7/20/2007 12:59:51 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
Ok bass, as a person who as actually read the christian bible, i'm going to take your words as a person who has not, this is based upon your responses, and therfore, you are not a person worth discussing such matters with, you will find, that when you take the time to read this bible that you profess to believe in, that the ten commandments were only part of the laws that this god gave to his followers. Having done this you will find a certain hypocrisy in your thoughts and beliefs. I wish you the best with your endeavors. Peace be with you.....
7/20/2007 1:04:10 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well the only ones written in stone by the finger of God Himself there was two different laws the law of moses which was nailed to the cross and the law of God which was not the law of moses written by the hand of moses and are the cerimonial laws and was on written on paper and put in the side of the arc the law of God written by the finger of God on stone and put inside the arc and not nailed to the cross
7/20/2007 1:05:24 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
hwh: quote to me anywhere where Jesus said anything against homosexuality? what you are quoting was an interpolation added some several hundred years after the stories of Jesus as mentioned in the first three books of the N.T. They are not the words of Jesus, but the words of a man. Do you follow the words of Jesus? or this man?
7/20/2007 1:08:17 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i follow God's word just as it says in psalms119:105 ''thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path '' also there is a verse in i believe it is psalms it says ''thy word i have hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee''
7/20/2007 10:25:44 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Seymour, IN
age: 61
I understood when I read the bible that 'Do not judge that you may not be judged'.
7/20/2007 10:37:22 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
This is in response to knight
I only read to where you said you didn't want homosexuals teaching
your childern in school then comparing it with would you want a murder or car theif
teaching your kids. You can't compare a guy that takes it up the ass with some one
who kills or steals. At the risk of being called an attacker my response is
that is just plain stupid and retarded.
7/20/2007 11:35:31 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Knoxville, TN
age: 28
prove it queen
7/20/2007 11:44:31 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
9th-hwh: quote to me anywhere where Jesus said anything against homosexuality? what you are quoting was an interpolation added some several hundred years after the stories of Jesus as mentioned in the first three books of the N.T. They are not the words of Jesus, but the words of a man. Do you follow the words of Jesus? or this man?
hwh-read the revelations 9th it says it there and it says what will not go to heaven
idol worshipers
male prostetutes
non believers
these will be washed up and thrown into the lake of fire. read revelations and it will tell you
7/20/2007 11:50:21 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Knoxville, TN
age: 28
hwh ar eyou sure it is in revelation 9 it might be another chapter i really did not see it just now when i turned to revelation 9 i do not mean to bash if even sounded like it
[Edited 7/20/2007 11:50:55 AM]
7/20/2007 2:16:17 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
hwh: are you trying to tell me that you are quoting that from jesus? please, take the time to reread my question, then respond appropriately. if you have a reading comprehension problem please find someone to help you with it. if you can not then i will have to put you in the same category as bass, at least you can't say i didn't give you a chance
7/20/2007 5:16:00 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
9thwonder-hwh: are you trying to tell me that you are quoting that from jesus? please, take the time to reread my question, then respond appropriately. if you have a reading comprehension problem please find someone to help you with it. if you can not then i will have to put you in the same category as bass, at least you can't say i didn't give you a chance
hwh-again AGAIN AND AGAIN why dont you pick up your bible read revelations. and your answer will be there since you seem to put words in me and bass mouth read it for yourself i geuss im going to have to point you in the catagory as jewelz. one who reads what he wants then twist the statements around and make it into something big
7/20/2007 5:26:09 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Seymour, IN
age: 61
If people took the time to research things they might find out that Jesus and the rest of the new testament do not teach the same thing. Red letters only. Dare anyone to try it.
7/21/2007 10:12:23 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
exactly, look for the 'red letters' the words of jesus, hwh posts are nonresponsive and evasive, and this is because hwh knows he is wrong and is not mature enough to admit it. that being said the only replies i can now give him are: It sure is a sunny day to day, doesn't look like it is going to rain.............
7/21/2007 11:34:36 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Hollidaysburg, PA
age: 22
“…How terrible it will be for you experts of religious law! For you crush people beneath impossible religious demands, and you never lift a finger to ease the burden.” Luke 11:46
7/21/2007 11:56:29 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |
Hollidaysburg, PA
age: 22
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.