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3/26/2008 8:28:35 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
Too dang many things...
enlarged heart
degenerative disc in back/arthritis in back
mixed sleep apnea
copd-chronic bronchitus & asthma
scarred lung
chronic fatigue syndrom
legally blind in right eye
3/27/2008 9:11:28 AM |
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Michigan City, IN
age: 44
missbehavin.....................have they done MRI yet?,,,,,,I had alot of those symptoms and it turned out to be hurniated discs ans nerve damage
3/27/2008 5:04:34 PM |
disabled list |
Homosassa, FL
age: 77
Gee, I'm healthy as a horse, compared to some of you folks, I lost my left leg 8 inches below the knee, bayoneted in the back in Vietnam while on a mission, sprayed with agent orange in Vietnam, lost most of my hearing due to combat noise(weapons of war), lost 2 vertbra? in my back. I still walked back to friendly lines, befor I fell down. Thats all for me. Damn, I'm healthy, and thankful I'm still alive. And if you are wondering, Yes, I did kill the sapper who bayoneted me.
3/27/2008 5:18:51 PM |
disabled list |
Homosassa, FL
age: 62
Carl(moses) See there is always hope!!
Life is too short to waste it.
Take love where & when you find it.
Age is only a number, just a guideline.
Let your heart sing with the joy of love
& live life to it's fullest. Seize the day !!
[Edited 3/27/2008 5:25:16 PM]
3/27/2008 7:47:32 PM |
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Pinckney, MI
age: 89
Hi kaitlynsnana...
Yes i have had 5- MRI'S...
2- On my shoulder. They thought i had a toren rotery cup...
The pain is along my clavical bone. Very sharp, like electric...
2-Of my cervical spine. there is staightening of the cervical lordotic curvature. mild to moderate elements of disc space narrowing at the C5-6 and C6-7 levels most prominently affected with minor C4-5 involvement. The most maximal cervical stenosis is at the C5-6 level. Fairly widely patent appearing neuroforamina...
And 1-on my lower back which showed the degenative disc disease...
I have to find that for the exact wording. Not that i know anything it say's anyway...
Input please...
3/27/2008 7:57:25 PM |
disabled list |

Michigan City, IN
age: 44
missbehavin all I can say now is WOW
I know after my surg which was L4-LS1, stabalization and straightening of the nerve, I still have the siatica pain going down my legs and they fall asleep all the time.
The last report from the dr was failed back syndrome and i still have spondyleothesis (spelling ?)lol. He straightened my spine the best he could and I also have root nerve damage and root nerve compression from the surg,osteoarthritis in the lower spine and right hip.
If after 5 mri's on you I dont understand why they can't find the culprit, I am so sorry you have to be in all that pain and not know what is wrong,I do understand the pain and how it can get 1 down.
I have found that being in a hot tub helps me tremendously.
Sorry I couldn't be of much help, but if you have anymore ?'s feel free to ask. 
3/27/2008 8:20:56 PM |
disabled list |
Pinckney, MI
age: 89
Thanks kaitlynsnana...
I might be moving to a different area. Maybe they can give me a staight answer...
3/27/2008 8:37:37 PM |
disabled list |

Omaha, NE
age: 50
the shotting pain and electric feeling plus more you spoke of.. I had all that after the car accident.
If you doctor isnt helping you Get a New Doctor!
Best to you
3/27/2008 8:49:46 PM |
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Pinckney, MI
age: 89
Thanks foxy_women_49...
I don't know if you know how Gov. Medical works. But unless i move out of area, I can't switch Doctor's. So that is my plan. I lost my medical when my ex left me because of this. No i do not want a pitty party. But i would love to smack him up side the head for leaving me alone in this mess...
3/27/2008 9:02:23 PM |
disabled list |
Pinckney, MI
age: 89
Ok, I just read what i wrote. And i did not mean to sound like a snot in any way...
3/27/2008 9:38:03 PM |
disabled list |

Omaha, NE
age: 50
This is myself and my youngest Jonah.
Jonah has Downs. So full of happiness and love.
Moma has lots of things wrong that are considered disabled.
Together this short video clip was made by Jonah and Moma 
3/27/2008 9:39:34 PM |
disabled list |

Omaha, NE
age: 50
So if you lost your medical insurance--get on Medicaid. No/Yes? If your plan is to move in order to get proper medical help by all means move g/f.
Back east(Mass and Vt I know of for sure) they help you a lot!
I've just learned that Democrat states are your best states to be in for the system to help you.
sighs..I'm in a Republican state..hardly any help
Please do let us know where you go and how its all working for you 
Glad the days of like lighting bolts (heat and electricity) going through my head are over with! That lasted for 1 year!It would be at the base of my skull and shoot right out where my head and the rear view mirror took the full blow of the force when I was rear ended. Top of my head stayed in contact with that mirror!
I felt the according effect shoot from top of my head to my tail bone when the accident happened. Talk about a F**king weird feeling. This caused me to have tramatic brain injury. Plus more...
BTW: No pity parties from me here Hang in there!
[Edited 3/27/2008 9:59:37 PM]
3/27/2008 10:03:46 PM |
disabled list |

French Creek, WV
age: 43
Hey everyone. I was born with spina bifida which gave me neuogenic bladder. I ahve deformed feet due to spina bifida, had surgery on them, did not help. hypothyroidism, severe acid reflux, severe sleep apnea, chronic bronchitis and asthma, depression, I have to cath myself and take antibiotics for my kidneys forever. nervous bowel syndrome.
3/28/2008 6:50:17 AM |
disabled list |
Pinckney, MI
age: 89
Hi foxy_women_49...I can't get on that til i'm on disability SSI...I have applied twice and now to the hearing stage...Moving would be to wisconsin my daughter who would be there when i need help. I don't have anyone here in Bird Island. A town of 600+...
Great video...He's adorable...
[Edited 3/28/2008 6:55:31 AM]
3/28/2008 7:18:59 AM |
disabled list |

Omaha, NE
age: 50
Aren't you glad you stopped in moses. Many ppl have problems. More serious than others,which makes ours seem not as bad.
There is always someone who is worse off. 
moses and funinfrcr - Welcome to the Group!
Good Luck with the process missbehavin!
Make sure you have everything documented as to how this all has effected your life!
I just dont understand why its harder for some and others it happens fast.
I filed for mine while I was in VT. I lived in a motel in Vt with my kids until I was approved.
I was approved after 8 months!
[Edited 3/28/2008 7:32:01 AM]
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