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3/15/2007 3:16:47 PM |
Christian |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I opened my mouth in politics and regret it gonna keep it shut here.
4/28/2007 9:04:00 PM |
Christian |

Hazlehurst, GA
age: 56
I would just like to say that I am a Christian and proud of it! The question may be asked "Do you know who Jesus is'? Yes, I know Him as a personal Savior, He is my provider, my physician, my Rock that I lean on! He is everything to me. What a wonderful peace I have when I lay my head on my pillow at night knowing that I am completly in His care!
4/29/2007 5:43:01 PM |
Christian |

York, SC
age: 30 online now!
I am a believer, whorshiper, and fearer of the Almighty Lord. With him I have found a love that I didn't know existed. I am at peace with myself, my friends, family, and with those who have wronged me. Jesus set me free, into a life of love, happiness, faith, fulfillness, a wholeness, and has allowed me to be his sheep, to follow him to the promised land, and to bring as many as I can with me. Especially my precious children. God bless all!
5/5/2007 9:06:28 PM |
Christian |

Madison, SD
age: 53
Jesus is my Savior and the Lord of my life. Where would I be now without Him?
God is a good God and He is Love. He does not just love, He is Love. I read a book by Oral Roberts in 1978 and that is when I found out what God had done for me and received His Son, Jesus into my heart. I am so thankful that God opened my eyes to the truth.
5/7/2007 2:04:37 AM |
Christian |

Arlington, TX
age: 51
The Lord said. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. or something like that. So why are the Baptists calling Jesus God? They have a God/Jesus blend and think that they are now one. Jesus was a prophet. The life lessons we learn in the Bible are musts to have a somewhat sane society to live in. I do not take many things written there literally. A book that was being translated while the pope was having orgies and making people buy their way into heaven to make money for the church leaves me questioning what he may have left out that he didn't want the general population to read. (Well, at the time they weren't allowed to read it anyway.) He wanted to keep them ignorant so they wouldn't question things and could be easily manipulated. People who tried to question the pope's take on things and how he was running the church were burned at the stake.
Evidently today many folks are still easily manipulated and not able to or don't want to think for themselves and question stories in the Bible today.
My daughter joined a Bible study group 3 yrs. ago and when they found out that she believed dinosaurs existed they kicked her out. They said that all those creatures were a scientific communities' conspiracy.
If you live by the teachings of Jesus you are a christian right?
[Edited 5/7/2007 12:57:51 PM]
5/8/2007 7:39:07 PM |
Christian |

Madison, SD
age: 53
Jesus said in John 3:3 I assure you,most solemnly I tell you, that unless a person is born again (anew, from above) he cannot see (know, be acquainted with, and experience) the kingdom of God. And He said in John 3:5 I assure you most solemnly I tell you, unless a man is born of water and (even) the Spirit, he cannot (ever) enter the kingdom of God.
Romans 10:9 Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.
10 For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God) and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms (his) salvation.
This is the first step and this is what makes us a christian or "little Christ"
5/9/2007 2:57:55 PM |
Christian |

Boerne, TX
age: 27
I would like to respond to Viklet's post above. First off, the Bible was not written "while popes were having orgies and making people buy their way into heaven." I'm not a Catholic myself, but I know enough about Catholicism that I think I can say rather definitively that although there have been some bad popes, most of them were decent and saintly men. The popes or bishops of Rome at the time of the writing of the New Testament were, to the best of my knowledge, St. Peter, St. Linus, and St. Clement, all of whom, I believe, were martyred for their faith. And the final determination of the New Testament canon was reached in a general church council around 300 A.D., long before the handful of corrupt medieval popes who you have mentioned reigned. And yes, we can be quite sure that the books were on the whole unchanged from their first century writing. Many very ancient manuscripts of the books (from well before the above mentioned council) have been discovered which are virtually identical with those we now have in our Bibles. The unfortunate abuses associated with papal immorality and the selling of indulgences didn't occur until about a thousand years later.
On the divinity of Christ: It has been the teaching of the Church since the earliest days that Jesus was not "another" God, but was none other than the same God of the Old Testament come to free a sin-bound world. He was Jesus - meaning "The Lord become our salvation" In the Old Testament, God referred to himself as "The Lord of Hosts", "The Lord our Shepherd", "The Lord who is Present" and many other names. In Jesus, He became "The Lord our Salvation." Not another god, but the same one, this time come to free sinful mankind.
And the one thing Jesus can't be is just a good teacher or prophet. He made claims about himself that would either indicate He was a madman, a liar, or what He claimed, God Himself. It's always been more than a little unsettling to the average man that God Himself would become a man, but this is what the scriptures and Christ Himself taught.
I would like to later discuss (when I have a little more time) why God becoming a man was essential for our salvation, if anyone's interested.
I don't know what misled group your daughter got hooked up with, but dinosaurs being a hoax is certainly not the view of most Bible-believing Christians today. Please don't be a bigot and consider the actions of one fringe group representative of the majority of Christians.
[Edited 5/9/2007 9:18:55 PM]
5/9/2007 7:41:25 PM |
Christian |

Madison, SD
age: 53
Jesus is not God in the flesh, Jesus is the Son of God, who was made flesh and dwelt among us, the trinity is explained as Elohim, which is plural. There is the Father, The Son, who has been referred to as the Word made flesh, and the Holy Spirit.
They are one in agreement, purpose but three distinct personalities. Jesus came to show us the Father and to be the bridge to the Father, He is the express image of the Father, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father, forever making intercession for us.
And the Holy Spirit was dispensed after Jesus returned to Heaven and when poured out upon the people, they began speaking in tongues and glorifying God.
Three separate persons of the Godhead, but one in agreement.
5/9/2007 9:28:12 PM |
Christian |

Boerne, TX
age: 27
Yes, but even as a third person of the Godhead, he is still God and has come in our human nature - the point I was trying to make was not to deny the doctrine of the Trinity, but rather to emphasize that He was not a "new god" but rather the Logos or Word that brought the very worlds into existence - and that the consistent tradition of the church has been that there is but one God. I know the doctrine of the Trinity is rather complex and can be easy to misunderstand, but the church has always taught that there is one God, the same God that spoke to Israel through the prophets.
[Edited 5/9/2007 9:28:54 PM]
5/10/2007 6:58:41 AM |
Christian |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
There are some things that we won't understand until this life on earth is over but we have to accept on faith. I don't know what people do without Jesus as their Lord and Savior. He has brought me through a lot in life including the loss of two wonderful husbands. people who do not know Him want to say all these bad things wouldn't be happing if He was real. Well, read your Bible especially Timothy. Tells us what is going to happen in the end times. 2 Timothy 3:1 Sound familiar?
5/29/2007 12:12:52 AM |
Christian |

Federal Way, WA
age: 42
| cannot lose what you did not have...
What we all have is a gift laying there right in front of is ours for the taking, all we have to do is choose to pick it up. It's already been bought, paid for and has our name on it....
That's what you can can refuse to accept it. One day it will be too late for those who choose not to pick it up and accept it.
Sad...very sad.
5/29/2007 6:36:23 PM |
Christian |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Glad someone out there found some one who will accept them. Lucky you!
5/31/2007 11:38:32 AM |
Christian |

Augusta, ME
age: 24
All i know peeps is that my life was a mess! ive had alot of problems in my life and i allways was tempting to commit suicide on a daily basis and i was always drinkin and smoking weed like a burning volcanoe to cover up all my pain! I was raised in a christian home but i really did not accept Jesus truly in my heart. Because i didnt understand how much God and his son Jesus really loved me! i was really depressed again one night and one of my friends told me his experience he prayed and accepted jesus to live in his heart, he told me he's has never felt a presence of love and power inside him like he did when he called upon the name of jesus! I believed him but i didnt think God would ever do that for me, so i said no i am not going to pray to Jesus. Then right after i said that a power came over me like ive never experienced before it was like 100 pounds came off my shoulders! it was like a great presence of love and inner peace! i cant even explain it but i new! It was God telling me to repent and pray! to let Jesus in my heart and I immedietly lovingly, let Jesus be my lord and savior of my life! I am 23 now and i dont smoke weed anymore, i drink once in a great while but not to get drunk to cover up my pain! But my life as dramaticly changed i have great faith, hope to live and a new kind of love and peace that passes all understanding. i give all my praise and thanxs to my lord and savior Jesus Christ! i just got done one semester at New England Bible college as well! I am just another sinner saved by love and Grace by my father God and Jesus christ! I praise father Son and the holy spirit who lives within me forever
6/11/2007 1:56:06 PM |
Christian |

Saint Cloud, MN
age: 32
wow when perfect woman goes to hell she will know the truth real fast. oh and youll need some shorts and suntan lotion for where you are going