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5/18/2008 9:28:16 PM Crazy question???  

Henderson, NV
age: 35

When it is ok to say you want to "f*ck someone". What does it mean when a man actually says he wants to make love to you?

My friend for over a year and a half just said this to me and I don't know what to think.

5/18/2008 9:29:42 PM Crazy question???  

Hubbard, TX
age: 42

Hes wanting something more intament.

5/18/2008 9:30:08 PM Crazy question???  

Elkins, WV
age: 35

sounds to me as if he has strong feelings for you and wants to show you..lucky girl.

5/18/2008 9:30:35 PM Crazy question???  

Overton, TX
age: 47 online now!


5/18/2008 9:30:56 PM Crazy question???  

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 31

Making love is so much better than f*cking

5/18/2008 9:32:18 PM Crazy question???  

Postville, IA
age: 19

usa he means intimite.
give him a break

5/18/2008 9:32:26 PM Crazy question???  

Elkins, WV
age: 35

Quote from sdx1976:
Making love is so much better than f*cking

Im taking back my MAYBE in the Would you kiss this person thread..
YES I would.. Your a sweetheart

5/18/2008 9:32:46 PM Crazy question???  

Henderson, NV
age: 35

How can I...when he's been my friend through a couple of boyfriends? Plus I don't want to make him an exfriend.

5/18/2008 9:35:21 PM Crazy question???  

Postville, IA
age: 19

If you don't want to then you need to tell him. If he is a true friend he will understand, friendship is not about having sex and screwing around just cuz you can, its about someone being there for you when you need them to be.

5/18/2008 9:35:41 PM Crazy question???  

Columbia, MO
age: 38

First, I could not just tell a woman that I wanted to "f*ck" her unless we were involved already. If I tell a woman I want to make love to you, it means I have feelings that I want to express. If I tell a woman that I "want" you, it could mean I want to have a good time as friends.

Of course that is just me.

5/18/2008 9:38:19 PM Crazy question???  

Henderson, NV
age: 35

Thanks for the clarification Yank.

Also, i'm not saying that I don't want to. It's just that i'm afraid to mess up the friendship. Sometimes he's the only thing that keeps me going.

5/18/2008 9:38:39 PM Crazy question???  

Columbia, MO
age: 38

Quote from tfun:
How can I...when he's been my friend through a couple of boyfriends? Plus I don't want to make him an exfriend.

If you both go into the situation knowing that a relationship does not follow sex then you can remain friends. It depends on what you both want.

BTW: Now I am confused. Did he say he wants to f*ck you or make love to you?

5/18/2008 9:39:10 PM Crazy question???  

Elkins, WV
age: 35

Quote from tfun:
How can I...when he's been my friend through a couple of boyfriends? Plus I don't want to make him an exfriend.

Arent' FRIENDS what make a couple a couple?? If you don't feel the same then by all means DONT do it.. and hurt him but be honest and tell him.. But if he has been there for you through those boyfriends doesn't that tell you that he will be there for you?? just something to think about..

5/18/2008 9:43:39 PM Crazy question???  

Henderson, NV
age: 35

Yes maam. I just need to really think about this and we need to talk about if we can go back to the way it was after this one time. He says, we'll just take it from there.

Yank - He said he wanted to Make love to me.

5/18/2008 9:45:51 PM Crazy question???  

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 31

Just be sure cause things can get weird once you cross that line with a friend

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