7/18/2007 2:53:24 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Edinburg, PA
age: 32
What is your stance on homosexuality?
7/18/2007 3:25:43 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Live and let live. When I get to be godess I will decide how others live. For now I will just try my best to do unto others.
7/18/2007 3:37:08 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Washington, DC
age: 46
Personally I'm not for it in my bedroom.
OK, fine. You caught me. If I happen to have Suzie and Sara over, then it's fine. But, then, only if I can watch.
7/18/2007 3:43:13 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
sure in that case its permissable...if you joined in I think you could get away with it and still be ok;o))...I'm sure the good book allows for at least watching doesn't it?...provided you invited me over I won't report you to the christian gestapo sex police..
7/18/2007 3:52:51 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
What concenting adult do in there bedroom is their own buisness.
I'm not gay but I don't mind men or women that choose that lifestyle.
7/18/2007 4:20:07 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
the bible is dead set against it that is one reason that God destroyed sodom and gomorrah and flooded the earth in the time of noah
7/18/2007 4:33:04 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
God does not destroy anything you ding dong...how absurd what a joke you are
7/18/2007 4:53:47 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
oh yes he does what do you think happened during the flood and to sodom and gomorrah destroyed earth by water the cities by fire and the wicked plus satan also by fire
7/18/2007 4:56:47 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Geezus that is not what happened you are such a good mind controled brainwashed slave
7/18/2007 5:26:10 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
have you even seen a bible what it looks like what it says although you would not like it you might actually learn something like of God's love yeah why learn that why even take a chance at salvation when you could be consumed by fire yeah why settle for the first resurrection when you can have the second well as it says in revelation 20:6'' blessed and holy is he who hath part in the first resurrection over such the second death hath no power''
7/18/2007 9:48:14 PM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Yes God took the time to create all of this endless universe so he could distroy don't that make sense Jewelz?????????????? DUH
7/19/2007 12:27:17 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
I am not homosexual so its not my place to Judge what homosexuals do.
[Edited 7/19/2007 12:33:39 AM]
7/19/2007 12:32:06 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
jewelz-God does not destroy anything you ding dong...how absurd what a joke you are
hwh-hey bass dont you think its strange that jewelz can call you names and is never suspended from the forums???????? then the least little thing me and scw say then boom were suspended from posting??????? DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE STANDARD
7/19/2007 12:34:36 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
I agree Hogan, this is suspicious
[Edited 7/19/2007 12:34:59 AM]
7/19/2007 12:43:53 AM |
Homosexuality and the Bible |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
there is alot of biasness and favoritism that goes on here
[Edited 7/19/2007 12:51:02 AM]