Texarkana, TX
age: 45 online now!
i don't know where iam from but i know it isn't mars lol wait i was in a place with this girl that look like she was from mars once

Santa Rita, GU
age: 66
99.9999997% of Men are from Mars,
but all The Real True Men are from Pluto and SUPERMAN came from Cripton...
Haven't a clue where women sprang from, But it MUST HAVE BEEN A DIFFERENT PLACE...  

Dublin, GA
age: 24 online now!
don't know about that, but i'm from dublin, ga....

Parishville, NY
age: 56
My x was from HELL..........I kid you not!!!

Dayton, OH
age: 21
Of course we are from Mars. All men are really avid space travelers but we've been stranded here on earth for the time being... until we can travel space again...

Santa Rita, GU
age: 66
For all I know, Your EX may have been Apollian Himself, and Now he is just a Lonly old man existing, because LOVE is gone from his life...