4/6/2008 7:55:03 PM |
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Wildomar, CA
age: 55
I just posted this in the 50+...looiking for more help Thanks
I was emailing this guy today for about an hour or so. Things were going pretty good (we seemed to have alot in common). He asked me to send him my photo and then he writes back that he was sorry that I wasn't what he was looking for. In my profiles I always put that I am a few extra pounds and I described myself before I sent the photo. So would ya'll please tell me if my photo is that bad!
4/6/2008 7:57:22 PM |
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Dothan, AL
age: 19
no your photo is not a bad one. if he does not like you for you then he is the one that is losing out not you. he is probably just superficial
4/6/2008 7:58:43 PM |
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Valley Park, MO
age: 63 online now!
I don't think so. I don't know what some of these guys want at our age. I'm 63, have had three kids and three abdominal surgeries and they think we're supposed to look like Barbees. Do they -- don't think so. They're not what they were when they were 25 either. It's what's inside that counts!
4/6/2008 7:59:13 PM |
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Boca Raton, FL
age: 36
Yeah if he dont like you for who you are then its his loss. Dont lost hope because of one person that is shallow, alot of people are looking for something special and you may be it so never give up hope!
4/6/2008 8:04:01 PM |
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Chanhassen, MN
age: 26
hhhmmm, i wonder, i think you look pretty. I don't understand why a guy would say that to you considering that you were true to your word about your appearance...I can't say that this hasn't happened to me before though and i know that it can bring your self esteem down but just don't let it get to ya...there are plenty of other people that want to get to know you.
4/6/2008 8:05:27 PM |
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West Fargo, ND
age: 57
This is just my opinion there Red, but here goes...... If the guy doesn't want a gal a few extra pounds, so be it. He then probably shouldn't have written to you in the first place. (His loss, not yours.) I actually like a little meat on the bones. Am I attracted to you, yes. The olnly thing I would consider, and like I said this is strictly my opinion. I'm wondering if the dress might look a little school-marmish. It could make a difference to some guys. I already said I was attracted to your look. I'm just mentioning this, as I've seen this look on others and I wasn't attracted to their look. If I was unsure, I might lean the other way on account of it. And I'm not trying to pick you apart. If you were closer, I'd be writing to you myself. 
4/6/2008 8:12:50 PM |
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Festus, MO
age: 66
Be glad you found out early that he was that shallow.
4/6/2008 8:18:24 PM |
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Elizabethtown, KY
age: 46
I don't think theres anything wrong with your photo.
4/6/2008 8:21:32 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
age: 38
Why did he ask you for your photo when it is already posted and there for world to see?

Your photo is you..... Nothing wrong with it.
Did he have eyes?

4/6/2008 8:28:01 PM |
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Gwynn Oak, MD
age: 58
What does a Few Extra Pounds mean:
20-40 - I'm here
4/6/2008 8:43:50 PM |
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Sheridan, WY
age: 44
You are a wonderful lady and deserve the best. I'd like to know what the fella you were corresponding with looked like actually. He has some dang nerve!
4/6/2008 9:17:28 PM |
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Wildomar, CA
age: 55
Thanks everyone for making me feel better.
Classy, You are so sweet. Why are all the good ones so far away? I will try and get a new photo taken.
Thanks again,
[Edited 4/6/2008 9:19:09 PM]
4/7/2008 3:01:01 AM |
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Everett, MA
age: 47 online now!
Your a very pretty woman,don't listen to him,it's his loss.