Seagoville, TX
age: 37
I always waivered before but recently I have met a bunch of people who have been healed of terrible illnesses.
I have met people who had breast cancer, immune disorders, etc. and yes I researched this people have been healed divinely.
I don't know how and I don't know why but I have really been trying to get the healing myself.. You just can't ignore when people have a tumor wrapped around their spine and they have been given a death sentence and they repent, and surrender to God and God heals them..
It has been documented so how can you argue with that??? I don't know about all the in's and out's but I know this divine spontaneous healings happen..
I read a book recently about a man that had cancer and he quoted scripture and he was healed a documented healing.. There has to be a God.. I have a medical condition that keeps me imprisoned so I really hope I recieve healing..