Strafford, MO
age: 56
Judging from the responses I have recieved (ie .... none) from those that I have winked at and those that I have sent messages to, having my picture posted hasn't helped me at all. However, I will not attempt to communicate with anyone that does not have a picture posted. Niether will I respond to anyone who attempts to start communications with me and does not have a picture posted.
Maybe I am somewhat shallow, but I have to be attracted to a lady for a relationship to get past the chatting stage and work. So what happens if I become enamored with a lady simply from talking to her on line and possibly on the phone and then become totally turned off by her appearance when I finally see what she looks like??? The relationship will fall apart and someone will be hurt.
We can all say that looks should not matter, and we would be right. However, the simple truth is that looks DO matter to everyone of us. So I want to see pictures and IMO it is slightly dishonest to not post a picture so others may see your smiling face.
The simple act of posting a picture will (again ... IMHO) prevent people on both sides of the equation from getting hurt.
Farmington, MO
age: 51
I put a pic on here then removed it because I was being judged by it and as I am not a piece of eye candy I got my feelings hurt. So I thought maybe at least I can make a friend by who I am. I dont have much hope of finding a mate. But maybe some one to kick it around with. I personally go more for what I read than what I see.