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1/13/2007 8:31:51 AM |
Christian |

Whittier, CA
age: 55
You cannot lose what you did not have. Just think about that...... deep stuff......
1/13/2007 9:29:19 AM |
Christian |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
You cannot lose what you did not have. Just think about that.....deep stuff.....
Krazz you surprise me! Its hard to lose something that is not real to start with.
1/13/2007 9:50:54 AM |
Christian |

Whittier, CA
age: 55
My point, exactly....
1/13/2007 10:31:05 AM |
Christian |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
You cannot lose what you did not have. Just think about that.....deep stuff.....
True, you cannot lose salvation... Just like if I offer you a hundred dollars and you do not accept it, you do not become $100 poorer. However, you do lose the OPPORTUNITY to accept that gift before it is too late. Just as you could have accepted the money and made your pocket "richer" you can accept God and also make your life "richer."
So just to clarify, if YOU ACCEPT THE OPPORTUNITY, and ACCEPT SALVATION what have you lost? If it's not true as many claim, you'll never know If it is true... whether you have accepted it or not, YOU WILL KNOW.
And I don't mean to keep a dead issue going, but keep in mind your "spokesman", Stormbay (with 2 PhDs) has yet to refute any thing I have said. He questioned Jesus, and in his questioning only provides evidence that he did exist [UNCC Study on Josephus' text]. He questions the Old Testament, but agrees there is truth in both the Old and New Testament. He does not believe in the Alpha and Omega, but in something that has always existed and always will.
If anyone challenges Christianity, that is your decision. I only ask that in your attack you bring one solid peice of evidence that this "fable" is just that. Perhaps you can do something that scientists, archiologists, and historians have been trying to do for thousands of years. (Hey, why aren't all these guys with PhDs and stuff, able to bring up one solid fact that this is all a hoax???)
As for me, I have no problem telling you my stance on the issue (obviously ), and in doing so I have been verbally attacked for holding an evidence based debate. See how much it has shaken my faith? I said it before, I'll say it again.
If being a Christian makes me a fool, I AM A PROUD FOOL.
God Bless,
Mike :o)
P.S. Let's give Proud Christians a little room on the site, you can keep bashing us on the other 2 forums 
Oh yeah, Krazz the existance of God, and not knowing in the end (if they are right) was not really directed at you. I understand the concern you must have of whether Jesus was the real Messiah (Moshiach), and following the real one. But just the same, let's be respectful, and keep debates/ challenges in the threads that were created for that.
[Edited 1/13/2007 10:55:06 AM]
1/13/2007 11:03:00 AM |
Christian |

Whittier, CA
age: 55
Mike? You know nothing about me. Please do not purport to understand me, either. I have no "concerns" as you stated, and I never said you were directing anything at me.
Thank you....
[Edited 1/13/2007 11:03:51 AM]
1/13/2007 11:09:54 AM |
Christian |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
Hey Krazz,
Let me rephrase that. I think you misinterpreted what I said.
As for the "concerns," what I mean by that is that your profile says you are Jewish, and being so, you are waiting for the Messiah, and based on your belief Jesus was not he, and following him would be "worshipping" a false deity. And also in regards to IF he was not the true Messiah, that Christians would be mislead.
And I never said I knew you, just going off your profile. It is not my place to even pretend to know you, and in no way was I trying to imply that I did on a personal level.
Take Care & God Bless,
Mike :o)
[Edited 1/13/2007 11:19:56 AM]
1/13/2007 12:01:35 PM |
Christian |

Whittier, CA
age: 55
Ah ha..... I understand.... Wow somebody actually reads a profile? 
1/13/2007 1:32:42 PM |
Christian |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Hey Mike check out the thread. All relationship issues have been covered. It is in the religion forum. In my last post of said thread I give proof that your god dose not keep his promises to his people. Therefor making him her or it not real. Just keep in mind that the part you need to read starts in the second line and the thrid or forth sentence of that post. You may not call it proof but I do. Yes I used the bible to prove it. Now prove to me your god is real without using the bible. Because if I dont believe in your god. Why would I believe his/her/its bible?
1/13/2007 2:23:57 PM |
Christian |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
Hey Wolfy,
I am guessing you missed the "let's not debate this here in this thread" part There are several other threads for debate, this was started for Christians to support each other (or so that is what I got from it). I did just read the relationship forum, and I will reply to your comments there.
But please, give Christian people one spot that they can support each other without criticism on this site.
Thanks, & God Bless,
Mike :o)
1/13/2007 2:37:21 PM |
Christian |

Covington, LA
age: 72
All I can say is if you want an argument, bring up religion or politics. I, myself, am a believer in Christ. What you believe in is your business and what I believe in is mine. The thing that tee's me off more than anything else is when someone, either a believer or a non-believer, starts running down what another person believes in and tries to push their beliefs down the other's throat. Whether you believe in God, Christ, McDonald's Hamburgers, Thor, Hercules, or whatever, that is, so to speak your religion. If you don't believe in God or Christ, have at it, thats your business. If I want to believe, let me have this belief without someone calling me stupid or ignorant or brainwashed because of that belief, thats my business, not your's. I don't think I should tell you that you are wrong and that you are going to be sorry if you don't believe the way I do. Thats your businews how you believe. Arguing is not going to change your mind or mine one way or the other no matter what is said, so It is my learned position that we call a truce before everybody gets pissed off at everybody else. What do you say? 
1/13/2007 2:42:29 PM |
Christian |

Whittier, CA
age: 55
1/26/2007 3:49:36 PM |
Christian |

Minneola, FL
age: 60
Reading the responses here, my first thought was isn't it wonderful that a site exists which sort of reflects the positions of many and today we are free to discuss this, hopefully politely. As food for thought, I would first suggest that all thinking creatures could be separated first into two categories: those who believe there is a God and those who do not.
Taking that into consideration only those who believe there is a God would be able to go further in the discussion of religion. Therefore, my position stated would be that there is a God, jokingly using the analogy, "there is always a faster gun". With respect to religion, just plain, "WOW". Hmm, how many religions are there and how did they form? Bibles, hmm again. How many different bibles are there and how did they come to be? However since I believe in God, I believe that there is the true word and it does exist. Another food for thought, what other issue has been in question throughout recorded history and has stood the test of time such as the bible. Another thought is what document has prophecies which have been clearly documented to have been fore told centuries before they have occurred. Recently there have been two diametrically opposed bibles regarding prophecy which has caused heads of nations to react to each other within days, one discussing this issue and printed in the press and covered by well known forms of the press. Hmm, if you are reading this then you have the ability instantaneously to explore and read many things which formerly would have required you to go to the library. Also, I ask you to question, are "things", that is to say, "moving fast". I mean, real fast!!! We live in a global secular world. This year if you watch media that is less controlled, you are learning things that are not just moving fast, but shocking. At this point I would like to say I have chosen my "Bible" and there are several that have not been corrupted too much. There are many studies of prophecy. So for me, I have chosen the Judeo-Christian prophecy, and through faith know that "JESUS" is my savior and my path to God. The Jewish people have a different covenant with God. Since things are moving so fast, I hope that I will have the freedom to express these feelings through out my life. I am a work in progress, and I would like to suggest we all are. One last thought. Our empire created what formerly was called the "uncorporation" and now labeled corporations. Corporations are secular and work "top down" with respect to control. Study the concept of "Greed". I truly believe God wants for us much more then what is happening today. Are you noticing changes in your worldly endeavors? Thank you for this opportunity. We are all in this together.
3/10/2007 3:56:04 PM |
Christian |

Boerne, TX
age: 27
I would like to add a few comments here if I can. First, I would like to say that I don't believe that mere evidence can change anyone's mind if they are dead set on believing something - be it anything from atheism to Elvis still being alive. But for those who are undecided - I would like to throw this out here.
1. The fact that design is seen throughout all the universe would seem to point to a designer. If I traveled to Mars and found the face of George Washington carved into a cliff face, what would be more plausible - that it happened through the random effects of erosion, or that someone - even though I may have no idea who - carved it. So would it then make sense to say the face of the real George Washington happened through the random clashes of mindless molecules? I'm not arguing whether or not God may have created things using a gradual and evolutionary method, but it seems to me ludicrous that it just happened randomly.
2. Their seems to be planted inside the culture of every cultural group on earth a sense of right and wrong. Now in some groups this sensibility may be better developed than others, (even this phrase assumes an ultimate standard which is above culture) but some sort of sense of right and wrong is universal. Even the Sawi cannibals, who regularly roasted their adversaries and elevated treachery into a fine art, considered it wrong to do so to those of one's home village. In other words, the sense of right and wrong was there, it just needed to be greatly extended. Such behaviour cannot be explained by some sort of "survival of the fittest" mentality. So where else but God did it come from?
3. And then there's the "democratic" argument. Many people throughout the ages have claimed to come in contact with a realm beyond the here and now. Should we then throw out the experiance of a sizable chunk of humankind just because we haven't experienced this realm ouselves? I've never personally seen an electron or done the math needed to prove the existence of one, but others who seem to have knowledge in such areas claim to have. So I don't have any problem believing they exist.
Beyond these arguments, I believe because I know. One can sit here and prove to me all day by the cleverest of logic that the chair I'm sitting in does not exist, and I may not be able to explain why it does, but I know it exists. The fact is more basic than the theory which tries to deny it. And in the same way, I believe in God. I may not have the answers to every question, but this I know. And I know there are answers.
And so to the agnostic I merely say, why not give it a try? Why not go into your closet some day and with an honest heart ask God to tell you if he is there. If he isn't, no great loss. If he IS, well, then there is everything to gain.
3/12/2007 8:42:21 PM |
Christian |

Erwin, TN
age: 48
I agree with Sky on this.
To each his or her own.
I said in another thread that I believe in God and I do but I won't try to make you believe just because I do.
What gets me is that you come here or anywhere and try to change my belief's.
Well I can't be changed and I'm sure you can't either so don't have a fallen out over it.
Who knows we all may be standing together when we get ready for a new home.
I would like to say that I will not argue the bible or God in here any more.
I try to keep my opinions to myself wherever it may be.
Because in the end It is just going to be me that finds out if I'm right or wrong. I will stand there and be judged by what I have done and believed and you or no one else can help me.
So if we want to just talk about it lets at least keep it civil.
3/15/2007 3:50:53 AM |
Christian |

Augusta, ME
age: 24
Jesus said i am the Way the truth and the life and know Man can come to the father but expect through me! Jesus has changed and saved my life from attemps of daily suicide. And changed my screwd up life! he can change anyone! and any true christian thats been through hell on earth can tell u the very same thing!! their is only one way to heaven and One God and that is the father= son= and holy spirit! and i am sorry for thoughs who believe their is many ways to get to heaven cause all religions contradicted one another! I know i am not good anuff to get to heaven thats way i chose to believe jesus witch is the way the truth and the life! He backs up everything he says in the bible and he was the only one out of all the religions that showed his power and claiming to be God as well as man in human flesh. If people used thier common sense that God has given them, they would repent now and put thier full trust in the God that was bodily resurrected on the third day! and was seen by over 500 people! in a 40 day period witch was all recorded in the bible! Study it for your selfs! because if you dont your only fooling your self if u dont! And if that was not true why would hundreds and hundres of followers of Jesus be torcherd and be murderd for what they new to be just a big fat lie? It is understandable to be torcherd and die for what u believe in, but again its not understandable for someone to be torcherd and be murderd for what they knew to be was just a big fat lie!! think about it peeps use your God Given braiin!!! save your self the hassle! Ask God for wisdom and read his word! seek the lord with all of your heart! and u will find the truth and the truth will set u free believe God! GOd bless u all!! From your friend that cares Carlos R Bragg! send me a message i dont Bite!