5/19/2008 12:35:12 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

age: 30
hi everyone just wanted some advise i have met a guy thru friends he lives 2 hours away which is not an issue he tells everyone he is attracted 2 me we have a gr8 time when we r together and he always makes the 1st move he was hurt badly in a previous relationship but made a comment last time we were together "this house needs a womans touch" whilst we were laying in bed together he is ready 2 settle down apparentley his mates tell me all the time! what do you think?  
5/19/2008 12:48:46 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Springfield, VA
age: 22
Proceed with caution, always 
Always plan your exit in advance if need be...
I would be a little worried myself, though... seems awfully forward of a man to do/say those things. Could be one of many things, I'm no psychologist, but I'll take my best crack at it:
He's probably realized that you are a great catch! Typically men don't let the women know that they are "that" into them, unless they believe they are getting a woman well beyond their league. I'd be afraid he's got a deep, dark secret somewhere that's going to show it's ugly head. I'd get a credit report and criminal background check done on him before I'd do anything drastic.
5/19/2008 4:43:52 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Wyandotte, MI
age: 46
Who knows what's going on in his head? I'd say it's not a good thing to let his mates tell you what is though, or to assume because he mentions his house needs a womans touch that means he is ready to settle down, cause it don't. Slow down girl, relax, enjoy, find out what this man is about by listening to him, if he wanted to settle down, he'd say exactly that, don't read into things and insert your own in there, bad mistake. Take it for what it is, a guy you have a great time with, in the same clique with your friends, chill out and enjoy having a great time with what you feel at this time anyway is a great guy, don't blow it by rushing in, only fools rush in, many would love to have what you got going on now, the moment, live for the moment.
5/19/2008 5:19:46 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Battle Creek, MI
age: 34
You know your situation and feelings the best so it's hard to say. I would probably just take it as wanting you around more. How long have you been seeing him? It might be his way of saying that he can see you being there in the future. Guys don't communicate well so sometimes you have to either ignore it or push them to tell you what they meant. I find that if you ignore that situation they will bring it up again later and explain themselves better.
5/19/2008 6:02:26 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 41 online now!
I think they court differently in Australia than they do here. It sounds like he's into you but with all the other advice you got I'd like to add; listen intently, believe nothing without proof, make your intentions about him known and learn his true intentions about you.
5/19/2008 6:23:12 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Arlington, TX
age: 22
but made a comment last time we were together "this house needs a womans touch" whilst we were laying in bed together he is ready 2 settle down apparentley his mates tell me all the time! what do you think?  
I think your creating a senerio in your mind of what he wants. If his house needs a womans touch get the yellow pages out and find him a housekeeper. A man should not be attracted to you to help him achieve the lifestyle he wants. You are not a mans maid or housekeeper... tell him next time he talks about what his house needs, to let you know if he finds a good housekeeper, you may use her too.
Man alive, I'd be ditching any guy who told me that and I would not take it as him wanting to settle down but him wanting to find someone to do his housework.
Your mind is not hearing what he is actually saying. You want to be with someone because his house needs cleaning up and decorating ?

To each their own I guess... but any man worth being with will want to give to you, not take away. He will want you to love, not be his housekeeper or for what you can do for him.
5/19/2008 6:35:24 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Cerritos, CA
age: 35
Silver.....get a credit report and a criminal background check?
LoL are you friggin serious?
Let me play this out for you smart one....
She doe's the background and credit check finds out nothing is wrong.
He then finds out she did the check.. I bet he would leave!
Credit checks are for companies loaning you money. Not for random people to see if you are date worthy. Criminal background checks should be used with caution also. I mean you are 22 years old and you believe you should intrude in somebodies personal life like this? I feel sorry for any man that shows interest in you.
P.S when I guy says "this house needs a woman's touch" he is normally referring too the decor not that it needs cleaning! The gal should take this as an invite for her to go shopping with the guy buy some new furniture and so on. My god why are most women on here so darn negative?
[Edited 5/19/2008 6:38:55 AM]
5/19/2008 6:41:18 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

East York, ON
age: 41
Don't overanalyze the whole thing! I don't think it's worth worrying about the comment at all or trying to read anything into it. I think he made the comment because he was enjoying his time with you and was content at the time. That should be a good thing.
It doesn't mean you should be wondering if he's going to want to settle down with you right yet, regardless of what his mates have told you. If this man starts to feel that you may just be the right lady to settle down with, he will tell you so. Give it some time and just have fun and let the relationship develop as it will. You'll find out soon enough where it's going. Enjoy the time you are getting to know each other!
5/19/2008 6:57:45 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 39
Go for it ...life's to short
5/19/2008 6:57:57 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Arlington, TX
age: 22
throw a party at his house, eat his food, drink his beer and dont clean up your mess....
if he says anything about the mess, ask him for a foot massage, your tired and need some pampering.
see how much he loves you, cares about you or if he only cares about what you can do for him.

5/19/2008 7:01:22 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Frederick, MD
age: 42
a credit report and a criminal record check?? Good Lord, are you serious?? The woman has already slept with him!! If you don't trust a man, then don't go to bed with him...
5/19/2008 7:01:38 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 39
Yea silver that's kinda messed up..lol
5/19/2008 7:06:49 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57
I think I would have asked for a Dr.'s report first. Maybe you should suggest a Maid service to him for a Womans touch in his House. Ask him what he needs in his Heart
5/19/2008 7:09:21 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Red Springs, NC
age: 44
Well,Im with xpurelux , to me thats going a bit to far. I feel he said this being , maybe its decorated in a very rustic style. But then again I've seen homes decorated by men, that if you walked in the home you would think its the women that did the decorating.
And if you have taken it to the love making and your laying in bed, with out leaving right after wards then maybe you answered your own question.
Some times as Ive read threads on here, to many people have sex way to soon, and then wonder why this or that. Seams to me , we as human beings need to go back to some old values, and date and see why life leads us before we have sex, . But that JMO......Beach
5/19/2008 7:15:48 AM |
what is going on in his head plz explain? |

Lake Jackson, TX
age: 46
Sound like he is scared to come out and tell you, so he " beats- around- the- bush.
Sound like your a little scared.
Truth; If it don't feel great, don't do it!    