3/30/2008 8:18:07 PM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Omaha, NE
age: 49
womens rights LMAO
3/30/2008 8:34:54 PM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

New South Wales
age: 18
yes I will dump him
3/30/2008 8:47:45 PM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Monroe, WA
age: 46
Now I know why Eyes means so much to me: she hit the nail right on the head.
The sad thing here is that my friend isn't so much using her BF for sex, as she is expecting sex and all the emotional and compassionate feelings that go along with dating a mom to two young kids.
Unfortunately he has all the appearances of using her for sex.
One does not show up to a kid's birthday party without a gift. What part of etiquette 101 did this guy fail?
What I don't get is why an attractive woman can't find a decent, attractive guy.
4/3/2008 4:39:20 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Windsor, ON
age: 36
no good excuse for not bringing a present
4/3/2008 9:08:15 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Arlington, TX
age: 32
ok I read all the replies on here, but come on let's think about this for a moment. Or maybe it is just me. If I am seeing someone and I invite them to my child's party, yes it would be nice to bring the child something, however, depending on the situation of the person, maybe he can't afford something right now. I don't know about all of you, but i don't have a lot of money left after paying bills and such. So to me, it would mean a lot that he showed up, that, to me, shows me he cares enough to take time from his life and schedule to be with me and my child on their day.
4/3/2008 9:11:12 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Madison Heights, MI
age: 36
I think if he gave all those kids of yours a great big hug, and said "daddy's here!!!" then hes a keeper, if he didnt give them a hug, thats ok also, cuz one day he will and all of a sudden you'll get that baby's daddy your looking for!!!
4/3/2008 9:13:10 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Arlington, TX
age: 32
damn mark that was messed up. So you are saying that any woman who has kids and are dating that is all they are looking for is a daddy for their baby?? That is not the case,if you are dating someone, they are now a part of your life and so are your kids, so you need to bring the two together at some point. you are wrong  
4/3/2008 9:15:00 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Madison Heights, MI
age: 36
give yourself a great big hug passion!!! because you deserve it, anyone who is always right, always gets a hug in my book!!!!!
4/3/2008 9:20:00 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Arlington, TX
age: 32
you're an ass mark     
4/3/2008 9:20:38 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Rush Springs, OK
age: 40
Im sorry, but when they said there was no such thing as a stupid question they werent thinking of this one.
Lets start with the obvious. If you invited me to a party and I came and then you expected me to pick up the tab as an invited guest, then I think you are the one being cheap, and are probably a little crazy as well. It has nothing to do with how much money I might make or if I can afford it or not. It has nothing to do with a relationship, time in the relationship or anything else. If you are having a party and expect me to pick up the tab then we better be having this conversation long before the check comes.
Further, if gifts are expected you need to make it clear. Second a gift is just that, a gift, never ever ever a requirement. I would much rather be surrounded by people without gifts whos company I enjoyed, than idots bearing gifts, who just made me want to go home.
So, let me ask a question.
Should this guy dump his girlfriend of two months?
Apparently after two montsh she thinks they have the equivilant of a joint bank account. Additionaly, she appears to be more concerned with the lack of a gift than the effort to be there.
You tell me.
4/3/2008 9:22:09 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Loves Park, IL
age: 34
Wow! He is extremely rude! I wouldn't of expected him to pay for the party or even his own meal at the party, however, no gift? That is truly tasteless and speaks volumes about what kind of man he is. Hopefully she will dump him immediately.
4/3/2008 9:25:35 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Arlington, TX
age: 32
Steve, I agree with you, that is what i am saying. it is not a requirement, it is a gift. If you like the person enough to invite him to your child's party, his time should be worth something
Thank you Steve!!!!
4/3/2008 9:41:51 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Big Sandy, TX
age: 56
He sounds like the type that if he had brought a gift and if they brokeup he would want the gift back.She is dating a real SCROUGE don't wait until Christmass leave him now.
4/3/2008 9:51:19 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Fairhope, AL
age: 21
OMG WHAT a LOOSER!!!!!!!!      
4/3/2008 10:00:39 AM |
Boyfriend brings nothing to your kid's birthday party. Dump him? |

Rush Springs, OK
age: 40
Hell no dont sump him before Christmas. If she does that how can she have a Christmas party and expect him to pay. Maybe she coudl send her kid to summer camp and invite him on family day, that way he can pay for that as well.
Look, bottom line is this. If you want someone to pay for something you better talk to them before you expect them to pay for it. Second, gift should be appreciated, not expected.
If she doesn thtink she is being tresated right then she needs to dump him, but that works both ways. Kind of sounds like she wants a sugar daddy, not a boyfriend.
I suppose if he had paid for the party and brought a gift everything would have been just peachy in their relationship huh. Doesnt sound like much of a relationship to me. Maybe they coudl just enter a nice business agreement so that they both know what is expected.