10/8/2012 2:38:40 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Rochester, MN
32, joined Aug. 2012
I am s single mom with two kids and just the other night my x had been harassing me and saying that I was going to get my wish. Which in his eyes is for me to have him sign his rights away. Just because he cant stand that I am friends with guys that actually care about me and my kids. And today he says that he has all the paper work to go ahead and sign his rights away can a parent do it with out the say of the other one?
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10/8/2012 3:35:20 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Vineland, NJ
44, joined May. 2012
The laws vary by state, but you can google your state laws about parental rights. If you were in NJ, he would have to file the paperwork with the courthouse, then a meeting with a Judge would be scheduled in family court, where YOU BOTH would have to be present. Most of the time this hearing is set for a month after the paperwork is turned in AND the fee paid (usually about $50). You will recieve the date and time to appear from the Court, and upon signing in (assuming both parties are present), asked to speak with a court mediator, kinda like you did to set up child support and visitation. The mediator will document "Father"s reasons for giving up his parental rights, and the "Mother"s objections, if any. BE ADVISED - Some states still require support to be paid for their offspring, even though Father has signed away his legal rights, until Mother remarries or until kids are 18. Too many "sperm donors" were doing this to not have to pay support. You will have to look up the info, and most of it you can find online thru Google or another search engine. If "Mother" has no objections, then the mediator presents both sides to the Judge, and an offical release of rights to the kids is drawn up for both of you to sign. Both of you get a copy, usually right then and there, and a copy is filed with the court.
In the event of your untimely death while the kid(s) are still minors, some courts ask that whichever party is to retain the kids have a person who will recieve custody and care of the kids and that gets documented as well. A sibling of yours would be the likeliest candidate. But it's up to you.
This could just be another ploy to hurt you and the kids as well. Signing his rights away voids any visitation he has with the kids, and you are free to remove him from their life, and I suggest doing so. If you have older kids (teens) sit them down once it's all over and explain the situation to them. If they are not old enough to understand, you might hold off explaining anything to them for a good while. I am a child who's father signed us away instead of paying child support. I was 12, and my mother sat me and my 10yo brother down and talked to us about what was going on. She didnt sugar coat it, and it wasn't very hard for us cuz "dad" had not been in our lives, nor was he interested in seeing us. We were lucky in that respect, I guess. But it may be harder on your kid(s) if Dad has visited them and they have a repor with him. Also, if they are of "The Age Of Choice" in some states, this can he an attemp to get them to chose to live with him, thus hurting you. In NJ, it literally against the law to use the children to hurt the other parent. THere is fines and possibly jail time, but it often doesnt come to that. Look up online anything you can find about parenting laws & parenting rights in your state.
Good luck, and don't hesitate to ask for help from an attorney if you dont understand something.
10/8/2012 5:53:03 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Rochester, MN
32, joined Aug. 2012
Thanks for the info and I will look into it further. However I think he is just saying all of this to get a reaction out of me and it isn't really working the way he wants it . And he has only come around the kids when it is convient for him. And asuch as I would love for him to give up rights that's what he wants to do so he has no response abilities .and I feel it takes two to tango
10/8/2012 8:49:06 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |


Republic, MO
34, joined Dec. 2010
Chances are unless he has a valid reason he will still end up paying child support but lose all his standing in court.
I say document any texts or emails for future use reguarding any issue that might arrise!
10/9/2012 6:37:06 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Omaha, NE
36, joined Oct. 2012
Yes he can do that but that will not stop child support. It will only mean he can not make any decisions regarding your kids and he can not stop you from moving, baptising them or anything regarding "your" kids. They will be yours in every sense of the word.
10/9/2012 7:22:15 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Rochester, MN
32, joined Aug. 2012
Thanks for all of the thoughts and ideas
10/9/2012 11:17:18 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Lincoln, NE
42, joined Jun. 2010
I believe here in Nebraska they won't let either parent sign their rights away unless the parent keeping them is remarried and they will be adopted by the new spouse. They want to make sure the children are taken care of financially by 2 parents, whoever that might be. I'm sure there are exceptions but I doubt one parent can just sign away their rights just because, atleast not here. One of the previous posters was also correct. Signing away your rights doesn't always mean no child support.
[Edited 10/9/2012 11:17:59 AM ]
10/9/2012 4:01:48 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
Pooler, GA
23, joined Oct. 2012
im pretty sure u can
10/9/2012 9:05:20 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
El Cajon, CA
42, joined May. 2012
I'm in CA, my son's father is in another state and tried threatening me with that also. I contacted the courts and spoke with an attorney (who thought it was hilarious). The astounding answer was NO! What it boiled down to was that I am the only one that can initiate that process. And in order for the courts to accept it, there would have to be another father in wait. As in me getting re-married and my spouse adopting my son.
[Edited 10/9/2012 9:06:27 PM ]
10/10/2012 2:30:52 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Rochester, MN
32, joined Aug. 2012
Yeah now that I have heard a bit about it all I do is laugh because he thinks he is so smart with threatening that. I think it all boils down to if he is not happy then he feels I need to not be happy.
10/10/2012 4:29:42 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |


Liberty, KY
50, joined Aug. 2010
I believe here in Nebraska they won't let either parent sign their rights away unless the parent keeping them is remarried and they will be adopted by the new spouse. They want to make sure the children are taken care of financially by 2 parents, whoever that might be. I'm sure there are exceptions but I doubt one parent can just sign away their rights just because, atleast not here. One of the previous posters was also correct. Signing away your rights doesn't always mean no child support.
Same in KY.
10/10/2012 5:42:03 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Wappingers Falls, NY
35, joined Jul. 2012
Who the hell signs their own kids away? Just cuz you're f**king someone else don't matter.
I don't care if my son gets a stepfather. As long as he's good to him and the joint custody stays the same I'm good
10/12/2012 8:06:08 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
Tannersville, PA
43, joined Oct. 2012
My ex does the same thing bc he thinks he won't have to pay child support if he does sign away his rights. It's a scary thing when you don't know the answer. But I called an attorney and spoke with domestics here in PA. Answer was NO! With the same exception as all the rest.... If I were getting remarried and my new spouse would be adopting my child.
10/14/2012 1:27:54 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Fontana, CA
33, joined Aug. 2012
Yes they can but whoever would do that is lower than whale $hyt?
10/14/2012 2:00:52 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
Buffalo, NY
41, joined Oct. 2012
First off he is an ex for a reason...and as far as who your with...as long as they are doing no harm to your children, he just needs to mind his own business.
Second, if he is the type of guy to see the kids when he decides he wants to, it is better he is gone, because it hurts the kids more then anything...the waiting and wondering if they are going to see him.
Been through this....the best decision I ever made was to have him sign off, I got full custody and I don't have to deal with any bullshit.
I my kids more than anything....one is a teenager and one is a pre-teen.....straight A students, best private prep schools, they have a great life...thanks to me and the right decision I made. Single moms rock...
Good luck.
[Edited 10/14/2012 2:03:58 PM ]
10/15/2012 5:58:46 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
New York, NY
35, joined Aug. 2012
Yes. you don't have to have a reason . but he will still have to pay child support .
10/18/2012 10:26:40 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
Cumberland, MD
44, joined Oct. 2012
All states are different...but as a single dad with total custody,i cant imagine a day without my son . that said , if he can sign his rights away ...welcome it , he would'nt b worth a damn to the child anyway .
b-safe good luck , peace always
10/25/2012 6:02:13 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
Norfolk, VA
22, joined Apr. 2012
He can sign his rights over but he will regret it in a long run ... But make sure when y'all go to court you have a lawyer with you ... But before record y'all conversations.so you can play in court when he tries to switch his his saying around
10/26/2012 6:55:59 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Rochester, MN
32, joined Aug. 2012
Thanks for the advice and I am keeping track and doing all I can when it comes to what he is saying now because he is one to switch his words up. And when he does it seems to go in his favor. Right now I think it is all just a threat when I piss him off which seems to be a lot lately.
10/26/2012 8:04:06 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
Ellabell, GA
22, joined Oct. 2012
I heard bout someone wantin to sign his rights over to his mother, I don't know if it's true plus I don't even know if it's even possible.
10/26/2012 8:19:43 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |


Converse, TX
50, joined Dec. 2009
Yes they can but whoever would do that is lower than whale $hyt?
That would be my son's father. LOL
10/30/2012 8:19:21 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Oswego, NY
36, joined Oct. 2012
depends on your state laws, where i live, no matter which parent signs off on a child, youare still legally responsible to pay child support and medical for that child until they are the age 21..so you may want to check with the courts to see what your options are and go from there
10/30/2012 1:04:07 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
Mechanicsville, IA
36, joined Aug. 2012
yes he can but you should look into your state laws about child support and other things to make sure about that.
11/9/2012 11:31:27 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
Sandy, UT
25, joined Oct. 2012
I have my own question that is along the same lines as this. I can start a new thread if you prefer. But does anyone know if I can get the courts to make the father sign away his rights if he hasnt seen or talked to my child in more than a year? Like make it a case of abandonment or something? Not that I dont want my son to have his father in his life but he shows no interest in being a part of his life at all. He doesnt even talk to me to find out how he's doing anymore. I mean like someone said he's an ex for a reason so Im perfectly ok with the fact that he doesnt want to talk to me. But neither him nor his family have asked how my son is or shown any interest in seeing him. It would just be easier to have him not be able to come back once he pulls his head out of his a** (if that ever happens)
11/9/2012 1:01:36 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |


Republic, MO
34, joined Dec. 2010
I have my own question that is along the same lines as this. I can start a new thread if you prefer. But does anyone know if I can get the courts to make the father sign away his rights if he hasnt seen or talked to my child in more than a year? Like make it a case of abandonment or something? Not that I dont want my son to have his father in his life but he shows no interest in being a part of his life at all. He doesnt even talk to me to find out how he's doing anymore. I mean like someone said he's an ex for a reason so Im perfectly ok with the fact that he doesnt want to talk to me. But neither him nor his family have asked how my son is or shown any interest in seeing him. It would just be easier to have him not be able to come back once he pulls his head out of his a** (if that ever happens)
Dont think so. Pretty sure as long as he isnt intentionally causing direct harm to your child he can continue to act like a dumbass as long as he wants.
However, its best to google the child laws in your state and find out for sure.
11/13/2012 12:09:10 AM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |
Fresno, CA
43, joined Nov. 2012
The kids father gave up his rights when I last went to court. I divorced him and moved on. We had custody battles and gone to court a few times. He wanted full custody of the kids and he couldn' get his way. And he put me and my kids through alot. He could do it. He will regret it. And have to live all his miserable life alone without his kids. A good loving father will be there for their kids no matter what. He doesn't sound like he loves and cares for the kids. He is sad.
11/19/2012 3:47:57 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Czech Republic
41, joined Jul. 2012
i believe they can...
11/26/2012 10:33:25 PM |
Can a dad sign away rights? |

Rochester, MN
32, joined Aug. 2012
Yea I know it is very sad when a father doesn't even want anything to do with his own kids. Except when it is convent for him and then it is a five minute or deal. But all we can do is hope and pray that they get their act together because the only ones that are getting hurt is himself. And I applaud all the wonderful single others and fathers out there