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4/11/2008 7:38:50 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Adel, GA
age: 39

I think it is fake . I bet it is piss !

4/11/2008 7:43:05 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Marshall, MI
age: 47

Ahh, yes its true, my ex was a squirter and from expereience, guys there really is a G spot.

4/11/2008 7:51:00 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  
Albany, NY
age: 28

I never was. I know it is true though. It just occured to me, does that mean a man never found my G spot?

4/11/2008 8:21:20 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Monroeville, PA
age: 29

This video will show that anybody can do it. i had on that taught me how to.

4/11/2008 8:22:45 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  
El Cajon, CA
age: 28

Montana, u clueless man, read up

4/11/2008 11:19:35 PM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,283)
Toledo, OH
age: 48

Well...Montana must be afraid of that tiny amount of urine that could be
in the womans ejaculate, but how would he feel if she was afraid of the
tiny amount in his? Ha...he is prolly afraid of little bugs too.

4/12/2008 12:12:21 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Las Cruces, NM
age: 73

FACT! i do it.

4/12/2008 1:26:29 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  
New York, NY
age: 42

Okay, for all the Guys, yes it's TRUE if you do your job right....Sorry..It's fact...
For us Ladies, some do and some don't.....It's just the way it is...
The reason is, NOT every woman ALLOWS herself to really LET go enough when
she is having sex with a partner...It's a control issue...Maybe...Or you just
have too much else on your mind, or like I said, the guy ain't hitting it...

Now for all those doubters that keep saying it's only PEEING....WRONG WRONG WRONG....
Basic BIOLOGY..Remember,learned it in high school...Some of us learned more in college...
But it's all the same....Here's are the basics...

When a MAN OR WOMAN engage in sexual activity, the body reacts both involuntarily (meaning without your knowing or causing) and voluntarily...(meaning you have total control over it...) The involuntary reaction the body creates is it CLOSES OFF the BLADDER function (or Urethra) till the stimulating sensations subsides...Meaning you can't pee....This takes place so that on men, seamen can pass through and out the little hole into the women, or all over the place if not in a women, it's so that you can also pass seamen, but also that you can recieve untainted seamen from the man to concieve a child....However, when the sensation is over or ORGASM has occurred,the Bladder now becomes able to release again at will, and sometimes spasmotically responds to past stimuli...Hence why SOME women or even men need to run off and PEE...This however can also be fixed or eleviated, by emtying the bladder BEFORE sex...This way that need to pee isn't so intense...And sex actually becomes all about the bodily sex functions....

I do hope that helps this thread...And to the man earlier that explained how it takes place in full detail..BRAVO.... You must be AWESOME in the sack...Many can learn from you..... I am not by the way, being a smart a** here...I am simply stating facts learned in my medical profession which I have been practicing quite well over the last 18 years.....You're welcome.....

4/12/2008 1:52:11 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  
West Linn, OR
age: 60

It is definately a fact. It is so good...

4/12/2008 3:20:59 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

age: 36

It's all true and it's all good. I can and I do and honestly feel for all those women out there who have not had the pleasure. Most intense sensation I have ever felt.

guys- it is not and does not taste like urine!100% proven

4/13/2008 3:54:05 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  
Warren, OR
age: 47

its deffenently ture, iv exsperenced it personaly..and i have to add, it really turned me on BIG TIME!

4/13/2008 4:26:43 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Commerce, GA
age: 32


4/13/2008 4:58:18 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Charlotte, NC
age: 52

luv it

4/13/2008 5:07:52 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  
Stanchfield, MN
age: 50

kittin, gini & desert spring nice to know I'll still be going strong as I get older -

Thanks for the shower curtain tip I get so sick of doing laundry all the time!!!!!

4/13/2008 8:19:02 AM SQUIRTING WOMEN? Fact or Fake?  

Columbia, MD
age: 25

yes...yes...yes...n i 4 1 luv 2 make them do dat....its all in da technique...i've had a females who b4 me only would cum 1 or 2 times when havin sex but have made them cum over 10 times n jus 1 session wit me...n got them 2 yes its fact n actually my fetishhave them bustin' automatic like