6/8/2008 1:57:27 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 36
I don't like meeting men at bars. I work a lot, so don't get out much- and I just feel that an honest "good" man is so hard to find these days. I have been married twice (with no kids)- although, I would possibly like to have one before I'm 50. LOL. Any other woman having the same problems? Men? I need some insight here! Thanks. 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/8/2008 9:13:22 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 36
Wow, ok.... Guess not. This just proved my point! LOL. 
6/10/2008 5:10:17 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 52
Don't missunderstand me please ...But...if all your relationships end the same way ...it can't be everyone you meet...it HAS to be you. It could be that you need to give another "type" man a chance, you know what I mean. Like the person that always finds themselves in abusive relationships ...that's because the one they always "go for" is the tough guy, the one with all the insecurity issue, the one that "tells it like he see's it"
instead of listening to you and giving you the respect of having your own opinion...
You want a strong man? go for the quiet one ...The one with a loud mouth is ALWAYS the coward, bully type. A person secure with themselves doesn't have anything to prove...to themselves or anyone else...
But here's a reality check! relationships always end due to selfishness of one or both partners...
Take a moment and ask yourself...what is the very definition of love?,?,???NO REALLY define LOVE...
"LOVE" is when someone elses happiness........IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR OWN
And that's just the tip of the iceburg...
Anything short of this is nothing more than lust...question lust, give in to love...know the differance.
But all in all, you can only give love, fully and openly, after that all you can do is hope...  
Sorry but there's always that chance that you may just be a b*tch come on smile!
6/10/2008 8:23:52 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 39
how can you ask someone a ? and then answer it for them. your rambling does not make much since. just questioning where you were trying to go with that. didnt see much of any kind of help there. just my opinion.
6/10/2008 10:10:50 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Henderson, NV
age: 54
Hi There,
First off never meet a guy in a bar.......go some where like a outdoor coffee place.......then if you feel good about it take it from there if not make the great escape and move on.........Online is a great way to meet people but what you take away from mail and a phone call(s) doesn't even come close to meeting someone in person.....it's like a car.........when you see it you know you want it as long as what is under the hood is as nice as the outside. Hope that helps.......One last thing no kids is a big plus especialy for those guys out there that don't have kids or there grown up.......
Have a Great Day
6/10/2008 10:28:44 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 39
very well put john.
6/11/2008 11:40:13 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 26
there are a few of us left
6/11/2008 11:58:50 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 45
Ok so how come you guys aren't contacting us ladies?
6/11/2008 4:40:27 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Henderson, NV
age: 36
All I have to say LMAO. Typical me me me. No offense but that's all I am reading.
6/11/2008 9:15:26 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 45
All I have to say LMAO. Typical me me me. No offense but that's all I am reading.
Oh Doll, You are totally a cutie. Do you like older women? Is that better, now the focus is on you, you, you. 
6/12/2008 9:23:35 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Henderson, NV
age: 36
I like a mature lady, age has nothing to do with it. Get my drift? LOL
6/12/2008 9:25:03 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Henderson, NV
age: 36
It's not me me me either. It's 50/50 50/50 50/50 30/70 well you get the idea
6/12/2008 9:46:05 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 45
. . . .uh, wait a minute... who's 30 and who's 70?
6/13/2008 4:44:58 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Henderson, NV
age: 36
Depends on the day and the circumstances! LMAO
6/13/2008 9:00:34 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 45
Depends on the day and the circumstances! LMAO

[Edited 6/13/2008 9:00:51 PM ]
6/14/2008 9:15:12 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 36
Yes, I'm not into meeting guys at bars (like my initial post says). Thanks guys.
6/15/2008 12:25:54 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 39
Are there any decent women in Las Vegas?

6/15/2008 2:16:34 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Billings, MT
age: 47
Are there any decent women in Las Vegas?

I was just getting ready to ask that one myself.
6/15/2008 4:17:36 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 40
right here vegas girl. look no further.
6/15/2008 8:28:25 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 67
Wow! I am totally amazed with vegasredneck's answer. "relationships always end due to selfishness of one or both partners... " and "LOVE is when someone elses happiness........IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR OWN."
Very insightful and so true. If we would only begin from that point of view we would see miracles in our love lives.
6/15/2008 3:35:24 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |


Henderson, NV
age: 49
I've always wondered how to approach a man I see in public. How about, 'hey, your shoe is untied?' and then when he looks just laugh and say 'gotcha'?? 
Seriously, I've never felt comfortable doing that. And it's been my experience that men online are very VERY shy and take forever to make a move. Not all, but most.
Gosh this was a lot easier in my 20's !!!!
6/15/2008 5:53:20 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Yerington, NV
age: 65
NO, they're all in northen Nevada, usually found around Yerington area. John
6/15/2008 9:20:08 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Augusta, GA
age: 45
I guess you are just looking in the wrong places oe maybe looking for a particular type that are hard to find. I consider myself a good man and like to make woman happy. But I have a hard time finding woman that want to even give it a try. So it is working both ways.  
6/16/2008 9:32:23 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 45
I guess you are just looking in the wrong places oe maybe looking for a particular type that are hard to find. I consider myself a good man and like to make woman happy. But I have a hard time finding woman that want to even give it a try. So it is working both ways.  
I think people should be willing to meet. If the other person isn't your cup of tea, for whatever reason, so be it. I think people want the picture on the profile but when they see the picture they have all kinds of pre judgements; she/he's too fat, too skinny, no hair, too much hair, too tall, too short-instead of meeting the person. I know I am guilty of that, yet both of the people I met in person were nice, better than the picture, DECENT ( ). I really think there is no excuse except our own fear and judgment. I know I've given my phone number out with no call back-are the gentlemen afraid I bite, too ugly, too fat, probably. But no guts no glory. And as I said before, my mom likes me! Even better I like myself, flaws and all. All right Nevada, get out there.
6/16/2008 1:53:14 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Billings, MT
age: 47
Let me tell ya gang... Meeting the right person isnt just a local thing..the long distance stuff doesnt always go so well either. I recently spent 6 months doing the e-mail/telephone get to know you game with someone.. we finally met and within about a week i found out she was.. errr.. wrong for me.And trust me.. thats an understatement.
When you're a big lumbering goofy troll looking guy like me..its not just local..its a nation wide epidimic.
6/16/2008 3:23:37 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Henderson, NV
age: 54
Could it be..........Most people that go tyo dating sites........are kind of scared or nervous about meeting others........I think I have a profile on Yahoo, here, Singlesnet and Match were none are active but I look from time to time and the same women are still there?????????????????? What's up with that?
6/16/2008 9:27:08 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 45
Let me tell ya gang... Meeting the right person isnt just a local thing..the long distance stuff doesnt always go so well either. I recently spent 6 months doing the e-mail/telephone get to know you game with someone.. we finally met and within about a week i found out she was.. errr.. wrong for me.And trust me.. thats an understatement.
When you're a big lumbering goofy troll looking guy like me..its not just local..its a nation wide epidimic. 
Well maybe you're not meeting the right women.
6/17/2008 9:22:47 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Billings, MT
age: 47
I'm starting to think I will have to make the 'right woman' out of play dough or something.
6/19/2008 10:02:49 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 40
hey vegasgirl...there are descent men here now. I just moved here from indianapolis a month ago. it is hard to meet people here.
6/19/2008 10:17:25 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 39
at least thers one jj. i love the play dough remark. dont give up
6/21/2008 11:35:48 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 63
Honey, the world isn't "out there." It's all "in here." It is composed of your choices of how you look at everything. No one lives in the same world.
And in your world, clearly, there are no good men. It will be so until you choose to look at men differently.
Suggestion: Think about everything you have ever liked about the men you've known. Let go of all the rest. Then with every man you meet, look for all those good qualities you appreciate---even become aware of a few more he may have. Seek to cherish him rather than demean him in your mind.
You may just find your world is then a different place . . . y'know?
6/23/2008 8:29:09 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 41
Yes, Honey there are a few good men. Depends on what you are looking for. Are you looking for a religous guy, one who is waiting for the right girl, who is loyal to one, who knows how to love, be kind, have fun, makes you laugh, great career, loves romance, who is gentle, compassionate, charming, creative and imaginative, who opens doors for a female, understands the womans love language and how to speak it, who can cook, is clean and can clean, has class, is educated, never married, no kids-but wants some, one who will be involved with the children and raising them, where there is no segregated role for either partner- it is a team...then really you don't have to look much further, if that seems to good to be true, then maybe look a little higher...
6/23/2008 4:26:33 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 36
Thanks to all you "nice" guys that actually gave some good advice. I love the playdough remark too! Ha, ha.
6/27/2008 6:25:56 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 42
Same problem over here on this side of Vegas. Be positive....well, you sound like you already are...good for you!
6/30/2008 6:20:03 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Billings, MT
age: 47
 Hell no.... I've been here almost my whole life and everyone I grew up around either moved away or got married pretty young. This city is filled with nothing but new male residents who are pretty much a**holes. They are very superficial, liars, cheaters, crackheads or something els. There is nothing good here.
I have only been here for 6 years and I am nothing like what you described.. so lets go easy on the THEY ARE ALL LIKE THAT CRAP please??
Otherwise I might have to go off on my rant about how all the women in Vegas I have met are gold digging superficial users.. and that wouldnt be fair to the ones I can only imagine are out there that dont fit into THAT description either.
It does go both ways at times.
[Edited 6/30/2008 6:21:34 PM ]
6/30/2008 10:32:45 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 38
I'm here, yor prince charming...LOL. I don't know about others, but I feel I am an honest, caring and loving person. Let me tell you a little about my situation, I moved here with the mother of my child and I loved here. Everybody warned me that vegas changes people. Not my caring, non-judgmental partner. I was proven wrong after 4++ years this person that I loved was judging everyone including her new "friends" and know one was good enough, unless something was to gain from it. I feel the stament "keeping it real" holds true and a town should not change that and if it does not the person for me!
6/30/2008 10:48:01 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 38
It funny that almost all of the "angry" answers are from 40+ single guys. GET A LIFE... if you are tat angry, on here and so willing to give advice you might want to grab a mirror! you might learn someting, you might as well go grab yourself a cat or ten, you all are on the road to lonliness, ENJOY! An honest question deserves an honest answer, too all of you that are are bitter suck a 
7/1/2008 4:13:46 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Billings, MT
age: 47
Whats even funnier is that there are some men in their 30's that confuse an honest answer to an honest question with anger.. and also are so desperate for a womans attention that they try to be a 'prince charming' in words. Who are you trying to convince.. her or yourself?? I know what I look like.. I also know that looks are superficial. Its whats inside that counts.. and anyone that bases everything on looks.. doesnt have jack shit on the inside worth having and is EXACTLY the type of person the young lady was referring to in her post.At least I had the sac to post a picture.. wheres yours?? Or do you need someone to explain to you how to put one on here?
7/1/2008 9:18:10 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 38
Inteligent, "take a look in the mirrior", is a firgure of speach and not ment to be taken litterely. So if you take that as an attack on yours or anyone elses looks you are sadly mistaken. Second I don't have anything to prove to you or anyone else, don't take my confidence as anger. If my last message came off as angry, wellfor that I apoligize, but to the gentlemen whom replied to me last....maybe going back and take a look at your message, hmm...looks a little angry to me. Finally, FYI it takes a little time for a piture to post. Besides that, dude why do you want to see my picture anyways, are you a little confussed??
7/1/2008 9:36:01 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Billings, MT
age: 47
Maybe you need to go back at re-read what you initially posted.. here..let me help you GET A LIFE /SUCK A / That was suppose to come off as anything but angry??? Personally..I happen to basically agree with what the young LADY said in her post.. there are a lot of male gamers in Vegas.. I have several female friends and I know what they put up with.. I was pointing out that it does work both ways.. YOU on the other hand.. tried to gallop in in your rusty armor and play prince charming. AND FYI.. I know several ladies on this site.. I had them ALL read what I posted and none of them thought it was angry or overly harsh. So maybe we both jumped the gun.
And pal..lol.. I gotta tell you.. even if I had been confused.. I'm sure as hell not NOW.. women all the way for me. Now..I suggest we end this before it gets any stupidier than it is.
7/1/2008 9:53:25 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 38
All right buddy, I'm not typicaly the type to back down, but I think we both agree that neither one of us want to waste our energies fighting with each other. Me straight forward humor can be misunderstood, especially on the computer.So truse
7/1/2008 9:54:57 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Billings, MT
age: 47
7/2/2008 12:50:44 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 31
not any more most were killed and eaten
7/2/2008 2:03:09 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 28
I'm a single guy in vegas what's up
7/2/2008 1:33:19 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 48
I just moved to Vegas from Phoenix and what a diffrence.
Seems everyone is fake and not very nice.
I am a decent guy, Just looking for a good old fashioned type lady.
7/4/2008 7:40:45 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 33
I am single and live in las Vegas, but I think this is a two way street, I have the same problems trying to meet a decent woman.
7/7/2008 8:06:20 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 40
Trying being a lady here in vegas even worse..........lol
7/7/2008 5:58:55 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 37
plenty of good men out there. the problem is that the women dont get with them. Women hook up with the "bad" boys and they think that they will be the one to change him... they think, "its different with me, cause he really loves me" or "he loves me so i can change him" and ofcourse that doesnt happen.. 
7/7/2008 7:15:10 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 59
I feel for you because you are living in yesterday's world. Trust me when I say you are pretty and I am a woman saying that and I am straight. I just want you to know how I wish I was 33 again and SINGLE and NO Children EVER. You have the perfect world but don't realize it because you have not experienced what I have. Men suck and having children is a real burden and never appreciated once grown. You enjoy them till about age 12 then forget it. If I lose the husband I have now, I will enjoy single life till death. I can then go out anytime I want, I don't have to clean up after anyone else, I don't have to fight about anything. Trust me, I envy you. Find a man to have sex with occasionally and is safe and don't expect anything else and if you do get married get a pre-nup.
Take Care
[email protected]
7/7/2008 9:51:03 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 38
You are sad and dingusting person!!!!!!!!!!! You are 56 and talking about the little persons that you brought up as a inconvinence. Let me tell you something....how your childern act is a refletion on you as a parent!! This angers me and makes me sad that people like you are given a chance to have a child. FOR THE LOVE OF GOOD ITS HARDER TO GET A DRIVERS LICENSE!!!! 
7/7/2008 10:00:31 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Henderson, NV
age: 54
Hey Pokergal........Wow do I feel sorry for you.......I know some women have had some real bad relationships and feel like they can't trust another guy ever.....you seem pretty smart open your eyes there are lots of good guys out there don't sterotype every guy......your grow old and lonely with a big chip on your shoulder.........if thats what you want...............it's your life.....Deep down all of us want the samething and thats to be Happy.......
7/7/2008 10:16:47 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Billings, MT
age: 47
Wow Pokergal.. I sure hope some one comes along and ends all that bitterness for you. I sure you have good reason for it. But not every man is the same. Best of luck learning to smile again.
7/8/2008 9:12:31 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 48
Pokergal doesnt surprise me. You have what you created, and if you were not online looking for something else, maybe your homelife wouldnt be what it is.. Try ending that relationship before you join some site to try to start a new one. Geeez 
7/8/2008 9:45:51 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 44
Pokergirl, are you saying that you are married and here on this site to find a man to have sex with? Cheat on your husband? How unfortunate for your husband and your children. I feel sorry for you and for your family. 
7/8/2008 10:39:06 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |
age: 92
I feel for you because you are living in yesterday's world. Trust me when I say you are pretty and I am a woman saying that and I am straight. I just want you to know how I wish I was 33 again and SINGLE and NO Children EVER. You have the perfect world but don't realize it because you have not experienced what I have. Men suck and having children is a real burden and never appreciated once grown. You enjoy them till about age 12 then forget it. If I lose the husband I have now, I will enjoy single life till death. I can then go out anytime I want, I don't have to clean up after anyone else, I don't have to fight about anything. Trust me, I envy you. Find a man to have sex with occasionally and is safe and don't expect anything else and if you do get married get a pre-nup.
Take Care
[email protected]
After all, life is really simple; we ourselves create the circumstances that complicate it.  
7/12/2008 12:48:21 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 32
Wow, ok.... Guess not. This just proved my point! LOL.  
The good men are all beaten and hiding from girls like you. Do you really think that you are not going to find a single good man in vegas? What a bold comment to make. Have you went through all the men in Vegas to say we are all bad? What do you expect to find with all your negativity. Nice men are going to see your comments and run far away from you. Think about the reactions to your actions. People don't have to be nice to you and if you attack, chances are they wont be. Log off here. Go get some coffee and come back when you are ready for a good man or you will never find him. Good men have usually been gobbled up to much to respond to a comment like that. We know what signs to look for. I am a good man. But you can't have me and your initial reaction is going to be to talk shit on how you don't want me right? Go get your self some coffee and rethink what you want in life. Planting weed seeds will never produce a rose, my friend.
7/12/2008 1:10:57 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 32
 Hell no.... I've been here almost my whole life and everyone I grew up around either moved away or got married pretty young. This city is filled with nothing but new male residents who are pretty much a**holes. They are very superficial, liars, cheaters, crackheads or something els. There is nothing good here.
Ouch! That hurts. Learn to forgive the people who have caused you pain for they only continue to hurt you in the long run. They may not deserve it but your heart does if you truely want a good man. Hate breeds hate. A smile goes a long way. Kill them with kindness.
7/20/2008 5:35:46 PM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |

Henderson, NV
age: 27
NO but there sure is a lot of creepy people responding to your message!!!lol thats funny
7/23/2008 7:16:39 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |


Las Vegas, NV
age: 42
Yes, there are alot of good people in Vegas along with alot of nice guys.
7/28/2008 1:15:40 AM |
Are there any decent men in Las Vegas? |


Henderson, NV
age: 46
I agree with VegasRedNeck... I wondered why I kept meeting the same psycho b*tch over and over again. However, after much thought, a few things occurred to me... 1): Water seeks it's own level. 2): Two halfs can't make a whole relationship. 3): Maybe I've got issues!!!
What I did was I sought help in that area... I uncovered my intimacy issues by going all the way back to where I first learned how to relate - with my family. My parents have been married 56 years yet I still never saw a functional relationship. I sill needed to know why I pushed people away that cared about me and why I felt unlovable. I worked on me in an effort to attract a better quality of woman, and to be a better quality man.
It was a long journey but well worth the trek. So now I know a lot more about me.. why I feel the way I do and act the way I act. I know how to stay out of the old patterns now.
And yes, there are decent men in Las Vegas... I'm one.