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4/9/2008 5:07:12 AM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Rockaway Beach, MO
age: 57
Hello, my name is Elly. I just wanted to comment about not putting pictures of yourself on a dating site. If someone sends me a wink, chances are I'm not going to wink back at a grey shaded outline of a head and body! I might if I like their profile or they live in an area that appeals to me. It's not because their looks are all that important to me, but because I feel like it's being phony. Sure, I know people can put old, distorted or "souped up" pictures on there to, and I would also consider that phony if they didn't explain themselves. When you get to your 50's, there is not much you can do about growing hair (if you are bald), getting taller (if you are short), etc; sure you could lose weight, grow hair longer; change the color, etc., but you can't really change a lot, now can you? God made us how we are; different looks appeal to different women (or men). What may not appeal to one definitely appeals to another. Don't ever be ashamed of yourself. If you are in your 50's like me, face it, we are 1/2 century old! And age, is only the number of years you have lived, not how OLD you are, anyway. If you don't have a digital camera, or don't have any pictures on your computer or a cd, or don't know how to download them if someone e-mails some to you, ask someone to help you and figure it out! It's better to start off honestly and see what happens? Be , not phony Don't you agree?
4/9/2008 7:26:40 AM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Lexington, MO
age: 62
I beleive you are correct in what you say here. honest and to the point. wish more folks were this honest. thanks
4/9/2008 10:10:06 PM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 45
I agree but the picture doesn't tell the whole story, but does help to see if he or she is attractive enough to meet
4/10/2008 7:45:02 AM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Rockaway Beach, MO
age: 57
Hey WillB: I just responded to your wonderfully nice e-mail about my Mom, but that's one thing in life that bugs me, attractiveness being the resaon for someone to want to date or even attempt to talk to you. Oh, maybe it seems important to a site like this, but a lot of people have fallen in love because they got to know each other by work, friends, school, bars, church, etc., you get the picture, and maybe they were fat, or not that pretty, or bald, or whatever, and if just looks were what it was all about, there would have been a lot less marriages in this world!
4/10/2008 7:48:51 AM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Rockaway Beach, MO
age: 57
Hey Time Tested: Thanks for responding with your opinion. We all have our points of view that's for sure and variety is the spice of life! You sound like a really nice guy and I wish you love. Elly
6/4/2008 11:31:02 PM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Osceola, MO
age: 57
I was just reading some of the post on here and really associated myself to what your original post was about,and if I do say so myself,your pic lifted my spirits
6/10/2008 12:35:48 PM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |
Mount Vernon, MO
age: 61
I feel as if you can't put your picture up, why be on here. I know some people do it because they don't want family or friends to know they are on here; how many of your family or friends would ever come here? I don't know, guess it is a personal thing. I also agree with you should not judge a book by it's cover. Someone you do not think is attractive may be the best thing that could happen to you. JMO
6/11/2008 4:57:28 AM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Linn, MO
age: 44
if looks are where it's all at then I really need to stop puttin my picture up,maybe thats whats keeping me from meeting people,maybe thats why I never hook up for a date,looks mean a great deal to alot of people but come on folks,looks ain't everything r they and if they r then alot of us r screwed,myself included
6/21/2008 11:32:47 AM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Kansas City, MO
age: 19
Already from my lack of photo U know which side i tend to lean on. I don't start off on a site by uploading my pic, get to know the area and go around getting aquainted with things and if U love it upload ur pic. To me it's a sense of noncommitment.
6/21/2008 11:36:14 AM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |
Hannibal, MO
age: 53
It's hard to tell what a person looks like from a shadow. But the words from a person tells you thier heart, and what's inside it......
I hate it though when someone sends me a wink like this morning, and thier profile is hidden. No way to tell who exactly is behind the wink and if they are fake or actualy wanting to correspond. And with no way to wink or write back, it's even worse.
I always ask for a picture so I can see who I am talking to. Otherwise it makes me feel like I am talking to a blank wall.... 
6/21/2008 9:24:49 PM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Kansas City, MO
age: 19
It's hard to tell what a person looks like from a shadow. But the words from a person tells you thier heart, and what's inside it......
I hate it though when someone sends me a wink like this morning, and thier profile is hidden. No way to tell who exactly is behind the wink and if they are fake or actualy wanting to correspond. And with no way to wink or write back, it's even worse.
I always ask for a picture so I can see who I am talking to. Otherwise it makes me feel like I am talking to a blank wall.... 
If you consider that a blank wall then a picture is just a painted wall, it's the actual conversation, the journey, adventure in getting to know eachother that is the heart of it all.
6/22/2008 8:13:12 AM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |
Hannibal, MO
age: 53
millian...I think I said that in my last post.... It's not so much the picture but the words spoken from the heart......
But I do still like looking at painted pictures better.....
[Edited 6/22/2008 8:13:56 AM]
6/22/2008 1:14:12 PM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |
Saint Joseph, MO
age: 34
I am new to this site and I just happen to run across this post. Im my opinion I feel a picture is a necessity. There are several reason but the first one to concern me is what if I say I would like to meet so-n-so and all there is a shadow and the person is for example a 17 year old boy and not the 37 yr old man he saud he was. How do you know if you are talking to a person with different sexual orientations than you,the right age, a person under age, the wrong gender and so forth... I could go on forver. Yes then come the statement well then they are not being honest..right? Well how do you know what is honest or not. And if they cant post a picture, to me that is the first sign of diseption. alot of the times pictures speak louder than words. And to me shadows remind me of scary places..hence... a relationship filled with lies.
Thats just an opinion and please hold no judgement.
7/14/2008 8:26:27 AM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Everton, MO
age: 53
Saw this and have to add my 2 cents. I would rather see a picture, but know some don't want to add one for reasons of their own. Any way I believe as Maxine says:

7/21/2008 4:38:34 AM |
Pictures on Dating Sites |

Poplar Bluff, MO
age: 56
Good grief, I guess I am a phoney, a liar and dishonest. And I am also ugly, fat, and undesireable.
Yeah right.
Prejudge me if you want, I will form my opinion on what I observe, not pictures with a resume. To many times I have seen a flattering picture with a long list of I want this, I want that, then a brief description of the perfect world that they want. They turn out to be totally different from what their profile implies, or have the personality of a damp rag. It takes time and conversation, either thru messages or face to face to form a correct opinion of other people. Nobody is what their profile implies, good or bad.
Prove me wrong if you can. Only one way to find out.