If I learn to fold a shirt like that will I aquire her lovely bosom---better get to work Oh Golly miss Molly (thats a song) my time on earth is all most up--- better get busy---folding shirts huh---I never knew
1/18/2013 6:15:17 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


West Yellowstone, MT
60, joined Aug. 2011
Surely not just for dairy and defecation. Why not constantly celebrate the gifts? 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

1/18/2013 6:56:03 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


Union, NH
42, joined May. 2009
I'll admit now to considering breast implants when I was younger but I really thought it over and viewed a lot of them and did the investigative leg work and all of the potential issues that can arise post op. Aesthetically they tend to more often than not have a hard, jutting unnatural look that I didn't especially care for. Plus I didn't want to always have to be worried about something happening. It's setting yourself up for a lot of unnecessary anxiety potentially. I also knew a lady that had all kinds of pain post op and had to have them removed. I dodged that bullet but if they work for peolpe and they get some wear out of them, more power to them.
1/18/2013 8:05:26 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


West Yellowstone, MT
60, joined Aug. 2011
Our Latina friends, especially on their own countries. are less fixate on boobs and more on butts and as often have butt implants as we have boob jobs.
1/18/2013 8:05:30 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |

Babbitt, MN
61, joined Feb. 2009
I imagine very large breast implants could save a woman's life if she ever crashed a car lacking one of those natty auto-inflatable steering wheel airbags. Seat belt use is also advised of course..
Yes , IMO they would make great waterwings too.
Some women think reduction and from the opposite end of the spectrum.
1/18/2013 8:53:33 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


West Yellowstone, MT
60, joined Aug. 2011
1/18/2013 9:30:19 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |

Babbitt, MN
61, joined Feb. 2009
Okay then.
I wouldnt know. I have to deal with these things in a totally natural manner. 
1/18/2013 9:36:33 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |

Bellevue, WA
65, joined Dec. 2010
I walked into the house, and my wife was talking to her girlfriends about breast enhancement.
"You get these silicone implants", says on of the girls,
NO, NO, screams another, those are poisonous, "you get these saline ones",
NO NO screams another, "those are not natural, you need to do these excersizes",
NO NO screams another, "to time consuming, there is a special salve",
After listening till I could take no more, I spoke up..
NO, I said, what you do is take a piece of toilet paper, and rub it between your breasts every day.
'What the hell is that going to do," yells my wife '.
I don't know, I exclaimed, "but it sure worked on your ass".
1/18/2013 9:36:41 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


West Yellowstone, MT
60, joined Aug. 2011
For the record and our education, what's the "totally natural manner" in dealing with em?
1/18/2013 9:42:07 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


Sanbornton, NH
59, joined Jul. 2012
You Know , wuz. if you are really attached to those wonderfull curvatious aspects of a woman's body, you too could have a little work done to the bod and carry the objects of your admiration with you wherever you go.......mirror, mirror on the wall.....
Modern science grants wishes just like a wave of the wand.
1/18/2013 9:49:38 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |

Babbitt, MN
61, joined Feb. 2009
Don't need no implants.
Creativity required according to situation,to holster the girls appropriatly to said situation.
Of course   
1/18/2013 9:54:11 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


West Yellowstone, MT
60, joined Aug. 2011
You Know , wuz. if you are really attached to those wonderfull curvatious aspects of a woman's body, you too could have a little work done to the bod and carry the objects of your admiration with you wherever you go.......mirror, mirror on the wall.....
Modern science grants wishes just like a wave of the wand.
If so motivated, I would have one on the front and one on the back
So I could have fun coming and going in elevators
1/18/2013 9:56:57 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


Sanbornton, NH
59, joined Jul. 2012
Aw hell, go for a pair each. the mirror and your dance partner would both apreciate it, and it would balance things out, avoiding back pain and such.
1/18/2013 10:12:40 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |

Babbitt, MN
61, joined Feb. 2009
Exactly concerning imbalance.
I find imbalance tends to become a pain in the neck.  
1/18/2013 10:14:58 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


Easley, SC
63, joined Jan. 2010
Hmm. The boob & butt twins, worshiping their own boobs & butts.
Impressive thinking, fellas.
1/18/2013 10:19:50 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |

Killeen, TX
30, joined Feb. 2012
Let's not play crazy. Many people know that sex and even enjoying sex, contrary to what appears to be popular belief, was not in itself forbidden in the Bible.
1/18/2013 10:26:52 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


West Yellowstone, MT
60, joined Aug. 2011
Begetting was a Genesis passtime
1/18/2013 10:28:46 AM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |

Babbitt, MN
61, joined Feb. 2009
So far I see no evidence of crazy or anyone who thinks negatively regarding passion. 
1/19/2013 4:24:02 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |

Babbitt, MN
61, joined Feb. 2009
Where's random posts thread?
Well , I find it interesting that Sam Elliot is now the voice of Smokey the bear 
1/19/2013 5:32:26 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


Union, NH
42, joined May. 2009
They deleted that thread as well. Someone was in here flagging the hell out of the place. 
1/19/2013 5:40:24 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


Sanbornton, NH
59, joined Jul. 2012
Hmm. The boob & butt twins, worshiping their own boobs & butts.
Impressive thinking, fellas.
Beggin your pardon; There are a few sanctimonius fellas I have met that feel it important to put on airs, that is , to create an image of holiness and pious dignity for the sake of appearance. Sorry, not me, I'm just an average joe with opinions, no better or worse than anyone else. I may have something tosay about religion, but I'm no saint.
1/19/2013 6:05:37 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


68, joined Oct. 2011
online now!
Beggin your pardon; There are a few sanctimonius fellas I have met that feel it important to put on airs, that is , to create an image of holiness and pious dignity for the sake of appearance. Sorry, not me, I'm just an average joe with opinions, no better or worse than anyone else. I may have something tosay about religion, but I'm no saint.
AMEN Brother---from a Jesus Lover Its so good to be able to be ourselves---Ourself you would probably laugh if you read this 
1/19/2013 6:09:35 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


68, joined Oct. 2011
online now!
[quoteheader]Quote from clarencec:[/quoteheader][quote]I imagine very large breast implants could save a woman's life if she ever crashed a car lacking one of those natty auto-inflatable steering wheel airbags. Seat belt use is also advised of course..[/quote] Gotta love a reasoning mind like yours sooo funny too got to get mutiple uses out of boobs mate
1/19/2013 6:11:03 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


68, joined Oct. 2011
online now!
My comment didnt get on  
1/19/2013 6:46:44 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


College Park, MD
43, joined Oct. 2012
I imagine very large breast implants could save a woman's life if she ever crashed a car lacking one of those natty auto-inflatable steering wheel airbags. Seat belt use is also advised of course..
1/19/2013 6:58:14 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |

Babbitt, MN
61, joined Feb. 2009
Damn I just about forgot about
1/19/2013 7:38:25 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


Bartlett, IL
49, joined Jul. 2007
Is it possible, when schools have dress codes, that require the girls to dress in a
pleated plaid skirt, that there’s a alternative sinister motive behind it?
(See what I did there, “sinister” “behind”)
The atheist/agnostic movement just might want to consider finding some hot
T&A to promote their cause ….. Just Sayin’
A nightmare for Richard Dawkins: statistics show that atheists are a dying breed
Data is rare in this area, but what they do have suggests that atheists are a dying breed. Austria is the only country which records the religious belief of parents but their figure, of 0.85 children per atheist woman, is far below replacement rate (2.1) and below even the most barren European country's average rate, which is about 1.2. And since most people inherit their parents' political and religious world views, this is bad news for Team Dawkins.
Atheism is doomed: the contraceptive Pill is secularism's cyanide tablet
The Mormons continue to grow by 40 per cent every decade, largely thanks to a high birth rate, so much so that by 2080 there will be anywhere between 63 and 267 million Mormons, depending on whether that figure falls to 30 per cent or 50 per cent.
And Evangelical Christians now account for two thirds of white American Protestants, while the ultra-Orthodox account for 17 per cent of British Jewry, but 75 per cent of children.
Across the western world the fertility rate of religious conservatives far outstrips that of non-believers, so much so that modern liberal secularism is endangered.
Religious researchers say there will be approximately 4,000,000 less atheists in the world and about 352,969,000 more Christians in the world by 2025 ...
Is Believing In God Evolutionarily Advantageous?
Sub-replacement fertility
Here’s a clip on how to fold a T-shirt ….
1/19/2013 9:19:21 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


68, joined Oct. 2011
online now!
Is it possible, when schools have dress codes, that require the girls to dress in a
pleated plaid skirt, that there’s a alternative sinister motive behind it?
(See what I did there, “sinister” “behind”)
The atheist/agnostic movement just might want to consider finding some hot
T&A to promote their cause ….. Just Sayin’
A nightmare for Richard Dawkins: statistics show that atheists are a dying breed
Data is rare in this area, but what they do have suggests that atheists are a dying breed. Austria is the only country which records the religious belief of parents but their figure, of 0.85 children per atheist woman, is far below replacement rate (2.1) and below even the most barren European country's average rate, which is about 1.2. And since most people inherit their parents' political and religious world views, this is bad news for Team Dawkins.
Atheism is doomed: the contraceptive Pill is secularism's cyanide tablet
The Mormons continue to grow by 40 per cent every decade, largely thanks to a high birth rate, so much so that by 2080 there will be anywhere between 63 and 267 million Mormons, depending on whether that figure falls to 30 per cent or 50 per cent.
And Evangelical Christians now account for two thirds of white American Protestants, while the ultra-Orthodox account for 17 per cent of British Jewry, but 75 per cent of children.
Across the western world the fertility rate of religious conservatives far outstrips that of non-believers, so much so that modern liberal secularism is endangered.
Religious researchers say there will be approximately 4,000,000 less atheists in the world and about 352,969,000 more Christians in the world by 2025 ...
Is Believing In God Evolutionarily Advantageous?
Sub-replacement fertility
Here’s a clip on how to fold a T-shirt ….
1/19/2013 9:42:28 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


Sanbornton, NH
59, joined Jul. 2012
@ skip: Poularity of an idea and the truth are often divergent.
1/19/2013 10:09:14 PM |
God gave us Boobs & Butts |


Sanbornton, NH
59, joined Jul. 2012
@ skip: Popularity of an idea and the truth are often divergent.
forgot the P
it's a bad habbit, comes with aproaching senour status.........