Thread |
Starter |
Replies |
Last Post |
Posting Rules & FAQ, Read Before Posting |
dustin |
0 |
10/5/2007 2:30:19 PM
by dustin |
Additional rules for this forum |
dustin |
0 |
10/5/2007 2:30:06 PM
by dustin |
A Look At The Cover-up Of Early Medieval History Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
be_great |
425 |
4/15/2015 5:46:53 AM
by 1truuprince |
Write a letter to your Congress Person |
jillybodob |
16 |
4/15/2015 3:42:45 AM
by thunderpump |
*Cleveland cop "can't remember" killing 2 unarmed people!!* |
k_tothe_c |
16 |
4/14/2015 11:01:55 PM
by k_tothe_c |
Obama criticizes Christians at Easter Prayer Breakfast Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
mr_optimistic |
223 |
4/14/2015 8:36:47 PM
by hunter12gauge |
The Skreecher from the Black Lagoon. |
wvtravlrr |
11 |
4/14/2015 8:05:24 PM
by markjetson |
Where is Bobby? Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
funwithmusic |
227 |
4/14/2015 7:16:18 PM
by insyder96 |
States on Federal Welfare telling poor how to spend. Page: 1 2 3 |
61falcon |
171 |
4/14/2015 7:10:52 PM
by jillybodob |
Judge Jeanine: I Want Woman Pres But Not Hillary Clinton |
Yasureoktoo |
21 |
4/14/2015 6:28:49 PM
by Yasureoktoo |
fundamentally changing our america |
beanhammer |
25 |
4/14/2015 5:18:11 PM
by funwithmusic |
Let the Contradictictions Begin! |
muldoon1959 |
1 |
4/14/2015 3:50:29 PM
by cubcougar |
Same SC cop on video using a taser on suspect who is on ground |
nygrower |
6 |
4/14/2015 3:13:27 PM
by Gregbell77 |
Islamic State demands $30 million for Christian hostages |
Yasureoktoo |
50 |
4/14/2015 2:54:52 PM
by nat_now |
Arubio stop attacking and lay out ur plan! |
mrgmonie |
28 |
4/14/2015 1:05:02 PM
by beanhammer |
Obama Opens First Gender-Neutral Bathrooms at White House Page: 1 2 |
txninnc |
83 |
4/14/2015 11:36:02 AM
by Yasureoktoo |
Affordable Care Act at tax time? Good or Wicked? |
tertium |
17 |
4/14/2015 10:26:11 AM
by cowboy4672 |
Liberals Moving? |
doublethree |
46 |
4/14/2015 10:00:24 AM
by cowboy4672 |
Google it, unless your scared. |
jodi123456 |
13 |
4/14/2015 8:40:02 AM
by clarity101 |
Watching Marco Rubio |
reginamc |
52 |
4/14/2015 6:52:32 AM
by reginamc |
Strongest Dem Candy (or potential) to date |
joetville |
16 |
4/14/2015 1:00:20 AM
by 13desideri |
Marco Rubio Used to Believe in Climate Science. Now He's Running for P |
muldoon1959 |
9 |
4/14/2015 12:31:55 AM
by popado2 |
BIG oil, BIG tobacco, BIG pharma.. |
hurryme |
0 |
4/13/2015 9:46:05 PM
by hurryme |
Media Largely Ignore The GOP's Dark Money Problem |
muldoon1959 |
4 |
4/13/2015 9:37:23 PM
by nole_89 |
Lucille Ball statue haha |
txninnc |
14 |
4/13/2015 8:16:24 PM
by sillylaugher61 |
how come after 8 years of US occupation,3 after the withdrawal..? |
anon1985 |
14 |
4/13/2015 7:48:49 PM
by txninnc |
"Its running" Page: 1 2 |
maniacmassager |
105 |
4/13/2015 7:38:18 PM
by thunderpump |
Very very very disturbing article |
norwegianwood64 |
41 |
4/13/2015 4:48:34 PM
by Gregbell77 |
Busted! 12 Photos of the Global Warming Scam, Never seen in MEDIA |
funwithmusic |
10 |
4/13/2015 2:55:43 PM
by cowboy4672 |
A good video-that conservatives may either hate; or love. |
thekinghasrisen |
8 |
4/13/2015 2:30:54 PM
by thekinghasrisen |
Are Iran and Saudi Arabia on The Edge of War? |
Yasureoktoo |
46 |
4/13/2015 11:23:59 AM
by nat_now |
Terror Cartel Using Sham Marriage for US entry like Messicans |
cubcougar |
2 |
4/13/2015 9:30:06 AM
by cubcougar |
another question for l8berals |
beanhammer |
42 |
4/13/2015 6:25:24 AM
by peterk2 |
US arms 94 countries in last 5 years |
norwegianwood64 |
1 |
4/13/2015 6:20:58 AM
by peterk2 |
Can A Law Change Morality? Page: 1 2 |
naprinciple |
95 |
4/13/2015 3:38:05 AM
by aposorichie |
Question for Women |
libexterminator |
6 |
4/13/2015 1:34:05 AM
by whiteroses_ |
More Pathetic Atheists Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
doublethree |
423 |
4/13/2015 12:42:03 AM
by Gregbell77 |
Young "ANIMALS" need to be caged. |
thunderpump |
22 |
4/13/2015 12:16:42 AM
by funwithmusic |
Hillary announces she's running for president in a social media video |
mr_optimistic |
18 |
4/12/2015 10:27:57 PM
by doublethree |
police out control or doing their job |
mrgmonie |
37 |
4/12/2015 8:23:56 PM
by scottytwo |
Feminist Women are ruling Men In America |
bruce_2014 |
1 |
4/12/2015 8:01:17 PM
by annamally |
The "I Hate Obama" Thread |
condor_0000 |
57 |
4/12/2015 7:52:32 PM
by aposorichie |
CBS:Rev. Sharpton Told To Stay Away From Funeral For Slain SC Man |
mr_optimistic |
12 |
4/12/2015 4:42:51 PM
by Gregbell77 |
Reasons WHY the 2016 election will NEVER happen? |
hunter12gauge |
16 |
4/12/2015 4:39:42 PM
by _us4love |
Lets talk about the Blacks contributions Page: 1 2 |
mrgary121 |
77 |
4/12/2015 4:23:50 PM
by funwithmusic |
NAZINO GULAG and the NDAA American version coming soon? |
funwithmusic |
10 |
4/12/2015 3:59:26 PM
by funwithmusic |
Today, Hillary Clinton will announce her presidential candidacy |
mralwaysrite |
5 |
4/12/2015 3:11:55 PM
by cubcougar |
Obama is Jealous Of Americans and Who We Are As A People/Nation |
be_great |
9 |
4/12/2015 1:18:17 PM
by starfox22 |
Fairdale, Illinois wiped off the face of the earth - Redrum Alert |
cubcougar |
14 |
4/12/2015 11:24:17 AM
by cubcougar |
What could you do with $3 Trillion $$$ / year |
jillybodob |
15 |
4/12/2015 9:07:53 AM
by fearless8841 |
Immigration Activist Killed |
m_gonzales |
36 |
4/12/2015 2:31:00 AM
by be_great |
Generic TV Watching Thread |
numbersor_only |
4 |
4/12/2015 1:50:25 AM
by funwithmusic |
doesn’t sound like Obama’s “historic” deal is a deal at all |
mr_bad_robot |
42 |
4/11/2015 11:14:07 PM
by testsignup |
Does Consciousness Need A Brain... |
_us4love |
17 |
4/11/2015 10:47:46 PM
by numbersor_only |
Congratulations Providence NCAA hockey Champions. |
61falcon |
0 |
4/11/2015 9:27:28 PM
by 61falcon |
white people stop being panzies |
jester0011 |
49 |
4/11/2015 8:56:31 PM
by cafe_express |
Saudi Fatwa, It's OK to chop up, and eat your wife |
Yasureoktoo |
4 |
4/11/2015 8:52:35 PM
by Yasureoktoo |
Bill Clinton's REAL wife. |
cafe_express |
27 |
4/11/2015 7:30:17 PM
by cafe_express |
Police killing videos shock the world. So why do white Americans still Page: 1 2 |
muldoon1959 |
60 |
4/11/2015 7:13:03 PM
by muldoon1959 |
Russian warns of Islamic State's influence in Russia |
mr_optimistic |
5 |
4/11/2015 1:45:28 PM
by jeffb1981 |
Man Behind Bars After Filming Eric Garner’s Murder by NYPD |
nygrower |
6 |
4/11/2015 10:36:12 AM
by Yasureoktoo |
Russia Hacks white House computers,LOL |
hunter12gauge |
44 |
4/11/2015 1:45:00 AM
by hunter12gauge |
How To Destroy A Black Life: A Step-By-Step Guide Page: 1 2 |
muldoon1959 |
70 |
4/10/2015 10:50:12 PM
by sillylaugher61 |
Why is a Gov't provided Education so important, or is it? Page: 1 2 |
jillybodob |
84 |
4/10/2015 8:56:24 PM
by jillybodob |
New Report: Big Banks Require Tellers to Use Predatory Practices |
muldoon1959 |
25 |
4/10/2015 8:35:50 PM
by fearless8841 |
Tennessee v. Garner |
naturebiy |
48 |
4/10/2015 6:39:57 PM
by muldoon1959 |
*LVMPD asks judge to keep body-cam video from public!* |
k_tothe_c |
1 |
4/10/2015 5:00:55 PM
by k_tothe_c |
AP report Bowe Bergdahl to be cfharged with desertion. Page: 1 2 3 |
61falcon |
131 |
4/10/2015 1:19:53 PM
by Gregbell77 |
Xavier Morales USSS Agent - Sex Perp - Not fired but Promoted sideways |
cubcougar |
1 |
4/10/2015 10:07:22 AM
by cubcougar |
here's what the kid who filmed SC cop shooting have done |
nygrower |
20 |
4/10/2015 6:54:17 AM
by nygrower |
America’s High Society Page: 1 2 |
libexterminator |
88 |
4/10/2015 5:31:45 AM
by b002013 |
Iran Leader "What has happened so far neither guarantees a deal" |
mr_optimistic |
5 |
4/10/2015 1:54:54 AM
by cubcougar |
Feds giving Puerto Ricans disability because they speak Spanish |
txninnc |
36 |
4/9/2015 11:07:39 PM
by hunter12gauge |
Should Obama Get Another Nobel for Saving the World From Iran? |
condor_0000 |
18 |
4/9/2015 10:40:04 PM
by funwithmusic |
NCAA is Racist Page: 1 2 |
cafe_express |
61 |
4/9/2015 10:05:23 PM
by cafe_express |
Florida officer's shooting of mentally ill man investigated |
fallguy02379 |
9 |
4/9/2015 8:13:19 PM
by duchessa |
Republicans, do they they stand a chance in 2016? Page: 1 2 |
chairman_cap |
69 |
4/9/2015 7:58:24 PM
by naprinciple |
How the world would be??? |
masterweber |
16 |
4/9/2015 6:07:40 PM
by zeitgeist2 |
Why The Right Doesn't Like Queen Hillary? |
fellowforyou |
53 |
4/9/2015 5:48:29 PM
by fellowforyou |
Opening Day Today |
nycman530 |
33 |
4/9/2015 4:22:18 PM
by chairman_cap |
Islam, a histrorical perspective |
fun4unus |
7 |
4/9/2015 12:35:43 PM
by Yasureoktoo |
Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Falls To 49th In Economic Outlook |
muldoon1959 |
22 |
4/9/2015 11:31:49 AM
by 1hotone4u |
Tewksbury Police Pay $500 Ransom After Cybercriminals Encrypt Departme |
cubcougar |
2 |
4/9/2015 11:22:50 AM
by 1hotone4u |
Dzbokhar Tsarnaev guilty first charge |
sorpstar |
42 |
4/9/2015 10:52:21 AM
by zeitgeist2 |
White Man accused of attempting to infect women with HIV back in jail |
nygrower |
10 |
4/9/2015 9:57:07 AM
by Yasureoktoo |
Racial Violence in America who are the real victims |
Yasureoktoo |
29 |
4/8/2015 10:17:17 PM
by thunderpump |
Militant Leftists,and a bridge too far. Page: 1 2 |
wvtravlrr |
112 |
4/8/2015 9:12:38 PM
by hunter12gauge |
South Carolina officer charged with murder for shooting man |
fallguy02379 |
38 |
4/8/2015 8:54:34 PM
by bill_i_am2 |
Legalization Hurts Cartels |
progrocknic |
50 |
4/8/2015 8:49:01 PM
by starfox22 |
Pro-discrimination ‘religious freedom’ laws are dangerous Page: 1 2 |
muldoon1959 |
88 |
4/8/2015 8:17:17 PM
by nat_now |
*RIP to sherrif Roscoe P. Coltrane.* (James Best) |
k_tothe_c |
4 |
4/8/2015 8:10:57 PM
by k_tothe_c |
Education Money Gap Grows Across 30 States |
mralwaysrite |
6 |
4/8/2015 7:14:07 PM
by fearless8841 |
making deals with iran Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
jeffb1981 |
231 |
4/8/2015 5:07:08 PM
by Gregbell77 |
The Progressive Roots Of Religious Freedom |
muldoon1959 |
17 |
4/8/2015 4:33:01 PM
by Gregbell77 |
32 Teachers Guilty of RackateeringBLACKLIVESMATTER? lol Page: 1 2 |
Yasureoktoo |
83 |
4/8/2015 4:13:42 PM
by duchessa |
Mandatory church attendance? Page: 1 2 |
citylights01 |
80 |
4/8/2015 4:12:15 PM
by duchessa |
Saudi Arabia is ready to send suicide bombers to Yemen! |
Yasureoktoo |
3 |
4/8/2015 3:40:52 PM
by manniblelector |
Oxycodone vrs. Oxycontin |
w6o6l6f_1 |
34 |
4/8/2015 1:54:06 PM
by beanhammer |
congrats to the Chicago Cubs |
sillylaugher61 |
1 |
4/8/2015 1:08:42 PM
by 57channels |
NRA Bans ‘Operational’ Guns At NRA Convention For Security Reasons Page: 1 2 |
popado2 |
67 |
4/8/2015 1:10:01 AM
by biggeazzy |
Jeb Bush Commits Voter Fraud! |
amusicluvr |
55 |
4/7/2015 9:02:06 PM
by biggeazzy |
ISIS members being eaten alive! Allah no happy! Page: 1 2 |
hercules2010 |
61 |
4/7/2015 8:16:36 PM
by hercules2010 |
Americans have reached a new level of anger over illegals |
mr_bad_robot |
26 |
4/7/2015 7:43:05 PM
by mr_bad_robot |
Maine Christian group’s taunts backfire |
muldoon1959 |
25 |
4/7/2015 6:44:53 PM
by Gregbell77 |
The UNpopular GOP |
amusicluvr |
32 |
4/7/2015 4:43:42 PM
by peterk2 |
NRA Bans Guns At Gun Convention |
drwookie |
0 |
4/7/2015 4:12:17 PM
by drwookie |
The real reason why the GOP doesn't want an Iran deal |
fallguy02379 |
39 |
4/7/2015 4:05:45 PM
by nat_now |
The Way I see It !! |
tileman1814 |
27 |
4/7/2015 3:01:48 PM
by numbersor_only |
Larry Reid is the prime suspect in the beatdown of his brother Harry |
mr_optimistic |
5 |
4/7/2015 2:53:30 PM
by wvtravlrr |
Fox News Confirms "Religious Freedom" Law Was About Discrimination |
muldoon1959 |
42 |
4/7/2015 2:32:20 PM
by lobo_corazon |
Conrad Hughes Hilton III - threatens flight crew, no jail time |
nygrower |
8 |
4/7/2015 2:25:28 PM
by nygrower |
Apparently, raising alcohol tax could save lives |
mralwaysrite |
28 |
4/7/2015 1:56:04 PM
by progrocknic |
6 Modern-Day Christian Terrorist Groups You Never Hear About |
muldoon1959 |
44 |
4/7/2015 1:14:28 PM
by Gregbell77 |
Rick Teen kills 4 while driving drunk, his defense: "affluenza" |
nygrower |
11 |
4/7/2015 1:05:35 PM
by nygrower |
Beware April 20th - Columbine Day - Hitlers B-Day - Facebook Day |
cubcougar |
1 |
4/7/2015 10:54:35 AM
by cubcougar |