6/11/2014 1:16:07 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Upton, MA
68, joined May. 2013
It's early but our good friend 'lilbritches, igayle, iris is having a birthday Friday. Please allow me to toast her as one of the more pleasurable people here at the 60s group 
She'll be away with her beau and "house guest" for a couple of weeks and her humor and wit along with her good nature will be missed!
Enjoy your trip Gayle and please by all means do not do anything I wouldn't do 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/11/2014 1:27:51 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Irvine, KY
67, joined Dec. 2011
AH, another Gemeni. Happy Birthday Gayle. Work it for all it's worth.
6/11/2014 1:28:30 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Happy Birthday to Gayle..happy birthday to Gayle. A gal who DESERVES another year on earth..and more after that!!
6/11/2014 3:02:08 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Albion, IN
66, joined Jul. 2013
Happy Birthday to a funny lady.....
6/11/2014 3:06:23 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


San Antonio, TX
71, joined Nov. 2007
I can't believe it... How can one person have so many Birthdays... Geeeeezzee 
..............Well Happy Birthday again..
......................You ever notice how fast they come around now..???  
6/11/2014 3:27:20 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Marysville, MI
65, joined Jun. 2009
Oh good, I was hoping that I wouldn't miss Gayles birthday !!!
~ Why even the horse was saying that he would like to take a trip and munch on that grassy knoll
(he likes and reads your posts too)
~ Hope you have a wonderful Birthday ~ We will miss you while your away, But glad you are expanding your territories. Hope you come back with some good stories
~~~ ~~~
6/11/2014 3:30:27 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Marshfield, MO
76, joined Jun. 2010
<<<............Gee, how proud I am to finally be part of the 60's Group
I want to thank all you fine people for my early birthday present Don't know what I would do with out you. You are my laughing place and sometimes my yelling and crying place. You make my world go round 
6/11/2014 4:02:53 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Lake Alfred, FL
61, joined Aug. 2008
Friday the 13TH?????? Oh dear, please wear your garlic necklace, your lucky rabbits foot, your 4 leaf clover, your.. Ah heck, stay in bed and celebrate Saturday! 
“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.”
- Lucille Ball
sounds like gayle to me! 
6/11/2014 4:15:39 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Port Orange, FL
74, joined Dec. 2012
6/11/2014 4:23:14 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Pfafftown, NC
61, joined Mar. 2008

6/11/2014 5:24:35 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Lake Alfred, FL
61, joined Aug. 2008
these guys are on standby for when ya light the candles.

6/11/2014 5:44:32 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Marshfield, MO
76, joined Jun. 2010
Thank you jade forstarting an Early Birthdat thread for me
Sankie...'tis true I am that best of signs...a Gemini
Orz...yep I need a few more years to grow up
Sweetate...it's some times better to be sweet than funny....never managed sweet.
Les...Birthdays have always came faster since I was 10. Never wanted to be older and in my head I'm STILL 10!!!
Motorcity ....both you and the mighty steed are always welcome at the Grassy Knoll.
Fishing mom........Not worried about Friday the 13th....I was born on a Friday. Lucky Me.
Catsmeow.....Love the kitten singing to me.
Fishingagain.....Since last year I keep the firefighters on standby.
6/11/2014 5:54:16 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Brockton, MA
71, joined Dec. 2009
[URL=http://media.photobucket.com/user/leslie_may/media/Birthday.jpg.html] [/URL]
[Edited 6/11/2014 5:54:58 PM ]
6/11/2014 5:59:29 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
I can't believe it... How can one person have so many Birthdays... Geeeeezzee
..............Well Happy Birthday again..
......................You ever notice how fast they come around now..???  
Birthdays need to get faster as we get older as otherwise we may not make it to over 100  
6/11/2014 6:02:25 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Brockton, MA
71, joined Dec. 2009
Photobucket just not working for me tonight .
Hope you have a great Birthday Gayle 
6/11/2014 6:20:28 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Upton, MA
68, joined May. 2013

6/11/2014 6:38:55 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Lake Alfred, FL
61, joined Aug. 2008
Photobucket just not working for me tonight .
Hope you have a great Birthday Gayle 
use the IMG code not the IMG thumb code or use the HTML code, either one wont give you all the extras on either end, stay away from the thumb links. 

6/11/2014 6:45:21 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


El Dorado, AR
74, joined May. 2009
online now!
Happy, happy Birthday Lady and many moreeeeeeeeeeee
6/11/2014 7:00:12 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Brockton, MA
71, joined Dec. 2009
Mom I believe that I used the IMG code . Tried both codes and got the same thing
[Edited 6/11/2014 7:00:31 PM ]
6/11/2014 7:03:18 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Lake Alfred, FL
61, joined Aug. 2008
try another, just the IMG code, not the one that says IMG THUMB

6/11/2014 7:23:19 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Brockton, MA
71, joined Dec. 2009
Still get the same thing 
[Edited 6/11/2014 7:26:03 PM ]
6/11/2014 7:37:11 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Lake Alfred, FL
61, joined Aug. 2008
thats the IMG thumb code
here is just the IMG code

6/11/2014 7:47:01 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Brockton, MA
71, joined Dec. 2009
Used the only one that was available 
6/11/2014 7:48:33 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Lake Alfred, FL
61, joined Aug. 2008
then before hitting post, delete the URL stuff before the IMG code starts an after it so that all you see is IMG codes at beginning an end of pic. 
6/11/2014 7:53:55 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Brockton, MA
71, joined Dec. 2009
.http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w331/poli_66/untitled1.jpg' />[/URL]
6/11/2014 7:58:50 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Lake Alfred, FL
61, joined Aug. 2008
not sure whats going on with your photobucket then 
[Edited 6/11/2014 7:59:49 PM ]
6/11/2014 7:59:34 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Brockton, MA
71, joined Dec. 2009
I give up. Never had trouble with Photo bucket before 
6/11/2014 8:44:09 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jul. 2013

6/11/2014 8:51:14 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Wishing you an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Have a wonderful trip and sensational day the 14th. 
I will cheer you along the entire day ....
6/11/2014 9:20:09 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Roanoke, VA
65, joined Jul. 2012
Happy Birthday Miss Gayle....I hope you have lots of fun on your special day 
6/12/2014 8:26:13 AM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

De Witt, IA
63, joined Nov. 2011
Miss Gayle, wishing you a wonderful birthday and a safe adventure.
[URL=http://s1276.photobucket.com/user/barb1917/media/24339.gif.html] [/URL]
6/12/2014 8:28:18 AM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Cedar Grove, WV
73, joined Mar. 2008
online now!
I wonder what age gayle will decide to be this year.
6/12/2014 10:31:52 AM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Upton, MA
68, joined May. 2013
I wonder what age gayle will decide to be this year. 
Or next month I may have had the day wrong, Gayle but my intentions were good Enjoy your special day 
6/12/2014 11:45:48 AM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Marshfield, MO
76, joined Jun. 2010
Dang wrote a long message thanking everyone but my computer froze up and I lost it 
Maybe I'll try it again in a shorter version................
6/12/2014 11:54:08 AM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Minneapolis, MN
68, joined Oct. 2010
Happy Birthday Miss Gayle!
I was trying to post a Happy Birthday picture from PhotoBucket, but this piece of crap DH kept throwing an error screen. So......
Happy Birthday Miss Gayle! I hope it is an awesome day for you!   
6/12/2014 11:55:13 AM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Marshfield, MO
76, joined Jun. 2010
Dear Hearts and Gentle People and all others.....thank you for making my Birthday special.
Oooooh and Fishing ...quit fussing over photobucket and fuzz over me 
Star...I'm planning on making it to 105
Jade .....glad someone noticed my NEW age
Denimjeans...thanks for showing up for my birthday...we don't see enough of you.
Sheza...If all that comes with 60 what will happen when I turn 75?
Shar....thanks for the good wishes....now...what did you really want to say? 
Laff.....are you making fun of me?
Barb...Thanks for the good wishes.
Louie...this year I'm turning 60
Jade....Birthday is Friday the 13th...the same day I was born on...lucky for me 
6/12/2014 12:07:53 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Marshfield, MO
76, joined Jun. 2010
Thanks Bub....you snuck in on me............
6/12/2014 12:38:26 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Upton, MA
68, joined May. 2013
So..........tomorrow is Friday the 13th, a full moon and your Birthday........ 
Holy Sh@#........It's probably a good thing you'll be on the road. I can't imagine what you'd have in store for us 
Have a safe trip, lady!!
6/12/2014 1:00:29 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Marshfield, MO
76, joined Jun. 2010
I am impatiently waiting for my Man Cake with his candle and my bottle of Baileys
6/12/2014 1:08:18 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Upton, MA
68, joined May. 2013
You have to finish packing first 
then you can have your cake and eat it too 
6/12/2014 2:33:45 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Lake Alfred, FL
61, joined Aug. 2008
Oooooh and Fishing ...quit fussing over photobucket and fuzz over me
Jiminy Crickets, I sure hope you get..... uhhhh a nice gift so you aint so dang cranky and bossy! 

6/12/2014 4:21:50 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Lake Alfred, FL
61, joined Aug. 2008
This just in from New Lady since she cant post...
"Windy I hope this Birthday is one you will always remember *hug* "
6/12/2014 5:35:38 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
Happy Belated Birthday Gayle - hope you had a great one.
6/12/2014 7:26:49 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Pfafftown, NC
61, joined Mar. 2008
I am impatiently waiting for my Man Cake with his candle and my bottle of Baileys
Here you go Gayle. . . 

6/12/2014 7:41:30 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Marshfield, MO
76, joined Jun. 2010
I'm gonna by LICKING off all the frosting..................
6/12/2014 7:42:02 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Brockton, MA
71, joined Dec. 2009
Oooooh and Fishing ...quit fussing over photobucket and fuzz over me 
What do you think all that trying to post was about??? had a nice hot candle attached to a big hunk for you but couldn't get it up here. 
6/12/2014 7:45:24 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Lake Alfred, FL
61, joined Aug. 2008
6/13/2014 11:03:07 AM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Marysville, MI
65, joined Jun. 2009
Wondering if Birthday girl has left for TX yet
Wondering what kind of weather she will travel through
Wondering if she packed everything she needed (or "too" much)
Wondering if she knows we are thinking of her and wishing her a Happy Birthday
~ Okay ~~~ That should do it
~ We will worry about everything
~ You just have a great time !!!
~ (the steed is wondering if your going to save him a slice (big slice) of cake)
6/14/2014 9:24:47 AM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Hope you are in your birthday suit this morning enjoying the start of your birthday celebration. ... ......
6/14/2014 9:42:01 AM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Upton, MA
68, joined May. 2013
Dear Hearts and Gentle People and all others.....thank you for making my Birthday special.
Oooooh and Fishing ...quit fussing over photobucket and fuzz over me
Jade....Birthday is Friday the 13th...the same day I was born on...lucky for me 

Of course she was born on a Friday the 13th. Gayle does everything in a spectacular way 
Hope she enjoyed her day and that the road trip is going well 
6/14/2014 2:57:56 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Somehow I do have a difficult time keeping up with Gayle's age or Birthday date. I wonder why??? .....
I know it is because I want to be 60 again. ....
6/17/2014 6:52:47 PM |
Roast her or toast her_Gayle's having a birthday_ |


Marysville, MI
65, joined Jun. 2009
Now that Gayle is away on her birthday thingy
~ Does anyone know what day it is ?
~ The Horse keeps telling me its
"Feed me Friday"
~I think he's trying to pull my leg
(But, What do I know) 
~ Hurry home Gayle ~ The horse seems to be gaining weight