Huntington, NY
age: 53
I went out ONCE with this freaking pig, who actually SPIT in my mouth! I thought I hallucinated it at first, until he did it again! (It was actually a big glob of spit.) I was so stunned, I didn't know how to react. That had never happened to me before. It was truly disgusting. Needless to say, I there was never date #2 with this freak.
I love kissing, and using my tongue, but this was way over the top, and NOT sexy, sensual, or erotic at all.
Farmland, IN
age: 48
You are so right flagirl4!!
Farmland, IN
age: 48
A long sensual kiss, OMG, I love to Kiss!
Fort Myers, FL
age: 35
hi yank well for me i kiss really slow and soft to see how she likes to be kissed. i brush the side of her hair with my fingers. anything soft and gentle will start a good chemistry. sticking your tounge down her throat my be a little much.oh if you feel he's is kissing you wrong grab both sides of his face and lead him into the kiss with your mouth and tongue be the guide. once you are sure he has it you can let go. him pleaseing you and knowing that he just kissed you like you want will be enjoyable to both parties. ok yank maybe i need to show you lmao how one of a kind huh? stay kool girl and stop kissing all those boy's