trust again
3/24/2008 7:57:51 PM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Binghamton, NY
age: 37
i love ya mindy lou, you hit it on the nose....this is all about regaining trust back. How do you regain the trust of someone who had done you wrong? That is deep. I could accept it if i was my son or a family member...i would make them see a priest.. It is an italian tradition folks.... you have to see it or believe it, but believe me they would have gotten their ass kicked....but wowwww, there is no turning back...i was told by a well known psychiatrist, walk and look toward the future and never look back...if you do, there is no future....and that is exactly what i did, and i could never be happier....He said it is you that needs to change, meaning me...not the person who had done you wrong..
3/24/2008 9:59:34 PM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Bloomington, IL
age: 42
oh my kids...whoaaa they know better, they know momma takes her celtic roots very very seriously, you do not betray mom,ever....why? she shuts down,up go the walls and you get lip service as if I were waiting on a customer.They see right thru it because they know how outgoiong I am and a funs,martass and when they see me simmer down to quaint smiles that are no more than the corners of my mouth turned up, leaving a room when the laughter starts things like that..they KNOW.One child one time and they all saw how i handle it,they learned and it has never happened since. They know it is my coping mechanism not punishment but they also know that they have to prove themselves...loyalty to the tribe! no priest needed....just "naked on your knees before God" being real f*cking other words humility, keeping it genuine, setting aside pride...they know....loyalty is a big, big thing ion my list, bug!! friends know it too. THIS is a good thing tho it teaches them to not be walked on , to be people who are to be respected and to stick to your giones when you have been wronged in the ways opf loyaty teaches the offender about the importance of it. They all are good little celtic vikings...they take no shit, from no one....they each are very very wise and I adore who theyare as adults and my 13 yearold may very wekll turn out to be the strongest yet, he got the years with out the drama of dad to disruopt our lives so he got the best of me.....he is a strong,wise and generous soul but again....he also pratcie screw me over one time trust is gone screw me over again cya!
3/25/2008 2:44:47 AM |
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Riverview, FL
age: 52
trust is a two way street I gave my trust three times, and the x not only toke my trust and throwed it back in my face she plotted to kill me with her lover and i still took her back. talk about a fool. but i gave her the benifit of doubtnothing change so now, i have the no time for games and it will take a long time before i trust someone that much again.
3/25/2008 6:11:47 AM |
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Warren, PA
age: 60
MrSmiles, you hit it right on the head, you rebuild steps, NOT trust, once's gone, when my husbands lover came knocking on the door, many years ago, wanting money for an abortion, I went "crazy" cried for days...picked myself up and went to the attoneys and filed for divorce!..You just can't ever trust them again!
3/25/2008 6:40:01 AM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Riverview, FL
age: 52
be careful my friend it could happen to you,hurt anger it's all thier but when you put your trust in someone and they continue to do you lose it all no feelings for sex or being with them ever again still love her but what a fool.
3/25/2008 6:44:41 AM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Sioux City, IA
age: 36
I really believe that love IS trust. You trust that person to always keep your best interests at heart. You trust that they will be there when you need them. You trust that you can open up your innermost thoughts, hopes, dreams and ambitions and they will support you not judge or look down at them. How do you rebuild that connection or that closeness?! I do noyt have the faintest idea but if there is love there I believe it CAN be done!!
3/25/2008 10:04:21 AM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 61
Trust is a sacred Thing, a unique intangible between a woman and a man. The quality which definitively defines its true meaning is the principle of inviolability. Things which are held in the human mind to be sacred remain so only as long as the quality of inviolability is preserved.
Trust is the superior, singular adhesive which keeps a woman and man bound to each other in Love and True Friendship. It remains pure and unbroken so long as each partner in that True Friendship keeps it sacred and inviolable.
It is analgous to a man or woman being in the state of virginity: it can only be given or taken one time. Once violated by either partner, it can never be restored to its original quality. Trust becomes diminished, lost and broken forever between them.
Every year, deep in the forest, virgin trees sprout and began to grow. During a thunderstorm in the spring of one season, a single sapling is struck by lightening. One limb is completely severed. Though severely injured and disfigured, miraculously it survives.
No matter how long it lives thereafter, it will never be whole again.
[Edited 3/25/2008 11:28:58 AM]
3/25/2008 10:27:23 AM |
i want the whole shabang...plzzzz Give it to me |

Bloomington, IL
age: 42
RJ Said>"I really believe that love IS trust. You trust that person to always keep your best interests at heart. You trust that they will be there when you need them. You trust that you can open up your innermost thoughts, hopes, dreams and ambitions and they will support you not judge or look down at them. How do you rebuild that connection or that closeness?!"
Well this is so very correct and for the folks say you cant rebuild trust i am sorry that who hever broke your was so pyschoselfish that you think it cant be built...
"when it's gone its gone"
not true!!
I have lived it more than once..NOT true. I am sorry that whoever did whatever they did to you that you believe it can not be restored built RJ has it right, if there is love...I would not say love is trust but I will say if there is love there is trust...notice not the act of love, the motion of love...but real true honest unconditional love.
[Edited 3/25/2008 3:51:27 PM]