4/16/2008 9:54:05 PM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Adger, AL
age: 28

4/16/2008 10:23:13 PM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Huntington Beach, CA
age: 44
Ice cream and friends! Get to know yourself and live for yourself. Maintain a positive attitude because life goes best with one. 
4/16/2008 10:23:17 PM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Boise, ID
age: 28
it is really hard to move on when you still dream about her or him and every person you see is them to you
4/16/2008 10:25:26 PM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Boise, ID
age: 28
i lost the one because i seem not to be able to find or just be myself, like a camillion to many colors
4/16/2008 10:26:09 PM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Jonesboro, GA
age: 45
This is so true Sambuca. I know because I just left one. But it will get better in time and together; we'll all help you! Stay strong and think about anything bad he did...that should help!
4/16/2008 10:29:23 PM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

North Kingstown, RI
age: 49
You have a choice? I suppose you can crawl in a cave and waste 10 years of your life. I'd advise against that tho. What a waste that is... If you like your life like it is i guess you would have little reason to change it. I also think a death of a relationship needs a bit of mourning time. Eventually tho and as soon as possible, I think if you think life could be better, then i think you should go after it. A better life i mean. I'd start with baby steps.. one small thing you can do different that makes you smile, or takes your mind off your problems, or just invests in your future. Change one small thing at a time, till you see no need to change anything.
4/16/2008 11:00:38 PM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Splendora, TX
age: 54
Well some say when you're walking through quicksand, walk slow. No a theory I suscribe to.
And if you're happy where you are, by all means enjoy, Of coarse standing at the bus stop when your bus has gone by sooner or later another one will come along. So it's your decision whether to lead, follow, or get the heck outta the way
4/17/2008 8:54:00 AM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Grand Prairie, TX
age: 56
If you are not ready to move on, then don't. Plain and simple. You will know when the baggage starts getting heavy and only then will try and finally get rid of it. One day, One week, One month, One year, 10 years. It is all up there in your head. Only you will know when. Not any of us on this forum will know when.  
[Edited 4/17/2008 8:54:54 AM]
4/17/2008 9:04:03 AM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Savannah, GA
age: 44
I agree, If you're having doubts, don't do it. Enjoy your time with some friends, find a new hobby, anything but something you're obviously not ready to do. It would probably just make things more difficult or leave you with regrets, later down the road.
4/17/2008 9:30:45 AM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Bend, OR
age: 60
If you feel you are not READY..you will STAY IN PLACE, until you do decide to move on..
No one can tell you, your heart will let you know,
a little step at a time.....
This is the painful step of grieving...
you have LOST something very dear and precious to you
there are 7 steps....
We are on DH for a reason...
possibly to heal, possibly to grow, and learn
how to love again.
4/17/2008 10:29:56 AM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Wappingers Falls, NY
age: 43
Sorry, . . . just like sobering up from too much . . . only time will heal you.
In the meantime surround yourself with   (there are plenty here on DH) and work on improving yourself. It will pay off in the long run.
Maybe one of these will help:

Oooh needs an uggg, my pidgeon??

Wishing you . . .

You can always join my DH friends list, I have the best ever . . . see my profile.
[Edited 4/17/2008 10:30:34 AM]
4/17/2008 10:32:08 AM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Dwelling on a past that you can't change is like staring at a noose in your hands. It ain't gonna do anyone any good. But, some people are masochistic gluttons for punishment. If dwellling on misery and loneliness makes you happy....I say go for it!
4/17/2008 10:32:40 AM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 51
when you are ready to move on your heart will let you know, sometimes we just need a little longer to make that step. Whenever you think you are you will know good luck to you  
4/17/2008 11:18:06 AM |
what if Im not ready to move on |

Gwynn Oak, MD
age: 58
Don't Move On
Be like Iraq
They want a New Dictator.