5/22/2008 8:18:36 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
waterluvr75: : artyon: I read it wrong.
I think you should tint your poncho, the only thing with that be careful in New Jersey you are not aloud to tint your windows. You might get a ticket. 
Goodnight sweetie and I hope you feel better.....Sin
5/22/2008 8:23:44 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
Sniggy: "Tweezers" You would do that for me, you are a great friend, and because I am your friend, there are a few things I might want to mention to you before you go in with the tweezers. 
[Edited 5/22/2008 8:25:10 PM]
5/23/2008 12:10:03 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Cherry Hill, NJ
age: 33
Thanks Sin! Just a little stressed out with some school stuff. Think I'm just wore out and need a 'distraction' haha So I'm looking forward to the gathering to blow off some steam.
As far as the Poncho, hahaha yea last thing I need is to get in trouble because the tint is too dark...lol
5/23/2008 2:53:29 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
waterluvr75: I think you got that right, we all seem to have the same kind of feeling the need to have a good time, ralax, unwind and meet new friends and maybe more. We all have such a good time on the Dh site either participating or just reading. For some of us it takes away some lonely time. I think we are going to even have a better time when we all meet. 
So, get your poncho ready, I will get my G-string on and bring out my "weapons of distruction" (Hey great name for them, and I just thought that up, boy am I original or what???) and sniggy can put on her daisy dukes with the scratch mark on her arse. We need to pick an outfit out for Babs and Jimmyroma. We know that caster is coming in his thong and hat..........Sincerity
[Edited 5/23/2008 2:54:05 PM]
5/23/2008 3:15:13 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Forked River, NJ
age: 60
Sin, They are scrap marks from my arse hitting the ground in those daisy dukes not scratch marks from itching .....But I am itching to get this party going... Hugs to you all....Sniggy
5/23/2008 3:29:01 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Forked River, NJ
age: 60
How about some sexy hip hugger capris or jeans and a lowwwwwwwwwwww cut top for Babs....Hotttttttttttttttttttt and sexy
5/23/2008 5:12:51 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
sniggy: Sorry, okay oooooooooh, I didn't mean it to call it a scratch mark. . .....sin
5/23/2008 5:21:55 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
I actually think that Babs has the legs. So we need something a little more showing. Like mini skirt with a pair of nice heels.

Babs: What do you think? 
[Edited 5/23/2008 5:23:23 PM]
5/23/2008 6:10:39 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Brick, NJ
age: 55
walking on the boardwalk like that...they may mistake me for a ..u know ...hoochie....but yes i do have the legs........lol..how'd you know?...i think i'm goin with sniggy............i just bought the shoes
[Edited 5/23/2008 6:11:53 PM]
5/23/2008 8:59:28 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
You say "Hootchie" like is a bad thing?

5/24/2008 10:04:28 AM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Cherry Hill, NJ
age: 33
LOL Sin someone caught you trying out your new outfit for the party...gotta watchout for those paparrazi haha 
Hope everyone is doing well, I gotta get back to the books now. I'll be around later. JUNE 14th CAN'T COME QUICK ENOUGH!
5/24/2008 3:37:25 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
waterluvr: How did you get that picture of me. I took that picture so that I could post it on my profile.
OMG, too, too, funny.
You know to tell the truth I don't know how to keep them weapons of mine self contained. They have a mind of thier own.:yellowbanana:: (If I ever danced like this banana guy, I would knock myself the hell out.       
I will be on later also, so don't study to hard, I have been there and done that. But it is all worth it...........Sin
[Edited 5/24/2008 3:39:33 PM]
5/24/2008 5:21:45 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Cherry Hill, NJ
age: 33
Sin, I'm right there with ya. When I jog, I have to be careful of the force of impact that each foot hits the ground with or they could bounce up and knock me clean off my feet....and that is just waaaaaaaaaay too embarassing...haha
Yea studying, taking tests, and finishing up a research paper for Sociology.........this is how well it's going...Just opened a bottle of wine...oh yea...it's gonna be a long night....as all has to be completed by midnight tomorrow night......grrrrrrrrrrrrr Lucky for me...I have plenty of wine..hahah I'll be thinking I'm Italian if I don't watch it..hehehehe
5/25/2008 3:29:45 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 60
Well I didn't see any evidence of a gas problem today--traffic was heavy all along the coast--Point Pleasant to Sandy Hook----like any other warm day. I am at work now and there is no one in New Brunswick---glad to see people getting out and having fun---SO GAS SHOULD BE NO EXCUSE FOR MISSING THE GET TOGETHER. Bring the DAISY DUKES but leave the GENERAL LEE at home. Use the Toyota
5/25/2008 6:20:08 PM |
"An Invitation" to DH Get Together'ssssssssss |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
Ah...I am wondering if i should bring the bike and leave the car home...
Easier parking, and the weather is so nice!