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7/19/2007 12:50:00 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
I noticed that
7/19/2007 1:43:44 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
As far as homosexuality and the bible goes this is my understanding of it. When I often ask a question in regard to the bible, such as; Is it true that a man shouldn't sleep with his wife if she is on her period? I am told that Jesus has given us a 'new' convenant, and that we are no longer under the old rules. That being said, I can find no where in the New Testament where Jesus says anything against homosexulaity. As I understand it, when asked about the old laws, Jesus responded with something like, 'love one another as you have loved me'. So, that is the only rule that christians are held accountable for. I do not understand how 'some' christians can pick and choose from the Old Testament standards to live by and ignore the others? If as a christian you believe by Old Testament standards that Homosexuality is wrong, do you also believe that people should be stoned to death for working on the Sabbath? For the record, my opinion on the matter, is the same as another member has expressed on here. What two concenting adults do is their own business, not mine.
7/19/2007 7:00:44 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
the bible does speak against it
7/19/2007 7:33:02 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Hollidaysburg, PA
age: 22
i hate to break this to everyone, but the verse where most christians point out that homosexuality is wrong, didn't show up until it was TRANSLATED that way.... and it was not that long ago speaking in bible years ya know...
and here's the deal, GOD LOVES EVERYONE, why wouldn't he love someone for being gay? and why would you put someone down for being gay? how many gay couples, and transgered ppl go to church and our looked down upon, who are you to judge them, who are u to ask them to leave thier church? that's not very christianlike at all.. im just saying, in the end its up to each of us and whoever's up there, about what might happen to us.... so love everyone, respect them, even if you disagree, and ACT like a good christian, and not talk so much talk.
7/19/2007 7:37:21 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
its not that He loves them because they are gay but He does not like that they are gay
[Edited 7/20/2007 1:08:48 AM]
7/19/2007 7:45:06 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Hollidaysburg, PA
age: 22
jesus does love everyone, so that means you should too bass! and i dont think jesus likes ppl telling other ppl what he likes or doesnt like....
7/19/2007 7:55:45 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Spring, TX
age: 55
Referencing the Bible, New Testament vs old, you cannot throw out the baby with the bathwater. The 10 commandments written by the finger of God, plus all the other 632 are in the old testament, not the new. God references through all his writers, prophets or those like David, that marriage is for a man and woman. Sure, Jesus said love one another as he loves us. Love thy enemy as thyself is another. Since all sin is the same in God's eyes, only he is to judge. Not mere man.
On the other side of the coin, making laws to suit gays, or homosexuals is wrong too. They quote freedoms of.... whatever. This is American, founded on democracy, majority rule. Does this mean we bash those that do not believe the same as the majority? NO WAY. Does it mean we should be ruled by the minority? NO WAY. Should the homosexual lifestyle people teach my kids? HELL NO. Sorry, but i disagree with that wholeheartedly.
I have a gay couple as neighbors. Nice guys, good neighbors. The lifestyle they lead is their own. I'll not judge them in any way.
Now, you might say I'm judging by saying I do not want them teaching my children in schools. By the same token, would you want a convicted murderer, a auto thief, bank robber or someone like that as a teacher for your children? We live in a country founded on freedoms. However when 2 or 3 people's freedoms encroach on the rest of us, that's as wrong as hate mongers beating up someone because they are gay or different in any other way. Two wrongs do not make a right, but two rights do not make a wrong either.
Regardless of those God and Bible bashers, this country was founded on Christian values. Freedom of religion is one of the main principles. Not all were members of the church of England, nor wanted to be. Freedom means exactly that. As Webster definds:
Main Entry: free·dom
Pronunciation: 'frE-d&m
Function: noun
1 : the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : INDEPENDENCE c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous d : EASE, FACILITY e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken f : improper familiarity g : boldness of conception or execution h : unrestricted use
2 a : a political right b : FRANCHISE, PRIVILEGE
synonyms FREEDOM, LIBERTY, LICENSE mean the power or condition of acting without compulsion. FREEDOM has a broad range of application from total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered or frustrated . LIBERTY suggests release from former restraint or compulsion . LICENSE implies freedom specially granted or conceded and may connote an abuse of freedom .
Though we all enjoy the freedoms the constitution gives us, MAN, makes up new rules as we go. The supreme court are mere men and women. The arguments brought before them are usually decided by them, and only them. In our court system, there is 'case law' that will support most any argument that backs up their decisions. Sometimes the court reverses itself. A recent case of that was the busing of kids you saw on the news recently that was reversed. Right or wrong? I certainly would not put my 5 yo child on a bus to be taken an hour's ride across town, out of my neighborhood, to attend another school. It might have been equality 40 years ago to bus kids, but now? Think of the expense. Communities are typically made up of like people. Irish, Hispanic, Jewish, or Asian to mention a few. We tend to associate with those within our own kind. This is by no means a racial statement. Fact of life. Geesh, within a couple blocks, I think I have ever race, denomination living within a couple blocks of me. Do I agree with their politics or all their religions? heck no. Do I threaten or drive by shooting? NO. They have a right to be here just as much as I do.
You cannot deny the Bible, as we know God's word, as the oldest written history of a religion. Accurate? Oil companies pay experts to find the 'tar pits' written about in the Bible to find oil. The Bible is used daily by experts throughout the world in making decisions. Our laws are founded on the Commandments of the Bible. Nuff said.
Now, for those of you who continue to bash scripture and tell of 'the star's predictions', Haley's comet will be back. You might wanna catch a ride like that cult in CA did a few years ago. Or that Jim Jones cult, man.. what people will do for their fake beliefs.
Homosexuality, gay, lesbian life styles? Fine, just do not promote your lifestyle to my children. When they are of age, they can make their own decisions. I base my opinions on my beliefs. Do you have to agree? by NO MEANS. By the same token, I do not have to agree with you, nor make the majority cowl to the minority in decisions that are morally wrong.
7/19/2007 7:58:30 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
that is how it is suppossed to be it was adan and eve not adam and steve you see God designed marriage between man and woman not same sex although the cities of sodom and gommorah where destroyed by God because of their wickednes and homosexuality was one of the transgressions that those cities transgressed
[Edited 7/19/2007 8:00:28 AM]
7/19/2007 8:00:53 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Hollidaysburg, PA
age: 22
you believe what you believe, we all do, but.... let me put this out there for ppl... not all homosexuals are bad, we all know this, you can disagree with thier lifestyle, and i guess because under the circumstances of my own life, i find it if ppl fall in love with someone who you to deny that? and i want everyone to know, that just because someone is raised by homosexual couple, doesnt mean all morals are thrown out the door.
7/19/2007 1:02:00 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
I agree, I think that you should never hate someone for their lifestyle esp. since Jesus told us to love one another
7/20/2007 12:37:14 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
I will address this question to bass since he seemed fit to comment directly after my post. bass, as mentioned on this thread, there are over 600 laws or commandments presented by the christian concept of god for people to follow. Do you adhere to all of these laws as your god commands or do you just pick and choose which to obey? With the written word there is no source of confusion, I did not stutter or mispronoune what I stated. That being said, and with no offence intended, if you are of proper intellect, please address the question properly. If you can not, I will have to think of you has a child, and think of the old adage, that a child should be seen and not heard.
7/20/2007 12:41:34 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well only the ten commandments
7/20/2007 12:52:46 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
actually in revelations it states the following that liars murderers male prostetutes idol worshipers homosexuals will all be washed up in the lake of fire. homosexuality is a sin its in the bible if you all would read it
7/20/2007 12:54:28 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
that 's right homosexuality is a sin
7/20/2007 12:57:45 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
its in the bible ive read it plenty of times and what i just said above bass comment is true and thats what it said in there we cannot change what was said. sorry to those who get offended but its true