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by kdg45 at 9/20/2014 4:38:43 PM

Why is it that some men have the need to abuse the woman they are with?
Abuse is never a good thing, but some men think they are not men unless they abuse or use the women they are with. Nine out of ten times these women are good women. Nine out of ten times they bend over backward to fulfill the needs of their men. Then the moment a man finds this out that is when the abuse starts.
I will also say that abuse can also come from a woman, but if you check the statistics abuse mainly comes from the hands of a man.
As a man i have seen abuse first hand, and none of it is ever pretty. When you see blood running down a woman's face and also see bruises on a woman's body it is never a pretty sight.
Now i know that some men will say she pushed me to it by getting in my face, but in all actuality a man can walk away and then come back later when things cool off.
I just have never felt like abuse... physical, mental, or sexual is ever a good thing.