8/25/2011 8:44:05 AM |
What games are they talking about? |

Enid, OK
age: 20
I keep seeing men and women post something about' not into games.'
Can someone please give me an example of games someone would be playing.
I've yet to encounter these " games" people play evidently.
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8/25/2011 8:47:14 AM |
What games are they talking about? |


Riverhead, NY
age: 47
but I can't wait to hear what guys say.
8/25/2011 8:48:43 AM |
What games are they talking about? |


Monroe, LA
age: 50
Nekkid Twister...
8/25/2011 8:48:59 AM |
What games are they talking about? |
Green Bay, WI
age: 49
I love you. I love you not. I love you. I love you not.
8/25/2011 8:51:22 AM |
What games are they talking about? |

Atlanta, GA
age: 57
I keep seeing men and women post something about' not into games.'
Can someone please give me an example of games someone would be playing.
I've yet to encounter these " games" people play evidently.
Some people say they looking for love but inthere hearts of hearts.There out to cause drama keep you down.Men just want the sex. Women just want to see drama hence drama queens.
Spinners - Games People Play
8/25/2011 8:56:03 AM |
What games are they talking about? |
Providence, RI
age: 29
Games = a euphemism for shady behavior, decietful in nature.
Examples for a female would include: manipulative, using sex, or flirting as a means of getting what she wants, not being honest about what she likes or doesn't like, saying positive things to his face, then turning around and trash talking him to friends, using him, etc.
Examples for guys: guys generally are not cleaver enough to even make it to the etc. As a whole they typically stick to the fundemental basics, lying, cheating, abusing.
No Games implies a desire for a strait foward no nonsense, honest and forthright relationship. For guys this tends to be hard, if only because guaranteed, we will say something that will cause concern, red flags, worry, or imense anger in you females. So it is important ladies if you want a guy who plays no games ( that is to say, softens the blows, maybe doesn't give you all details bit the general idea is there, says he's going out with old friends, but fails to mention the "hot chick" who happens to be his beat friend's buddy) becareful what you wish for and be able to handle it.
8/25/2011 9:19:04 AM |
What games are they talking about? |

Tarzana, CA
age: 23

8/25/2011 9:20:27 AM |
What games are they talking about? |

Kennesaw, GA
age: 41
Monopoly - takes all your time, and you get none!!
Sorry - oops I'm boinking you best friend!
Rock em Sock em Robots - Oops, you took a punch to the head!

8/25/2011 9:27:23 AM |
What games are they talking about? |

East Aurora, NY
age: 51
They only complain about the "games" they lose.
What it really means is that they're suspicious, like to keep score and want to lawyer you up in line with their plan so they get what they want, forever, amen. And you should honestly be OK with that and never change your mind.
Better to just change your address.
8/25/2011 9:40:24 AM |
What games are they talking about? |

Enid, OK
age: 20
Monopoly - takes all your time, and you get none!!
Sorry - oops I'm boinking you best friend!
Rock em Sock em Robots - Oops, you took a punch to the head!

LMFAO! nice.
Yea, i've never really had any ' game issues' to my knowledge. I'm always so open and brutally honest i don't think i've ever qualified for playing them either.
8/25/2011 9:42:46 AM |
What games are they talking about? |


Baton Rouge, LA
age: 26

8/25/2011 10:07:24 AM |
What games are they talking about? |


Fort Payne, AL
age: 56
Oh, there are all sorts of games....emailing, everything is fine, then they disappear.
Setting up a meet and they don't show up.
Starting a relationship based on words you think are true, then time tells it was lies or bullshit.
Not being upfront from the get go about mental or medical conditions.
Saying they are this type of person, but they are not.
Saying they like certain things and they don't.
Saying they are single, when they are married,
Lying about jobs or assets.
Deciding after commitments are made, they are too scared of a relationship.
Claiming to be a certain way sexually, but they aren't.
Things like this.
[Edited 8/25/2011 10:08:17 AM ]
8/25/2011 12:14:01 PM |
What games are they talking about? |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 34 online now!
Head Games = Tell me what I Want to hear.....
Translation: Give me the 'White Horse' Fantasy...and maybe...just maybe, I might put out.....
This actually works for individuals who have their head in the clouds...
...But not for those who CHOOSE to live in reality!
They take more of a direct approach.
...And that behavior is reciprocated.
A direct response "yes" or "no."
No Head games...
8/25/2011 12:29:56 PM |
What games are they talking about? |


Springfield, MA
age: 33
I wondered what games were too
8/25/2011 12:55:58 PM |
What games are they talking about? |

Plains, MT
age: 47
Games I have had women play:
Telling me they don't drink alcohol, then finding out they drink all the time.
Saying that their ex is totally out of the picture, yet they still talk.
Not communicating feelings in person, then unloading in an email or over the phone.
Being unhappy in the relationship and waiting two days after a concert to break up by email.
Saying she is too busy and doesn't want to go out, then days later says she had a male "friend" at her place and they just talked all night.
Being told she is taking time off work for a while, then she slips and admits she hasn't paid taxes in years and gets money from the state to help her with her kid.
Being told she doesn't have a criminal record, then after leaving the county she admits she is on probation for a felony.
Asking early on if she has an ex-husband, then finding out she isn't divorced yet..and she was getting even for an affair he had done.
Learning that she is dating and sexually active with several other men at the same time we are dating.
Finding out that she is actively using drugs and has a criminal record.
Yes, many of the above are also lying, manipulating, and dishonesty. To me those are games, using people to go to a concert, dating more than one person at a time, using people for their money, or to get back at ex/hubby.
8/25/2011 1:07:09 PM |
What games are they talking about? |


Huntington, WV
age: 30
Some people hate monopoly...
8/25/2011 1:31:26 PM |
What games are they talking about? |

Enid, OK
age: 20
Games I have had women play:
Telling me they don't drink alcohol, then finding out they drink all the time.
Saying that their ex is totally out of the picture, yet they still talk.
Not communicating feelings in person, then unloading in an email or over the phone.
Being unhappy in the relationship and waiting two days after a concert to break up by email.
Saying she is too busy and doesn't want to go out, then days later says she had a male "friend" at her place and they just talked all night.
Being told she is taking time off work for a while, then she slips and admits she hasn't paid taxes in years and gets money from the state to help her with her kid.
Being told she doesn't have a criminal record, then after leaving the county she admits she is on probation for a felony.
Asking early on if she has an ex-husband, then finding out she isn't divorced yet..and she was getting even for an affair he had done.
Learning that she is dating and sexually active with several other men at the same time we are dating.
Finding out that she is actively using drugs and has a criminal record.
Yes, many of the above are also lying, manipulating, and dishonesty. To me those are games, using people to go to a concert, dating more than one person at a time, using people for their money, or to get back at ex/hubby.
WOW thats some f**ked up shit right there,
Sorry you had that happen to you man.
I've had one bf do that kind of crap to me. First he lied about the drugs and after 4 months of dating i found out he was still telling his ex girlfriend of 2 years he still loved her. I was legitimately pissed. That one ended instantly when i found out.
8/25/2011 1:56:56 PM |
What games are they talking about? |

Charlotte, NC
age: 65
Some good posts here.
To me a game is when their agenda differs from yours and they have no compunction about hurting you with it.
They lack honesty in a relationship.

8/25/2011 4:14:44 PM |
What games are they talking about? |


Gilbert, AZ
age: 42
simple games like...
WAR : i lay down you blow me up all over the world
TAG : you run, i catch ya and have my way with ya
LEAP FROG : you get on all fours and ill get behind and drive you
CHESS : you remove your shirt and i play with your tatas
GOLF : i use my putter to sink all your holes
8/25/2011 4:23:29 PM |
What games are they talking about? |
Oklahoma City, OK
age: 32
an example of a mind game would be if a guy tells you that "He loves you more than a snake loves a rat"
8/25/2011 4:31:17 PM |
What games are they talking about? |

Waverly, NE
age: 39
"I apologize to you if I don't seem real eager to jump into a forced awkward intimate situation that people like to call dating. I don't like the feeling. You're sitting there, you're wondering do I have food on my face, am I eating, am I talking too much, are they talking enough, am I interested I'm not really interested, should I play like I'm interested but I'm not that interested but I think she might be interested but do I want to be interested but now she's not interested? So all of the sudden I'm getting, I'm starting to get interested... And when am I supposed to kiss her? Do I have to wait for the door cause then it's awkward, it's like well goodnight. Do you do like that ass-out hug? Where you like, you hug each other like this and your a** sticks out cause you're trying not to get too close or do you just go right in and kiss them on the lips or don't kiss them at all? It's very difficult trying to read the situation. And all the while you're just really wondering are we gonna get hopped up enough to make some bad decisions?"
8/25/2011 4:42:32 PM |
What games are they talking about? |

Kennesaw, GA
age: 41
The tickle game is fun. Finger tips only on each other to see who flinches or laughs first.
8/25/2011 4:43:55 PM |
What games are they talking about? |


Riverhead, NY
age: 47
"I apologize to you if I don't seem real eager to jump into a forced awkward intimate situation that people like to call dating. I don't like the feeling. You're sitting there, you're wondering do I have food on my face, am I eating, am I talking too much, are they talking enough, am I interested I'm not really interested, should I play like I'm interested but I'm not that interested but I think she might be interested but do I want to be interested but now she's not interested? So all of the sudden I'm getting, I'm starting to get interested... And when am I supposed to kiss her? Do I have to wait for the door cause then it's awkward, it's like well goodnight. Do you do like that ass-out hug? Where you like, you hug each other like this and your a** sticks out cause you're trying not to get too close or do you just go right in and kiss them on the lips or don't kiss them at all? It's very difficult trying to read the situation. And all the while you're just really wondering are we gonna get hopped up enough to make some bad decisions?"
. Holy christ! And I thought I only did that. 
8/25/2011 5:15:32 PM |
What games are they talking about? |

Bradford, NH
age: 25
I love you but im just not sure what i want. Its not you its me what is that shit & what does it mean.
[Edited 8/25/2011 5:16:52 PM ]
8/27/2011 4:09:32 PM |
What games are they talking about? |

Saint Charles, MO
age: 21
bumblebee7, AMEN! no idea how to quote you... but amen!
8/27/2011 4:15:00 PM |
What games are they talking about? |


Belton, SC
age: 47
Generally, it is simply bullshitting you...
8/27/2011 5:26:22 PM |
What games are they talking about? |


Belmont, NC
age: 47
bumblebee7, AMEN! no idea how to quote you... but amen!
hey aprilshowers19 brief instruction on how to quote.
[ quote ]The cow jumped over the moon.[/ quote]
The only difference is don't place the spaces. Make everything flush. I have to put in the spaces to demonstrate or else it will quote. It will look like this.
The cow jumped over the moon.