1/2/2013 10:30:46 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |
Trenton, MI
45, joined Nov. 2012
Through science and christian religion it has been suggested that Jesus would have
had ethiopian features,
I know we all have our own vision's of him but did you ever think about it and not
accepting the early painting's as how he really looked ?
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1/2/2013 10:40:25 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Easley, SC
64, joined Jan. 2010
I doubt it any of us would recognize him from the pictures on church walls.
1/3/2013 12:36:47 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Fort Wayne, IN
60, joined Dec. 2012
Isa 53:2-5,
2. For before him he grew up like a young plant, like a root out of dry ground. He was not well-formed or especially handsome; we saw him, but his appearance did not attract us. 3. People despised and avoided him, a man of pains, well acquainted with illness. Like someone from whom people turn their faces, he was despised; we did not value him. 4. In fact, it was our diseases he bore, our pains from which he suffered; yet we regarded him as punished, stricken and afflicted by God. 5. But he was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him, and by his bruises we are healed.
This is all that is spoken of his 'looks'. 
1/3/2013 1:13:45 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Easley, SC
64, joined Jan. 2010
Taking on other people's problems unconditionally is bound to make a feller look kinda ugly.
1/3/2013 1:58:04 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
The physical description of Jesus Christ is enumerated in the Bible.
1/3/2013 2:18:36 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |
New Caney, TX
31, joined May. 2012
Appearances are irrelevant, it's what's within that matters.
I've meet my friends and loved one's "twins" only to realize they were completely different spirits.
I walked up on my own twin once upon a time, tripped me out!
It's like seeing yourself in an alternate reality, and wondering how they became so much different than you within...
We all walk different paths, and these are the paths we need to be paying attention too and learning from.
I always thought he was Egyptian looking though, lol
[Edited 1/3/2013 2:19:09 AM ]
1/3/2013 4:45:05 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Jesus was "nothing to look upon" in appearance. He was comely (plain) with no apparent 'beauty' to make one desire him (sexually).
see Isaiah 53:2)
He was probably of slight built; verging on to emancipated, thin, skinny; with longer stringy hair. He would have been of a brown skinned race since his mother was a Jew.
In all probability, Jesus was probably very ugly -- for his beauty went beyond the physical.
The Bible is silent on an exact description, probably, to keep anyone from being able to make a portrait or painting of him so that he was recognizable.
1/3/2013 6:28:27 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
Isa 53:2-5,
2. For before him he grew up like a young plant, like a root out of dry ground. He was not well-formed or especially handsome; we saw him, but his appearance did not attract us. 3. People despised and avoided him, a man of pains, well acquainted with illness. Like someone from whom people turn their faces, he was despised; we did not value him. 4. In fact, it was our diseases he bore, our pains from which he suffered; yet we regarded him as punished, stricken and afflicted by God. 5. But he was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him, and by his bruises we are healed.
This is all that is spoken of his 'looks'. 
You're confused. Isaiah is the ot. Jesus wouldn't have been born yet so no one would have known what he'd look like. Then again the NT couldn't tell you either because none of the writers were eye witnesses.
1/3/2013 4:21:36 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Mountain View, AB
54, joined Aug. 2009
What did Jesus christ look like ?
I think he probably looked like another (gappy) answer to some of life's most difficult questions, a grand assuager of some of our deepest fears and the donkey on which to pin the misunderstood tales told by hopes and dreams.
In any successful work of fiction, the audience must be able to personally relate to or at least recognise the hero. Easier with to do in books than in films, methinks, since so much of the casting is done in the reader's imagination.
What the plethoric authorship of the NT did so well, in my view, was to identify these ingredients, compile them in admirable measure and then stand back let word of mouth and a martial marketing team do the rest.
1/3/2013 6:13:40 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Cameron, OK
96, joined Aug. 2012
Jesus was NOT black! Are we going to have to endure yet another of these threads!
1/4/2013 8:03:10 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Falkville, AL
73, joined Nov. 2011
OP, Catholics do not have to wonder what Christ looked like, for the Catholic Church HAS the true images of Christ. These come, for example, from the apparitions of Our Lord to the saints, from descriptions of Christ found in the Catholic revelations, revelations that God gave to his Church through the Catholic prophets he sends to his Church over the centuries, and through holy relics such as the images of Christ found on the Shroud of Veronica and on the Shroud of Turin in Italy, the burial shroud of Christ. (It irritates me when the Church commissions artists today for an artist’s rendition of Jesus and Mary, when they have the true images).
Christ was a tall man, as shown on the shroud of Turin, had fair skin, a long nose, blue eyes, auburn colored hair parted in the middle and falling to his shoulders, and a beard with a natural part at the chin, and a mustache that circled down to meet his beard. Note: most Jews have brown eyes, as did his mother Mary, but remember Christ was only half Jew, his Father, God the Father, was not a Jews.
1/4/2013 10:42:33 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Saint Albans, NY
23, joined Jul. 2012
You're confused. Isaiah is the ot. Jesus wouldn't have been born yet so no one would have known what he'd look like. Then again the NT couldn't tell you either because none of the writers were eye witnesses.
Its you who's confused... Isaiah is when Jesus is first talked about!!
1/4/2013 10:46:47 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Saint Albans, NY
23, joined Jul. 2012
The pictures of today could very well be what Jesus looks like because He walked the earth in the past and had a great following, someone must have painted a picture of Him... But His appearance is irrelevant!!! But I know for sure He was not black... He is of the descendents of the Jews and the Jews are the sons of shem and shem were white!!!
1/4/2013 11:08:43 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined Sep. 2010
OP, Catholics do not have to wonder what Christ looked like, for the Catholic Church HAS the true images of Christ. These come, for example, from the apparitions of Our Lord to the saints, from descriptions of Christ found in the Catholic revelations, revelations that God gave to his Church through the Catholic prophets he sends to his Church over the centuries, and through holy relics such as the images of Christ found on the Shroud of Veronica and on the Shroud of Turin in Italy, the burial shroud of Christ. (It irritates me when the Church commissions artists today for an artist’s rendition of Jesus and Mary, when they have the true images).
Christ was a tall man, as shown on the shroud of Turin, had fair skin, a long nose, blue eyes, auburn colored hair parted in the middle and falling to his shoulders, and a beard with a natural part at the chin, and a mustache that circled down to meet his beard. Note: most Jews have brown eyes, as did his mother Mary, but remember Christ was only half Jew, his Father, God the Father, was not a Jews.
Or at least so say the myths you believe, Louie.
1/4/2013 11:11:10 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
"The Roman Emperor, Justinian the Great, who ruled basically from 527 - 564 C.E., 500 years after the time of Yahshuah, had engraved on a coin, the image of Yahshuah with woolly / kinky hair and "BLACK" features. On the obverse side of the coin there is an image of Justinian but with straight hair.
The Cambridge Encyclopedia has this particular listing about that image on the coin.
"Whatever the fact, this coin, with the straight haired Justinian on the obverse side, places beyond doubt the belief that "Jesus" was a Negro (black-skinned)." "
1/4/2013 11:15:41 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined Sep. 2010
Jesus looked like this:

1/4/2013 11:22:55 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012

1/4/2013 11:31:05 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Bellevue, WA
66, joined Dec. 2010
He woud nt be black or it would say so in the bible.They went to gerat pains to describe the blacks in the bible.
He more than likly, considering the med was controled by the Europeans, would have some European in him along with Arab type jewish features.
He would look more like yassar arafat, than the accepted pic in the states.
That guy was born in conneticut
1/4/2013 11:37:32 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined Sep. 2010
In your heart you know I'm right. 
1/4/2013 11:55:20 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Mountain View, AB
54, joined Aug. 2009
Jesus looked like this:
This one was taken at the Y...

1/4/2013 11:59:49 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
1/5/2013 3:31:25 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined Sep. 2010
I've had lunch there many times but I don't remember THAT guy. I hope he wasn't hiding in the bush.
This one was taken at the Y...
1/5/2013 10:11:05 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Lisbon, OH
59, joined Oct. 2012
Beauty is in the eye's of the beholder.
His height would most likely have been about 6' 2 " and about 220 pds
and skin color not black nor white but fair skinned, long hair due to
the fact that hair length was not at the top of His list and being on
the go most of the time, limits a person and a long beard, due to shaving
was no big deal but yet to have long hair and a beard was a message that
the most popular tradition did not matter, as Jesus did not follow the traditions
that most lived by, so one can not base anything with the appearance of Jesus
based on the traditins of those times.
A tall man, a common man in appearance, as people were not drawn to Him because of
His appearance but was drawn to Him because of the Spirit He was of, which is the
Spirit of God the Father, so the Spirit of God the Father, that dwelled in Jesus
is what people were drawn to.
As the writings say; Jesus said; no one comes unto Me unless he is drawn by the Father.
1/5/2013 10:17:40 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
You will find Jesus on man's best friend. God works in mysterious ways and one of the reasons why God made dog's tails curl up.

1/5/2013 11:03:16 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
He woud nt be black or it would say so in the bible.They went to gerat pains to describe the blacks in the bible.
He more than likly, considering the med was controled by the Europeans, would have some European in him along with Arab type jewish features.
He would look more like yassar arafat, than the accepted pic in the states.
That guy was born in conneticut
Sir Godfrey Higgins informs us that "In all the Romish (Catholic) countries of Europe, France, Italy, Germany, etc., the God Christ, as well as his mother, are described in their old pictures to be black. The infant God in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly black.
1/5/2013 11:05:29 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Bellevue, WA
66, joined Dec. 2010
Sir Higgins didn't write the bible.
1/5/2013 11:06:53 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Bellevue, WA
66, joined Dec. 2010
And don't bend his statement to be missleading.
The black christs show up hundreds of years later in black communities.
1/5/2013 11:08:12 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Bellevue, WA
66, joined Dec. 2010
The first writtin description has christ with long flowing hair, and a few other things that would actually make him caucasion.
1/5/2013 11:34:53 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
The first writtin description has christ with long flowing hair, and a few other things that would actually make him caucasion.
Could you post said description and the source?
1/5/2013 11:38:21 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
The first writtin description has christ with long flowing hair, and a few other things that would actually make him caucasion.
What about the Jewfro? 
1/5/2013 11:46:02 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
"Now let us reason together. Understanding that Ethiopia comes from the Greek word Aithiop, which means "dark skin", let us look at the description of Jesus in Revelation 1:14. "His head and his hairs were whit like wool, as white as snow: and his eyes were as a flame of fire," (which only means they were red), "and his feet like fine brass, as if they were burned in a furnace." (Also see Rev. 1:18).
Any rational minded person would understand that Jesus was not two colors, having a white head and a black or burnt (Aithiop) body. Reasoning will also cause you to understand that his hair is white and wooly, and his body and skin is like the Ethiopians (Dark Skin)."
1/5/2013 11:56:18 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
"Now let us reason together. Understanding that Ethiopia comes from the Greek word Aithiop, which means "dark skin", let us look at the description of Jesus in Revelation 1:14. "His head and his hairs were whit like wool, as white as snow: and his eyes were as a flame of fire," (which only means they were red), "and his feet like fine brass, as if they were burned in a furnace." (Also see Rev. 1:18).
Any rational minded person would understand that Jesus was not two colors, having a white head and a black or burnt (Aithiop) body. Reasoning will also cause you to understand that his hair is white and wooly, and his body and skin is like the Ethiopians (Dark Skin)."
As a religious fanatic you're not rational. You're an idiot. The scripture you posted describes a fantasy from a man hallucinating from eating hallucinogenic mushrooms on the island of Patmos. So whatever physical description he gives is just as good as a drunk describing a pink elephant.
Rev 1
14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire;
15 His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters;
16 He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.
17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me,[h] “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last.
[Edited 1/5/2013 11:57:20 AM ]
1/5/2013 12:02:04 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
iyamwutiyam, do not talk to me in that way.
Now, understand that many credible scholars are aware that the One known as Jesus did exist as a historical figure. Ideas concerning His nature may vary, but few (IF any) serious scholars doubt that He existed as a real person. If He did, He had to have been of a nationality.
1/5/2013 12:06:00 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
Sorry I'll talk to you in the way you deserve. You're delusional. There were no eye witness writers of Jesus and that is what the scholars know and if you're quoting Rev 1, John of Patmos to support your belief of a black Jesus then you really are an idiot.
1/5/2013 12:10:50 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
iyamwutiyam, do not call me out of my name if you wish any kind of dialogue to continue. I didn't mention how silly you look in your default or call you out of your name and if you are not mature enough to discuss without ad hominid bull, then stop talking to me.
You can try to doubt the historical existence of the One known as Jesus if you want, but that does not mean that any credible scholar worth his or her salt will agree with you. Period!
1/5/2013 12:15:16 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
To remove your idiot status name one single writer who was an eyewitness of Jesus.
1/5/2013 12:22:20 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
iyamwutiyam obviously doesn't do his research into the matter concerning the criteria necessary for establishing the historical existence of individuals, yet he thinks that he can discuss intelligently with me?
1/5/2013 12:27:47 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
You can't intelligently respond with a name of who was an eyewitness writer of Jesus. Go have your tantrum and your religious delusions. 
[Edited 1/5/2013 12:29:35 PM ]
1/5/2013 12:31:46 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Saint Albans, NY
23, joined Jul. 2012
Serpents and.brooders!! How will you escape the condemnation of hell?
1/5/2013 12:34:59 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
“Contemporary New Testament scholars have typically viewed their [i.e., Jesus mythers] arguments as so weak or bizarre that they relegate them to footnotes, or often ignore them completely.”
1/5/2013 12:48:17 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
“Contemporary New Testament scholars have typically viewed their [i.e., Jesus mythers] arguments as so weak or bizarre that they relegate them to footnotes, or often ignore them completely.”
Can't name a name? A contemporary writer of Jesus? I guess you're a poor excuse for a contemporary bible scholar. You're an idiot.
1/5/2013 12:57:37 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
iyamwutiyam, yet a bitter loser like you doesn't have sense enough to realize that one could say that many people of his time didn't have eyewitness writings about them and that has no bearing on whether or not they existed in the flesh or not? Irony.
1/5/2013 1:10:12 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
That's true, as far as I'm aware from reading what Bart Ehrman says on the matter, but is the reason for it that New Testament scholars are part of the Jesus industry, making the promotion of a historical Jesus in effect their bread and butter? I'm not sufficiently educated on the subject to decide, but one of the reasons I believe Bart Ehrman uses in his book "Did Jesus Exist" is that crucifixion was an ignominious death that the early followers of Jesus would have been unlikely to fabricate if it hadn't happened in reality. That does seem reasonable.
Pretty good post, no doubt. I just finished a book of his this morning, actually.
As for New Testament scholars promoting the historical existence of Jesus due to it being their bread and butter... I don't know about all that. Many of the scholars (unless, of course, the are conservative Christian evangelical scholars) do not seem to have too much to gain by saying that He existed in the flesh, especially if they doubt what they consider to be theological claims concerning His identity and nature.
As for Bart's book, it was cool, but of course I have my issues/suspicions concerning it as well...
1/5/2013 1:14:45 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
Bart Erman also teaches us that much of the NT is pure fabrication. Many scholars know how words and phrases where changed over the centuries simply by comparing older and younger manuscripts. The story of Jesus and the adulterer "Cast the first stone" is a pure fabriation that entered into the main Bible text a 1000 years later.
So when idiots pretend they "know" Jesus, that he's black, etc don't know anything that can be remotely considered a fact. Others have psychotic hallucinations. These are the main ingredients in delusional faith. There is no epistemological foundation for Jesus other than the regurgitated myth sold over and over by faith peddlers in the industry. The fairy tale doesn't because of those main ingredients of delusional blind faith are powerful delusions.
1/5/2013 1:20:10 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
Bart Erman also teaches us that much of the NT is pure fabrication. Many scholars know how words and phrases where changed over the centuries simply by comparing older and younger manuscripts. The story of Jesus and the adulterer "Cast the first stone" is a pure fabriation that entered into the main Bible text a 1000 years later.
Regardless of what aspects scholars choose to consider questionable, it STILL doesn't negate that most supposedly credible scholars do not doubt that He existed in the flesh! Can't you get that through your thick head!?
So when idiots pretend they "know" Jesus, that he's black, etc don't know anything that can be remotely considered a fact.
People are going to have different opinions on actual people (that actual exists or existed, I might add) regardless. Are you a grown man that doesn't realize that years from now, if one were to ask three different people about, say, Barack Obama, that they might get three different answers?
Others have psychotic hallucinations. These are the main ingredients in delusional faith. There is no epistemological foundation for Jesus other than the regurgitated myth sold over and over by faith peddlers in the industry. The fairy tale doesn't because of those main ingredients of delusional blind faith are powerful delusions.
So, you talk about Bart who clearly doesn't agree with the mythicist argument, yet you're going to bring it back up and hold on to it anyway? Are you bipolar?
1/5/2013 1:23:14 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |
97, joined Sep. 2012
I figure if he was Jewish (Hebrew) and came from a long line of Jews, then he'd look like the stereotypical Jew, maybe a little darker but have Jewish features. I don't remember him being disscribed as what would be considered handsome.
1/5/2013 1:25:24 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
I figure if he was Jewish (Hebrew) and came from a long line of Jews, then he'd look like the stereotypical Jew, maybe a little darker but have Jewish features. I don't remember him being disscribed as what would be considered handsome.
"If the original Jews were Black, where did white Jews come from?
...European Khazars became “Jews” in 740 A.D."
1/5/2013 2:23:46 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Bellevue, WA
66, joined Dec. 2010
I figure if he was Jewish (Hebrew) and came from a long line of Jews, then he'd look like the stereotypical Jew, maybe a little darker but have Jewish features. I don't remember him being disscribed as what would be considered handsome.
"If the original Jews were Black, where did white Jews come from?
...European Khazars became “Jews” in 740 A.D."
If the origina jews had wings they could fly.
1/5/2013 3:02:19 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Falkville, AL
73, joined Nov. 2011
The original Apostles of Christ, who write the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of the original Apostles, and the Book of Revelation (the Apocalypse of Saint John), were all contemporaries of Jesus Christ and were eye witness of what he said and did. And we have their word for that.
Iyamwutijam, a man of ill will towards Christians, and who has no use or respect for Jesus Christ, does not believe Christ existed, or claims he did not exist, although he has no evidence he did not exist, because he believes nothing that he has not seen with his OWN eyes. He is an atheist who is waging war against Orthodox Jews and Christians. He holds Atheism by faith alone, for there is no proof that God does not exist, for it is impossible to prove an absolute negative. And being a godless Liberal, he will reject all evidence, no matter how strong it is.
Christians do have evidence that Christ existed. The Catholic Church today has the relics of Christ. For example, the burial shroud of Christ, the Shroud of Turin, can be seen today in the Church of the Shroud in Turin, Italy. And it has samples of his blood, from the shroud and elsewhere, including other ancient sources, which has been tested and found to be human blood, type AB. (Incidentally, Eucharistic miracles sometimes occur during traditional Catholic masses, in which the consecrated wine turns into blood, taking the appearance of blood, which has been tested and found to be human blood, type AB—every time.) I could go on and on, but the point is that Christians had substantial physical and historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ.
1/5/2013 3:26:31 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
Ignorant and uneducated people like yourself are the lifeblood of the church. Just as no one knows who wrote the gospels or even the other dozen of so gospels you don't know how stupid you look when posting uneducated gibberish.
1/5/2013 3:57:53 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
online now!
Christians do have evidence that Christ existed. The Catholic Church today has the relics of Christ. For example, the burial shroud of Christ, the Shroud of Turin, can be seen today in the Church of the Shroud in Turin, Italy. And it has samples of his blood, from the shroud and elsewhere, including other ancient sources, which has been tested and found to be human blood, type AB. (Incidentally, Eucharistic miracles sometimes occur during traditional Catholic masses, in which the consecrated wine turns into blood, taking the appearance of blood, which has been tested and found to be human blood, type AB—every time.) I could go on and on, but the point is that Christians had substantial physical and historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ.
You have a few screws loose louie.
.......... ..........
And you sure are funny.
1/5/2013 4:54:32 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Bellevue, WA
66, joined Dec. 2010
I figure if he was Jewish (Hebrew) and came from a long line of Jews, then he'd look like the stereotypical Jew, maybe a little darker but have Jewish features. I don't remember him being disscribed as what would be considered handsome.
"If the original Jews were Black, where did white Jews come from?
...European Khazars became “Jews” in 740 A.D."
Khazars were mongolian remember, the white genes came from the jews that migrated into them, overpowering the mongolian genes.
1/5/2013 5:07:14 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
"Encyclopedia Americana (1985):
Encyclopedia Americana
"Khazar, an ancient Turkic speaking people who ruled a large and powerful state in the steppes North of the Caucasus Mountains from the 7th century to their demise in the mid 11th century A.D... In the 8th Century it's political and religious head... as well as the greater part of the Khazar nobility, abandoned paganism and converted to Judaism... (The Khazars are believed to be the ancestors of most Russian and Eastern European Jews).""
1/5/2013 6:02:19 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Bellevue, WA
66, joined Dec. 2010
The kazars also came from mongolia. to the turkish region that streached far east of present day turkey.
1/5/2013 6:27:15 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
Even if they were, the fact remains that sources suggest that they are merely Jews by conversion. NOT BLOOD!
1/5/2013 9:02:48 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Bellevue, WA
66, joined Dec. 2010
Except for the genitic fact that they are caucasion, a trait brought with from the middle east. They merged with the Kazars, and overpowered them with genitics.
1/6/2013 10:19:43 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
Except for the genitic fact that they are caucasion, a trait brought with from the middle east. They merged with the Kazars, and overpowered them with genitics.
"It is important to realize that in Old Testament times Egyptians were black, not Arab. Arabs first conquered Egypt when Moslems invaded Egypt shortly after the death of Mohammed."
1/6/2013 10:50:52 AM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Lisbon, OH
59, joined Oct. 2012
Except for the genitic fact that they are caucasion, a trait brought with from the middle east. They merged with the Kazars, and overpowered them with genitics.
"It is important to realize that in Old Testament times Egyptians were black, not Arab. Arabs first conquered Egypt when Moslems invaded Egypt shortly after the death of Mohammed."
You appear to be consumed by this black or white thing.
1.What was the mark that was put upon Cain that all should know who he was and
that Cain could not cover or hide from anyone ?
This is a big clue to what you appear to be consumed by and if you can find the
answer, you might be able to find the answer of what Jesus looked like but it
would take you a lot of time to put it all together.
1/6/2013 1:13:46 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined Sep. 2010
As for Bart's book, it was cool, but of course I have my issues/suspicions concerning it as well...
I read these three last summer:
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why
Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (And Why We Don't Know About Them)
Forged: Writing in the Name of God--Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are
1/6/2013 7:30:18 PM |
What did Jesus christ look like ? |

Killeen, TX
31, joined Feb. 2012
"So if the BBC with the Discovery Channel has uncovered this new evidence, needless to say, we think everyone should know. And the way Blacks willfully accepted Jesus Christ when he was White, our White Christian brothers and sisters should equally accept Jesus Christ now that Whites have discovered that in fact, he was a Negro. The video is available through the Discovery Channel E7008, and it’s entitled, “Jesus: The Complete Story.” It runs for 2 hours and 36 minutes."