11/9/2006 1:51:23 PM |
Christian |

Hamburg, IA
age: 46
I just signed up and I'm shocked that no one has started a forum for Christians yet. so I'm doing it. I love Jesus. Do you?
11/22/2006 5:10:46 PM |
Christian |

Reading, MI
age: 42
Yes I do with all my hart and being.For he is the truth and the light
of my life.
11/22/2006 8:07:15 PM |
Christian |

Fresno, CA
age: 38
I think Jesus was a big teacher, but I dont believe he was a son of God and definitely not a Messiah.
Is Jesus the truth? I am not sure about that...because I will know the TRUTH after i die.
11/23/2006 6:03:37 AM |
Christian |

Reading, MI
age: 42
Hi all you can know the truth by reading his word.For unlike other relegions
the bible can be and is being proved by sci all the time.
11/23/2006 11:03:11 AM |
Christian |

Fresno, CA
age: 38
We assume it is the REAL truth...but we will DEFINITELY know until we meet HIM after we die.
11/24/2006 5:27:19 AM |
Christian |

Reading, MI
age: 42
I know he is the truth he lives in me every day.And the holy goast makes
sure that I know my lord is alive.
11/24/2006 7:10:01 AM |
Christian |

Gastonia, NC
age: 49
I do not see God as a deity wanting worship or the like. I view Him more as a Creator who loves us enough to set in motion the Universe, to endow us with free will, and to provide us with examples (such as Jesus), so that we can evolve sufficiently to once again dwell in His presence.
11/25/2006 6:16:26 PM |
Christian |

Reading, MI
age: 42
I have a peace in my hart and soule that tells me my lord
died on the cross for me.And was raised up so that i may
also be raised up. On the great day of his comming.And if
I belive in him I to can share a home in heaven.
11/26/2006 3:32:31 PM |
Christian |

Sykesville, MD
age: 60
I totally agree. The Holy Bible is the infalliable word of God. HE presented His plan to reconcile man to Him in Gen 3:15 and fulfilled it by sending His sinless, perfect God-man son Jesus to be the substitute for us and every drop of His precious blood was shed to pay the penalty for our sin and sin natures. I'm robed in His righteousness waiting for His call to my real home with Him in Heaven. Praise the Lord!
[Edited 11/26/2006 3:34:54 PM]
11/26/2006 3:54:05 PM |
Christian |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
I'm robed in His righteousness waiting for His call to my real home with Him in Heaven. Praise the Lord!
I dont understand that comment could you please explain?
11/28/2006 10:54:03 AM |
Christian |

Reading, MI
age: 42
I belive we are covered in his blood as soon as we except him as are lord.
And that allows us to be saved by grace.As long as we dont our backs on him.And follow his comandments we will rise and be with him.
12/20/2006 9:11:56 PM |
Christian |

Augusta, ME
age: 24
All i know peeps is that my life was a mess! ive had alot of problems in my life and i allways was tempting to commit suicide on a daily basis and i was always drinkin and smoking weed like a burning volcanoe to cover up all my pain! I was raised in a christian home but i really did not accept Jesus truly in my heart. Because i didnt understand how much God and his son Jesus really loved me! i was really depressed again one night and one of my friends told me his experience he prayed and accepted jesus to live in his heart, he told me he's has never felt a presence of love and power inside him like he did when he called upon the name of jesus! I believed him but i didnt think God would ever do that for me, so i said no i am not going to pray to Jesus. Then right after i said that a power came over me like ive never experienced before it was like 100 pounds came off my shoulders! it was like a great presence of love and inner peace! i cant even explain it but i new! It was God telling me to repent and pray! to let Jesus in my heart and I immedietly lovingly, let Jesus be my lord and savior of my life! I am 23 now and i dont smoke weed anymore, i drink once in a great while but not to get drunk to cover up my pain! But my life as dramaticly changed i have great faith, hope to live and a new kind of love and peace that passes all understanding. i give all my praise and thanxs to my lord and savior Jesus Christ! i just got done one semester at New England Bible college as well! I am just another sinner saved by love and Grace by my father God and Jesus christ! I praise father Son and the holy spirit who lives within me forever
12/28/2006 8:22:24 PM |
Christian |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
The Lord is everything to me! He is my life!
1/12/2007 1:50:02 PM |
Christian |

Clinton, OK
age: 51
God has done alot for me and is still carrying me thrue some tough times in my life.My worst day with God in my life,is better than my best day with satan.
[Edited 1/12/2007 1:50:30 PM]
1/13/2007 8:16:43 AM |
Christian |

Clinton, OK
age: 51
Alot of people have different ideas about God and the bible.They either believe or they don,t.When they say they don't believe,i tell them if they are right and the word is wrong then i have nothing to lose.But if I am right and there is a God and the word is true,then they have alot to lose.