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4/11/2008 8:55:26 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  
Hollywood, FL
age: 59

Actually, Big Girls are best endowed for doing it, only if the man knows how to work it!

4/11/2008 8:56:09 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,009)
Lady Lake, FL
age: 72

I'll bet you guys didn't think this lil ole lady knew anything about it....well, you're wrong.... Not too long ago, I posted a GREAT diagram and directions somewhere around here...If I can find it, I'll cut and paste it here.....(I was lurking in Adult MD one day and found a fantastic medical explanation, diagrams and directions.)

Now, of course, being an inquisitive mind, I tried it....YUP, it can imagine my surprise....Sorry Kayla.....I'm not lying.....most everything these folks have said seems to be true. Don't rely on the porn for your education....educate YOURSELF and practice. Then, find the right partner....ladies, it's not USUALLY something that can be successful with "casual" fun and sex games.

I've been doing my homework....still looking for the RIGHT guy....I want him around long enough to practice, practice, practice....til we're PERFECT! It's NOT smell, not much taste....AND, if you spread a shower curtain on the bed, that takes care of any need to change the linens....Kayla, the medical report says it IS Female EJACULATE....

So, now ya know that just because we "mature" doesn't mean we wither and dry up!!!! I'm going to look for the article I posted.

I'll be back.


4/11/2008 9:07:14 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,009)
Lady Lake, FL
age: 72

I FOUND IT,,,Read, enjoy and practice. (I don''t need a report on your practice, though

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Article URL:

The G Spot

What is it?

The Grafenberg Spot, also known as the G-spot, is a
very sensitive area in the vagina. In some women,
stimulation of the G-spot may lead to orgasm. When
unstimulated, the G-spot is generally small and
flaccid, approximately the size of a bean. When a
woman is aroused, however, this area becomes more
pronounced: It swells and may more feel more like a
ridge than does the surrounding tissue in the vagina.

Where is it?

The G-spot is located approximately two or three
inches inside the vaginal canal on the anterior (or
front) wall of the vagina. It can be found below the
place where the urethra meets the bladder.

How do I find my G Spot?

Locating the Elusive G-spot

According to, it is usually
easiest for a woman to find her G-spot by taking a
position where she is either squatting or laying on
her stomach, then inserting one or two fingers into
the vaginal canal, and exerting pressure on the
vaginal wall closet to her navel. A popular way of
stimulating the G-spot is to make rhythmic motions
inside the vagina that look like the gesture "come
here". It is important to remember that every woman's
body and sexual preferences are unique. Some women may
enjoy G-spot stimulation while others may not. Also,
some women's G-spots may be somewhat insensitive and
harder to arouse. If stimulating it starts to feel
uncomfortable, explore other methods of
self-stimulation or use a water-based lubricant, such
as KY jelly or astroglide.

Tips for Couples

While G-spot stimulation can be an extremely
pleasurable, lubrication is often vital for a woman to
have an enjoyable experience. Before approaching this
sensitive area of a woman's body, it is important for
her partner to make sure that she is sufficiently
aroused to be naturally moist. If not, a water--based
lubricant should be inserted into the vagina.

Do not neglect the clitoris and areas surrounding it.
Often times, rubbing the clitoris in a circular motion
can be very pleasurable and can increase vaginal

When you insert your finger or fingers into the
vagina, explore the front side and listen to feedback
from your partner. You might want to try the "come
here" gesture or rub the G-spot in a circular fashion.
Another technique is to rotate your fingers within the
vaginal canal. While it is usually easiest to
stimulate the G-spot with the fingers, it is also
possible to stimulate this area with sex toys or
during intercourse. For suggestions, see

When the G-spot and clitoris are simultaneously
stimulated, some women experience a "blended orgasm,"
in which the orgasmic contractions are linked with
feelings from both the clitoris and G-spot. This can
result in an extremely powerful, pleasurable climax.

When you or your partner is stimulating the G-spot,
remember to do only what feels comfortable. Being able
to communicate about what feels good and what feels
unpleasant plays a huge part in obtaining sexual
satisfaction and enjoyment.

Alternative Methods of Stimulation

Fisting--having all or most of a hand in the vagina
Using a vibrator or dildo to stimulate G-spot


Is there only one type of female orgasm? Or could
there be two or more types? The nature of female
orgasm has been debated for many years, and it remains
a controversial issue. Freud believed that there
existed two types of orgasms--the "immature" clitoral
orgasm and the "mature" and more pleasurable vaginal
climax. Master and Johnson later refuted this argument
by asserting that all female orgasms stem from rythmic
contractions of the genital muscles. Earnest
Grafenberg, who introduced the term "Grafenberg Spot"
believed that stimulation of the G-spot led to
orgasmic contractions around the uterus.

Female Ejaculation

During G-spot simulation, it is common for women to
feel the need to urinate. To minimize this feeling of
needing to urinate during stimulation, you may want to
try emptying your bladder before sexual activity. A
substantial number of women have been known to
ejaculate fluids after having their G-spots massaged.
Because this fluid is expelled through the urethra,
often times people believe it to be urine. When tested
by scientists, however, the contents of these
ejaculated fluids have varied and their exact nature
is still being debated. Some experts claim that this
fluid is very similar to the solution that men
ejaculate. For more info, see Another
study suggested that this solution varies from woman
to woman. In some cases the fluid emitted was all
ejaculate, in others it is a mixture of urine and
ejaculate, and in others it is all urine. For more
info see

There is some evidence that the female ejaculate comes
from thepariurethral (Skene) glands, which are
considered analogous with the male's prostate gland.
It should be noted that the female ejaculate differs
from lubrication, which is produced by the walls of
the vagina.

4/11/2008 9:20:44 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  
Boulder, CO
age: 45


4/11/2008 9:57:50 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Brandon, MB
age: 54

o yes women do squrt big time when there having orgams, done right by a good man she can cum over and over

4/11/2008 2:18:34 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,283)
Toledo, OH
age: 48

Thanks for posting that Kitty.

There is some evidence that the female ejaculate comes
from thepariurethral (Skene) glands, which are
considered analogous with the male's prostate gland.
It should be noted that the female ejaculate differs
from lubrication, which is produced by the walls of
the vagina.

Very informative, you go girl.

My thoughts,
If a woman is a squirt virgin then the first time may be more of
a gush than a squirt, and once she knows the feeling and can do it
more often, less will be emitted because (Skene) gland would be
emptied not having so much stored up. Maybe a womans (Skene) should
be emptied/milked often like a man's prostate should be to keep
healthy (reduce the chance of cancer or other health issues).
The first time I experienced it my partner gushed aproximately
4 ounces of very warm liquid. Her orgasm was very intense and her
abdominal muscles were extremely contracted, with convulsions.
Suprized both of us. Latter sessions produced some squirting but
never as much as that first (virgin) time. My theory since that
time was that the uterus may hold some liquid between periods, and
when an extreme orgasm happens and the abdominal muscles tighten
enough to put high pressure on the uterus it could force the fluid
past the cervix which is normally closed. If the man is inside at the
time, the fluid would have to be forced past his penis causing the
hard squirt/gush as it exits. Without vaginal obstuction the fluid
would just flow easily unless she is tightly clenching in orgasm.
From what I can remember I felt the heat of the fluid rush over me
inside before it gushed out all over me and down the side of the bed
and in the excitement my climax happened simultaniously.
She 'came too' after a few minutes and her eyes eventually
rolled back to straight.

I will give details that led to that result to help anyone who would
like to try. I don't think all woman can do it, and any orgasm should
be enjoyed wheather it results in female ejaculation or not. If anything
it may help a woman who has'nt had a regular orgasm finally experience one.

Man will provide loving intense oral stimulation (an orgasm or two orally
would help prime her and increase blood flow to her genitals to increase
sensitivety, and his being down there will provide her the feeling of
acceptance/closeness she craves) untill she begs for him to be inside.
Woman will lay on back with legs in air and butt at edge or hanging over
edge of bed. Man standing on floor will wrap hands around womans
lower thighs to pull her towards him as he thrusts to achieve maximum
body to body contact pressure(smack),varying speed according to partners
desire. The man must angle his penis upward slightly to make good contact
with her G-spot and hold her legs against his chest so she can feel his
body heat against the back of her legs. Woman should feel free to stimulate
her clitorus to increase and control her pleasure. As her orgasm begins,
her abdomen will tighten/convulse and keegels will tighten at which time
the man should slow down and provide longer, less depth and more
methodical penetrations. Man must hold back his orgasm untill she begins
to squirt/gush because once her orgasm begins it may take 1-5 minutes to
reach the squirt stage. As the woman begins to squirt/gush, the feeling
and excitement of it should send the man into simultanious orgasm with her,
providing him one of the best orgasms of his life. An important thing is
the man being able to hold back and control his urge to happen too soon.
Also, she may have several smaller orgasms before the biggie.
How well partners know each other is key, give it time.

NOTE: Make sure both partners have a healthy heart before attempting.

[Edited 4/11/2008 10:59:06 PM]

4/11/2008 3:01:24 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,792)
Brookhaven, PA
age: 50

I wanna squirt big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanna have one of those spectacular orgasms!!!

4/11/2008 3:08:57 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Summit, MS
age: 37

its a fact.

4/11/2008 3:24:42 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Sharpsburg, GA
age: 35

with the right guy yes they can,I've known a few that made a big mess

4/11/2008 4:28:49 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Charleston, SC
age: 33

Squirting is real was with a woman a few years ago that was a gusher!!!

4/11/2008 4:45:34 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Conway, AR
age: 44

Nice Knittinkitten. I thought about trying to explain it but i am not a writer and while I can DO it i didnt feel i could do justice to it in written form. I'm glad you found something that expains it so well. Well done!

Read up guys it really works. And your woman will love you for it. After she can breathe again anyway

Oh yeah a piece of advice.....cut your nails VERY VERY short guys it is a very tender spot and you don't want to scratch it.

[Edited 4/11/2008 4:48:04 PM]

4/11/2008 4:45:53 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Boiling Springs, SC
age: 54

Thanks for all the facts

4/11/2008 5:17:12 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  
Edinburgh, IN
age: 30

its real Ive witnessed it first hand

4/11/2008 5:31:51 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Groton, CT
age: 30

I can remember 4 women that squirted. One of which was like in the pornos. Just gotta get her head in the game

4/11/2008 6:49:07 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,009)
Lady Lake, FL
age: 72

Thanks gang, I'm glad you took the time to read it...I know it was long....but, I found it VERY informative AND easy to understand and follow.

Sometimes, something new in the "sex" department may seem like something you don't want to have any part of. However, my thoughts are...if it doesn't cause me pain or isn't harmful to my health, I'm willing to try new things...but, only with a loving partner. To know and care deeply for ones partner is a big key to successful lovemaking. And, that takes time.
When the warmth, tenderness and real friendship is there, the joy of experimentation becomes foreplay in itself.

Unfortunately, in the dating game, these days, I find that it's quite rare that I find a man who is even interested in maintaining a monogamous relationship. How sad.
