7/12/2007 6:07:48 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
Thank You Liberal
Nice to finally put a face to the words

Good Luck To ya!
7/13/2007 12:29:34 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
wildgirl: I never said that I did not think you knew anything because of your age. Those are your words, not mine. I said you are terribly naive. I was not inferring what you claim. I say what I mean and mean what I say, very carefully chosen I might add. Sometimes I make mistakes though don't we all. So whats your beef anyway. You take things personally when I speak my mind. You don't know how to have respect for words because you are following the ones others told you to say and you don't have the ability yet to have enough information to be able to make an informed decision about subjects and topics that take time to have any clearity for better understanding. That is why you are naive, not because you are 18. I have respect for you and your age, though I don't trust your knowledge to save my life because you can't save your own right now because you are up to your neck in massive missinformation.
You will find away to sabatoge yourself against your own good, thats what you know how to do right now....make stuff up out of thin air that is not even there. This is what sheeple do. That is why they are out of their minds, because they don't have one. They live their lives based upon what others told them to say and think from sources of so called credible text such as the bible. Why? because your mommy and daddy told you so. And who told them?..why it was their mommy and daddy...well at some point you have to cut the embillicle cord and decide what it is that you want to think and not what someone else wants you to think. Then you will be an expert like me.
7/13/2007 12:47:37 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
yeah but you can never go wrong if you read the bible it makes life easier and better
7/13/2007 1:05:05 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
you can never go wrong if you don't read the bible it makes life easier and better
7/13/2007 1:28:03 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Upland, CA
age: 54
Jewelz5 You are speaking of nonconformity,and the law makers who are also the law breakers discouage this anti government,anti religious,free thinking sort of thing.They incourage a robotic type of humanoid that dosn't question there greedy,rediculous laws.And most people conform out of fear I believe.How many times have you heard a generation say they were going to change things for truth and justice ,only to br stoped dead in there traks.And some are dead inthere traks.merry meet
7/13/2007 1:49:11 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Yes exactly...thinking is not recommended required or necessary and discouraged. Why do you think they make it legal to drink all the alchohol you can handle...so everyone could walk around in a drunken stuper all the time and get themselves into trouble. It keeps everyone from having to think about what rights are being stolen from them. Just go have another beer and forget about it.
7/13/2007 6:45:09 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
they may have it legal but that does not mean that you have to drink
7/13/2007 6:52:58 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
Jewlz, if you dont like christianity fine, but what I want to know is what is the point of spend hours trashing Christians. I have been researching religion since I was 13 (not just Christianity either in fact I never actually believed in christianity until recently and I know a bit more about other religions then most other Christians). I just find it annoying that you automatically assume I am nieve and that I dont know anything about life, even if our planet was formed in a lab, religion is a good foundation for laws. If all people believed that there was no reason to follow laws like "thou shalt not kill", or "thou shalt not steal", then the world would be in total chaos and never again would anyone be able to sleep through the night. I have read your posts and you seem to think that we have no reason to follow these restraining laws. Most important laws if you pay attention are actually based on christianity. I am not trying to get you to believe in God, because I doubt you ever could, but at least admit there is some logic to the many laws of our religion or if that is not even possible to quite bashing Christians because it is futile and will only get other people annoyed by your unopen-mindedness. I can accept that you dont believe in christianity but you have no reason to use my age as a reason not to accept what i have to say (however I would doubt you would listen even if i was 70 because you have certainly made up your mind). I am a bit curious, why do people only bash christianity?
Hotlips you might as well read this too since you probably think the same way
[Edited 7/13/2007 6:54:29 PM]
7/16/2007 9:03:13 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
If Christians are so sure why does discussing anything else considered an attack? Why are you so afraid to hear what other people are thinking about?

7/17/2007 1:47:44 AM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
If people were to go about making negative comments about anyones religion, I am sure they would react the same way I am... misleading people about a religion by making up names and false facts misguides people from what the belief is all about. It has nothing to do with your lack of conviction, if you are a true christian you love God and when some one mocks your loved one you defend them.
To answer your question, we get defensive when we hear about your opinion because comments about christianity (i assume that is what you are referring to when you say "Discussing other things" you are referring to subjects like... the bible is bull,jesus is a woman ect) are often negative.
People are racist because their opinion is that a person of that race is a bad person because of the color of their skin, obviously people are over reacting when someone says the "N" word to some black guy who cut them off while they were driving.
remember: "The pen is mightier then the sword".
[Edited 7/17/2007 1:57:01 AM]
7/17/2007 3:08:37 AM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
After Jesus' death, many Christians were persecuted because of their beliefs. If someone is a true Christian (as you stated), why defend your faith to anyone else. True faith cannot be taken away from you. Jesus did not retaliate when humiliated, tortured and beaten for all to witness. Jesus gave no resistance. Doesn't Christianity embrace and teach how Christians should emulate Jesus through his example? Love one another as you love yourself?
You lost me in the racist part...
7/17/2007 1:00:09 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
you dont get it... let me explain.
Being racist is disaproved in todays sociaty
so is attacking others religious beliefs
Racism is an opinion, Just like the Hatred of others religious beliefs.
Queen of hearts asked me why I was afraid of what she was thinking.
I was answering her generally that it is not nice to make fun of people who believe in a particular religion, and is along the same catagory of racism because it is just as hurtful.
and to answer to your reply, Although people like Paul suffered for being a believer he often could be seen out in the streets letting others know about him and clearing out many misconception about Jesus though his word. Often when he preached the government would take him off the streets and torture Paul to shut him up. Instead of shutting Paul up it made him louder preaching to the guards in the Jail and getting attention by word of mouth from spectators on the streets.
The suffering that is referred to is mockery and physical pain and torture. Jesus said that we would face this- and that whom ever spoke up in his name would gain eturnal life.
7/17/2007 2:05:38 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I have not mocked anyone one I have just asked for proof of what you guys are saying and that I do not believe the bible is the complete word of god. So to please prove what you say without the bible.
7/17/2007 4:29:49 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
I don't think you understand or get it!!! Let me explain........
YOUR POST: So you dont think I know anything because of my age, what makes you such an expert on what type of person I am or what I know about my life? What do you have against Christians anyway? I see you bash us all the time on this forum, whats the point? Are you just wasting your time or what? turn off your computer and sit back in front of the television, drink beer and masterbate, instead. I think its stupid to go onto a site and make derogatory statements about what people beleive in. Think about it, there are a lot of different popular beliefs that I dont agree with but you dont see me wasting my time mocking them on forums.
In defending your beliefs, you just crossed the line to personally insult someone. Drink beer and masterbate?? I thought Christianity symbolized Godliness. To act like Jesus would have acted, to speak as Jesus would have spoken and follow in his footsteps. However insulted or offended you may have been, your offensive and insulting throwbacks were as equally indignant. Someone slaps me in the face, I'm gonna slap them back, but I'm better than you because I'm a Christian? It doesn't matter how people act or react towards you or your beliefs. It is how you conduct yourself and treat others which outwardly exemplifies your beliefs. Practice what you preach, the old adage. It would be difficult for someone to respect what you preach when at the slightest difference of opinion activates the fangs and claws.............
7/17/2007 4:47:43 PM |
Why is reason forgoten when some people talk about religion |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
The whole idea of a clean debate is just that.
My own opinions about religion and faith are very much connected with choice , however one must understand differences and accept people for what they are
I accept anyone's right to worship WHATEVER they want , it not only makes sense , but its also protected by our society
What bothers me is "Blind Faith" , belief without question , and the notion that The Bible has all the answers to all the afflictions that plague our day to day life.
As i have stated many times before , religion , most precisely Catholic/Christian have been behind of genocide throughout history
The Crusades
The Spanish Inquisition
The slaughter of American Indians (Those who refused to convert)
The Killings in Salem
Faith without reason is in fact DANGEROUS
Jim Jones and the Guiana massacre
Reverend Moon and brain washing
David Coresh in Texas
One must imagine GOD/Goddess/Supreme being/Great computer or Charlie Brown in the sky is pretty upset with the way we have handled ourselves in the name of GOD
Lets debate , lets learn
We all have something to contribute , so long we don't use the same automated answer
"Because its not in The Bible , it must not be true"
And by the way...I have heard the earth is not flat.
