Stephens City, VA
age: 43
First of all the meeting place should be a place of the females choice,so she can feel safe and comfortable.
Second thing is I personally dont believe in a woman paying,even if it was a bad date.
A hug is fine on a first meeting ,if she inicates it or you feel like she wants one but too shy,you can tell.
What he did was totally stupid and its obvious he doesnt know how to make a woman feel SAFE or comfortable,and wanting to see him again.
So too all you males out there who would act like this,Go buy a book Dateing for DUMMIES.
Bottom line is let her feel like a woman,and treat her like a lady !!!!!!

Georgetown, FL
age: 52
If I meet a man out on a first date and he is a cheap skate...not wanting to pick up the tab, or wanting to go "dutch", then I will pay, for my half anyway, but there will not be a second date.....next.....and definetly no hugging or kissing on the first date unless it is a mutual feeling. I can usually get a feel if I am attracted or not by the time the first date is over. You can learn a lot from a person on the first date.